202502 Patterson Post

Power on Your Terms Introducing the PWR Pair Device


Every patient provides unique challenges and you have the power to choose how to care for them. The new PWR Pair piezo scaler and air polisher gives you the choice of sub- and supragingival calculus and stain removal, biofilm disruption, and implant cleaning, all-in-one , to make powerful decisions. Your Patient. Your Power.

BUY 1 PWR Pair Device 101709143

GET 2 PWR Piezo Tips AND 2 Boxes of PWR Perio Powder at no additional charge*

Promo Code 3360 | Visit HuFriedyGroup.com/PWR

O‰er(s) valid in Canada only. Participation is not permitted for customers who participate in any other pricing program, including government, group practices, special markets, community health centres, schools, institutions, and discount customers. This o‰er cannot be combined with any other o‰er or promotion. To get your at no additional charge product(s), please fax a copy of your Patterson invoice dated January 1-March 31, 2025 indicating the required buys and your at no additional charge goods selection to 773-694-1971 or by email to redemptions@hu-friedy.com. Proofs of purchases may be used for marketing purposes. Redemption must be postmarked by April 30, 2025. *Equal or lesser value.

Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC, 1666 E. Touhy Ave., Des Plaines, IL 60018 | HuFriedyGroup.com All company and product names are trademarks of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC its affiliates or related companies, unless otherwise noted. Marks not registered in all jurisdictions. ©2025 Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. All rights reserved. 2501

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2024-12-23 11:42 AM

UNRIVALED SUPPORT. TM Prices and promotions subject to change without notice. Prices do not necessarily reflect the product shown in the photos.


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