2024–2025 Red&Gold Magazine

message from the head of school

Reflecting on Past Accomplishments and Future Priorities T he foundation of our 2024–2029 Strategic Plan was laid during Launching the 2024–2029 Strategic Plan

the 2020–2021 academic year, following the conclusion of our last fundraising campaign. At that time, we made a conscious decision to prioritize support for our teachers before directing resources toward facilities. This commitment led to the raising of

In the 2022–2023 academic year, the Board of Trustees officially launched the 2024–2029 strategic planning process. Our approach began with thorough research and the formation of three specialized subcommittees of the Strategic Planning Committee, each focusing on a key area: our academic program, faculty and staff support, and facilities. To ensure expertise, we

approximately $5 million in endowment funds dedicated to enhancing faculty and staff salaries and benefits. Alongside this, we launched the Community Scholars Program, an initiative aimed at providing opportunities to boys from underrepresented backgrounds in the

engaged subject-specific consultants rather than a single strategic planning consultant. We partnered with Independent School Management to evaluate and strengthen our academic program for the future. A marketing consultant analyzed local demographics

Our goal is to ensure that we remain a leader in academic excellence not just for the coming years, but for generations to come.

fifth and sixth grades, ensuring access to Cathedral School for high-achieving, under-represented students. In total, we raised $21 million and were able to renovate classrooms in our two main hallways and create our two new commons areas. These accomplishments allowed us to bring our previous Strategic Plan to a successful conclusion.

and how the San Francisco market perceives our school. Architects explored ways to expand our facilities to meet a variety of programmatic needs. And most recently, we enlisted a second marketing firm to translate this research into actionable steps. Their work includes revising our Mission Statement, revising our website, and fortifying our position in the market.

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