Vision 2025 01 15

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La 33e édition de la campagne des lutins de Noël de Valoris a établi un nouveau record grâce à la générosité de la communauté de Prescott et Russell. Le matin de Noël, 753 enfants et ado- lescents se sont réveillés pour trouver des cadeaux qui les attendaient sous leur sapin. Le succès de la campagne de cette année met en lumière les efforts collectifs et l’esprit communautaire des habitants de Prescott et Russell. Les familles de la région ont pu profiter d’une fête de Noël inoubliable grâce à cette initiative. « Nous sommes profondément recon- naissants envers la Fondation Valoris, nos équipes et nos partenaires communautaires pour leur engagement sans faille et leur travail acharné, qui ont permis à cette cam- pagne de briller une fois de plus. Grâce à vos dons, à la distribution de cadeaux et aux nombreuses actions menées dans la région, nous avons réussi à apporter des sourires sur le visage de plusieurs centaines d’enfants de Prescott-Russell », a exprimé Caroline Granger, directrice générale de Valoris. Les résultats de cette année dépassent les records des années précédentes, avec 682 enfants et adolescents ayant reçu des cadeaux en 2023, 592 en 2022 et 480 en

Wrapping up another year meant wrapping up more gifts. This year’s 33rd Valoris Christmas Elves campaign has brought 753 presents for children and teenagers across the region, over 70 more than the previous year. (Provided by the Valoris Foundation)

2021. La croissance constante du soutien démontre l’engagement croissant de la communauté à aider les familles dans le besoin. Valoris et la Fondation Valoris ont exprimé leur sincère gratitude aux commerçants, associations, organismes, professionnels, commissions scolaires, bénévoles et résidents de Prescott-Russell pour leurs généreuses contributions et leur soutien indéfectible à cette importante initiative.

« C’est toujours un immense privilège de collaborer avec Valoris et la commu- nauté pour faire vivre cette campagne. Elle incarne notre volonté commune de soutenir le bien-être des familles et des enfants de notre région », a souligné Jean Lalonde,

gestionnaire principal de la Fondation Valoris. Cette réalisation record rappelle l’enga- gement de la communauté à rendre les fêtes de fin d’année plus joyeuses pour les familles dans le besoin.

GABRIELLE VINETTE NO UPDATE FOR LACK OF INTERNET IN UCDSB SCHOOLS education sector. The board confirmed that its current incident does not appear to be SFMBUFEUPUIF1PXFS4DIPPMCSFBDI BOEOP notification has been received to suggest otherwise.


Recovery efforts are ongoing as the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) continues to work on resto- ring network access and digital tools following a cyber incident. With the assistance of cybersecurity experts, the board aims to return to normal operations across its schools. "TPGUIFMBTUVQEBUFGSPNUIF6$%4#PO Friday, Jan. 10, schools remain open, and some key services are beginning to come back online. 5IF6$%4#BDLOPXMFEHFTUIBUUIFDVS - rent situation is far from business as usual. Parents and guardians are encouraged to call schools directly to report absences or contact staff, as automated systems and EJHJUBMQMBUGPSNTMJLF.Z'BNJMZ3PPNSFNBJO offline. Registration services are available in person at all schools, ensuring new students can still enroll despite the disruption. 5IF6$%4#BMTPBEESFTTFEDPODFSOT about a separate cybersecurity breach invol- WJOH1PXFS4DIPPM BTPGUXBSFQSPWJEFSGPSUIF

While the technological disruptions are significant, they do not pose a risk to student safety. .BOVBMQSPDFTTFTGPSBUUFOEBODFBOE communication have been implemented to ensure operations continue. The board described the situation as a “learning oppor- tunity” for staff and students adjusting to a non-digital environment. 5IF6$%4#PWFSTFFTNPSFUIBOTDIP - ols across Eastern Ontario, all of which have been impacted by the incident. 6QEBUFTSFHBSEJOHUIFSFDPWFSZQSPDFTT XJMMDPOUJOVFUPCFTIBSFEPOUIF6$%4# website at 5IF6$%4#FYQSFTTFEHSBUJUVEFGPSUIF patience and understanding of parents, staff, and students as they navigate the complexities of restoring services. At the time of publication, a request for DPNNFOUGSPNUIF6$%4#IBEOPUCFFO answered.


The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) is set to launch an ambitious new sports program in 2025, called All-In Sports, aimed at expan- ding athletic opportunities for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 across Prescott-Russell, and Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry. If successful, the pilot program could pave the way for wider access to sports and physical activities throughout the district, BDDPSEJOHUPUIF6$%4# ‘As a former physical education teacher, coach, and huge supporter of student athle- tics, I am thrilled that we are in a position to make the significant financial commitment necessary for this enhanced and expanded sports league that will benefit all of our TUVEFOUT TUBUFE6$%4#$IBJS+BNJF4DIPV - lar, citing its potential to transform student athletics in the region. The initiative focuses on inclusivity, provi- ding all interested young athletes the chance to learn and play sports in a structured and supportive environment. The program will emphasize local competitions, allowing more students to participate in a greater number of sporting events. Participants will have access to both tra- ditional sports like basketball, soccer, and volleyball, and lesser-known activities such as handball, korfball, and ultimate frisbee. *NQPSUBOUMZ "MM*O4QPSUTXJMMDPNQMFNFOU

existing intramural programs rather than replace them, further enriching the extra- curricular offerings for students. The program will be offered at no cost to families, marking a substantial financial JOWFTUNFOUCZUIF6$%4#*UXJMMBEIFSFUP best practices developed by the Coaching Association of Canada and Ophea to ensure a safe, engaging, and valuable experience for young athletes. A steering committee, comprising educa- tors, coaches, and community members, has been established to guide the initiative. The program has also partnered with the Rick Hansen Foundation, further enhancing its scope and impact. Currently, 20 schools are participating in the pilot, with over 25 additional schools expressing interest in joining. The UCDSB’s new All-In Sports program, offered at no additional cost, hopes to provide wider access to sports to students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 throughout the district. (Photo provided by UCDSB)





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