Billy Connolly | Windswept & Interesting

“I was too young to be a Teddy Boy. When I was a schoolboy - around 13 or 14 years old - I saw a great Teddy Boy in the ar t galleries in Glasgow. I saw many Teddy Boys on the street, but this guy was amazing. He was just a Teddy Boy from his head to his toes, with his suede beetle crusher shoes, drainpipe trousers, draped jacket, and velvet collar and cuffs. “He had an earring; I’d never seen a man with an earring before. He was with his girlfriend, and she looked great as well. They were in the ar t galleries and they looked like an exhibit. I thought they were brilliant and that I’d like to be one of them, but by the time I got old enough, it was gone.”


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