202502 Patterson Post

Elevate Your Practice Invest n opertor equpment wth confdence—dscover the DCI Ede Seres 5, feturn  comprehensve rne of products desned to enhnce effcenc nd stremlne offce opertons Experence hh-qult, dependble equpment wth unmtched vlue, bced b four decdes of expertse n the dentl ndustr Explore DCI Ede products, desned, developed nd bult n the USA dcedecom


Spe to our Ptterson representtve for more nformton

DCI Post 202502 EN.indd 1

2025-01-09 9:45 AM

EARN. REDEEM. REPEAT. IT’S THAT EASY. Please contact your Patterson Sales Representative to find out how to join PATTERSON ADVANTAGE NOW!

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