2024–2025 Red&Gold Magazine

ANNUAL REPORT 2023–2024 Fiscal Year



To provide an excellent education for boys at the elementary level.

To attract a diverse student body of strong academic potential.

To provide a school committed to intellectual inquiry and rigor, centered in the Episcopal tradition, respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs.

To develop social responsibility through exemplary programs of outreach and service. To create a community bonded by open-heartedness, hope, compassion, and concern.

47 Message From the Head of School 49 Board of Trustees 50 Operating Budget IN THIS REPORT

51 Total Voluntary Giving 52 Honor Roll of Donors 55 Cathedral School Fund Leadership & Volunteers 57 Honor Roll of Alumni Donors

58 Gifts to Endowed Funds 58 The Guardian Society

59 Longest Consecutive Donors 59 Corporate and Matching Gifts 59 Planned Gifts

60 Grandparent Giving 61 Parents Association

62 Celebration 2024: Cathedral Takes Flight! 63 Celebration 2024: Sponsors & Donors 64 2024 Fund-A-Need: STEAM Lab 65 Honor and Memorial Gifts

46 | cathedral school for boys

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