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%*a message from the editor * .I-J.-S dtLehAcuuL EDUCATIONAL IN S A N IT Y
JULY-AUGUST, 1970 / Vol. 61 / No. 7 Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home THE KING’S BUSINESS LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638 THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine is a publication of BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, President. Article»: America Chooses—Rebirth or Oblivion William Ward Ayer 8 I Am the American Flag Maryiee Van Dyken 10 Wanted: Leaders/ Gordon Chilvers 12 Sex andOurTeenagers/ William S. Deal 16 The Spirit Strengthens / Lehman Strauss 19 Suicides Can Go Jump/ William L Coleman 22 MoreWays thanOne / Dorothy C. Haskin 24 To Law Enforcement Officials J. Edgar Hoover 28 Presumingon God's Mercy / J. B. Rowell 30 Feature»: Message fromthe Editor Samuel H. Sutherland 3 Cult’s Critique / Betty Bruechert 5 Over a Cup ofCoffee / Joyce Landorf 6 Innovations in Learning / H. Norman Wright 15 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box/ Louis T. Talbot 26 Talking it Over / Clyde M. Narramore 27 People in the News 29 Book Highlights and Reviews 32 Cover: Summer Wildflowers in Central Arizona. Photo by Ken Farson Editor: S. H. SUTHERLAND Managing Editor: BILL EHMANN Art Director: JOHN OZMON Copy Editor: BETTY BRUECHERT Christian Education Editor: H. NORMAN WRIGHT Circulation Manager LOUISE POND Treasurer: PAUL SCHWEPKER Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is pub- lished monthly with the exception of July/ August issue which is combined. U.S., its posses sions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Add 90 cents extra for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Allow one month for a change of address to become effec tive. Please send both old and new address. Remittances should be made by bankdraft. ex press, or post office money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For informa tion address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Ave„ La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSI NESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consid eration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California.
T his editor does not believe that the United States actually has gone “ down the drain” so far as its academic structure and work are concerned. However, he admits that we are witnessing one of the most incredible and severe periods of testing through which our beloved land has ever gone. The spectacle of a loud-mouthed minority of student dissenters who have thrown reason to the winds and sense lessly, wantonly and deliberately are going about to burn, harass, destroy, intimidate and indulge in practically all forms of violence is shocking beyond words. One cannot but ask: “ Just who do they think they are anyway, to make such outlandish demands while remaining completely indifferent to the rights of the vast majority of students who are in school to learn and make something of themselves?” There is neither rhyme nor reason, point nor purpose, in their pre posterous claims and in their lawless actions. They themselves have not the slightest idea what they want except to wreak destruction upon the university and “ the establishment.” It is a revolting scene, but there is something worse! This is the reprehensible part all too many faculty members are playing as they side with these irrespon sible and at times vicious campus rioters. The unbelievable problems that faces this generation is that of those faculty members in both public and private institutions who choose to pervert the basic intent of academic freedom. Under the guise of academic freedom, these teachers in our institutions of higher learning are getting by with a latitude that is incomprehensible because they are not obliged to give an account to anyone. They have become a law unto themselves. Once under tenure, they claim the right to do or say anything they wish and no one can do a thing about it. The public pays their salaries, which in most cases is a handsome one indeed, even for times like these. At the same time they are free from any responsibility toward that public. There is no other area of life in the professions or industry to compare with the privileges and liberties a university professor enjoys. He can march, demonstrate, rip and tear to pieces the very institution which is providing his living, and under the umbrella of academic freedom, not even the college or university president may interfere. Academic freedom began as a noble concept, which would enable a real scholar to study and engage in research in the area of his interests without fear of hindrance or curtailment. The 1940 statement of academic freedom of the AAUP (American Association of University Professors) includes: " , . . he should be careful not to introduce into his teaching controversial matter which has no relation to his subject.” Also, “ As a man of learning and an educational officer, he should remember that the public may judge his profession and his institution by his utterances. Hence, he should at all times be accurate, should exer cise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that he is not an institutional spokesman.” But it was never intended to furnish a professor license to tear down the institution providing him with this sanctuary as well as his livelihood. It is wrong, it is wicked, it is unthinkable that such professors should be permitted to go on their merry way, at public expense, without being accountable to some one. The abuse of academic freedom ought to bring about appropri ate penalties. Its proper use is essential to the pursuit of learning; anything beyond that is license. The utter folly of this whole situation is pointed up by the fact
that in most institutions once a president appoints a faculty member, and that professor obtains tenure, even the president cannot touch him. He is not responsible in the least to the president, or to the board of trustees or to anyone else. Some may say he is responsible to his peers but frequently his peers are so jealous for their own academic freedom that they would refuse to place any limitations on his. Professors of former generations— some superb educational giants — held their calling in such high esteem they refused even to stoop to the level of petty campus politics. But today, more and more faculty members, are prostituting their noble profession, and degrading them selves by aiding and abetting the howling, emotionally-charged mobs of radical students. Thus they have reached their level and have lost any semblance of influence over them. These liberal, conscience-less professors would destroy the very foundations of our civilization. Some way, somehow, these individuals must be made responsible to au thority which will either force them to do what they were hired to do— namely, to instruct student classes in the area of their special ized studies— or to get them away from the public financial “ feeding- trough.” They should be discharged and obliged to get out and do some other work for a living. The public is outraged at the disclosure of faculty members being allowed to present students in the nude in a demonstration before their classes. The public is outraged at the knowledge that a well- known Communist is allowed to instruct and indoctrinate in her lec tures the ideals and purposes of Communism, while at the same time she loudly boasts that she is doing all possible to tear apart the United States. The public is outraged with the fact that these professors are indulging in the sit-ins, lie-ins, marches and demon strations which are carried on with the express purpose of demolish ing our whole system of higher education. At the same time they are readily accepting as large a salary as they can possibly wheedle out of an indulgent administration. The public is outraged at the mani festation of these faculty members defying all law and order and going on their perverted ways without restriction. Although the tax-payer provides the salary for these characters, he has nothing to say about their conduct and their influence upon the students. This is wrong— absolutely wrong! Somewhere along the way there must be legislation to put a stop to this educational insanity. This is not academic freedom, this is academic license of the most sordid type. Every other employee of a college or university is responsible to a superior, from the president down to the caretaker. But these faculty members claim to be an absolute law unto themselves. In every business and in all levels of government, individuals are responsible to those higher up. Not so these faculty members! It is impossible to imagine a situation more offensive or more dangerous. To a large extent the next generation is in the hand of the educator and if he is unworthy, what will become of young people?! Of course, there is a brighter picture, thank God! In addition to the sensible faculty members in many troubled institutions, there are many Christian colleges in this country whose faculty members are thoroughly dedicated to the ideology and doctrinal position of their schools. They hold the teaching profession as a sacred trust and con stantly strive to be a credit to the classroom in every way. They are the ones who by precept and example are shaping a group of youth whose hearts are right with God, whose minds are alert and whose steps are ordered of the Lord. These teachers and students are the real hope of tomorrow. It is sad indeed that there are not more of this type of institution of higher learning. Biola College is humbly proud to be in this particular category. In every facet of its work the school covets your earnest prayers and deserves your enthusiastic support. THE KING’S BUSINESS
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Cults’ Critique by Betty Brueehert The Kabalarians
It has been asked whether the Kabalarians are a lodge or a cult. While they call themselves, "The Kabalarian Fraternal Organization,” their literature indicates that first of all, they are dabblers in religion. They resemble thousands of cults devoted to ontology or science of being, and are but another do-it- yourself, save-you rseIf-by-you r-own- mind, pseudo-scientific group, a hodge-podge of ideas from Unity, Christian Science, Science of Mind, Rosicrucianism, and the like, com bined with Oriental mysticism and pantheism. Indeed, the founder, Al fred J. Parker, in his publication, “ The Kabalarian Philosophy," ac knowledges his indebtedness to “ a very beautiful and spiritual soul in the person of Swami Rai Mohan Dutta, a very highly-educated Holy Man, fluent in seven languages, who had attained Spiritual Master ship. . . . I became acquainted with Swami when in the U.S. and was privileged to associate with him and study under him for sev eral years. His boundless wisdom and sincere spiritual nature in spired me to continue my quest for the hidden Principle behind the WHY . . . ? Why does the darkness glow so bright Above that sleeping town . . . ? It is because all heaven bends To bring the Saviour down. Why does He come—a little Child
mysteries of life, and in due time I found the key, by the Swami's aid. It is this key that formed the basis and the foundation of the Kabalari an Philosophy. It was he — pos sessed by mystic powers — who told me that it was my mission to formulate a religion that would combine the spiritual concept of the East and scientific concept of the West into one harmonious whole.” Headquarters of this cult are in Vancouver, B.C., Canada but alas, it is said to be spreading to our lovely California, the hapless vic tim of all the weird systems in the world. The terminology is similar to many non-Christian cults, “ Di vine Mind,” “ Christ P rin c ip le ,” “ Oneness of Things” ; and the claim to solve every human problem is familiar too. Parker specializes on Mathematics, stating, “ God is the Great Geometrician, the mathemati cal manifestation; everything lies in numbers.” But there is no answer in this sect to man’s sin and his need of a Saviour; Christ’s atone ment is not referred to; it is a dry, dead, heartless, lifeless, godless, human system, without hope, heav en or salvation.
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That none may say He never knew The poorest of the poor. Why does He have but shepherds’ praise And strangers from afar . . . ? It is because they stop to read The glory and the star. And why is He without a crown, Without a kingly throne... ? That one day He may bear thy sin On yonder hill alone. —Ruth Gibbs Zwall
Upon a maiden’s breast...? It is because He shares with men Our pain and helplessness. And does He pass the palace by For that rude stable door . . . ?
was asked a question and each an swered, then another question was answer. Some questions ran like: 1. What is your favorite color and why? 2. If you could have ANYTHING to eat right now, what would you choose and why? 3. What do you like the most about your job and what do you dislike the most? When I ran out of run-of-the-mill type questions I asked, “ What is the most marvelous ability your wife (or husband) possess? Dr. Sutherland endeared himself to me forever with his answer. I can still see him that day as we drove along the Oregon coast. He leaned back, and since Eleanor, his wife, was not with us, it seemed he looked a trifle lonely. He got this sly little smile on his face and said, “ My wife — well, my wife has one GREAT trait. She knows when to talk to me and she knows when to just sit and be quiet and NOT talk to me.” Then he explained that sometimes in the pressured atmos phere of leading a college there were days when he needed her to prime him, talk out and hash over the events of the day. But her talent was in immediately sensing when a different set of pressures de manded silence from the whole house — including her. Then she would take out her book or sewing and quietly sit beside him, some times the entire evening. "Yes,” he ended, “ she’s always known when to be quiet.” He paid her a tribute and I mar veled that the man had been per ceptive enough to sense it in the first place. Being talkative comes quite easy for most of us; understanding and realizing when to be quiet is much more illusive. Sometimes a quiet, serene face with a gentle look of “ I care, Darling” is the loveliest gift we can give to a well-balanced marriage. Thank you, Dr. Sutherland, for all the great and glorious things you've done, but I thank you most of all for teaching me a lesson in love.
Over ¿ ^ G û p 0J Goffe©
by Joyce Landorf
D oubtless many great and glori ous things will be said and written about Dr. Samuel H. Suth erland — especially now that he has resigned as president of Biola College (which brings me to wonder why people— including me— have to wait until someone retires to pay tribute to him). I shall not even try to write “ great and glorious" things about him because I care too much about him. His many years at Biola have established him as a man of prin ciple and steadfastness. Under his leadership the college and seminary have affected hundreds of thou sands of lives; only Heaven will produce the final tally. I love him because he’s my friend and because of a game we played one day several years ago. Al Sanders asked me to tour with the Biola team as the soloist for three weeks of Bible confer ences, one week at Mount Hermon, one at the Firs in Washington and a week traveling in between with a service each night. The week in between con fe rences was ANY THING but boring, but because we were all getting a little weary, I
started a game in motion. Each person in the car (there were nine — it was a large station wagon) A MOTHER’S PRAYER As I hold my own baby, So close to my breast, With the tiny soft fingers Like pink rosebuds pressed, Do I think of that Baby Of heavenly birth, Who came bringing hope To the mothers of earth? As I clasp my own baby, So close, with a prayer That the Saviour will keep us With all-watchful care, Do I think of the mothers Whose mute, nameless fears Bow them low to blind gods With dumb lips and deaf ears ? In my home where my child Is a gift from the Lord, Where the mother is honored, The baby adored, Do I think of far lands, Where at breaking of day, The unwanted babies Are carried away ? 0 Father, who gavest My baby to me, May the love of my child Bring me closer to Thee, May the children of earth Who know not Thy Son Be more precious to me Because of my own.
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AM ER ICA Chooses Rebirth or Oblivion! by William Ward Ayer
A startling title; but ours is a tragic hour! We cele brate Patriot’s Day the first year of the seventh decade of our century with trepidation, because the evil possibilities of our industrial, lawless, morally permissive age stand defiant and menacing. En tangled in an Asian war which has become “ the jungle road to nowhere,” we find our President hero ically trying to extricate us from this tragedy. At home the blight of wide unrest plagues us: labor seethes, students riot, schools in many places are deep in racial strife. America’s home life, school life, church life, social life is radically changed. And now we face the ecological tragedy— pollution! Earth, water and air are dangerously contaminated. Greedy, wealth-producing procedures that threaten all life on this planet, which appears to be the only inhabitable one in our solar system, must be faced and elimi nated. Serious-minded scientists warn that without deep and disciplined change we may not survive the century. Shall we “ go out” with an atomic “ bang” or wither away with a whimper in a choking and starving environment? This is the most serious hour of history. We seem to see the soon fulfillment of God’s prophecy, and unless repentance and restitution take place, our na tion could become “ one with Nineveh and Tyre.” How could our nation, so nobly conceived and dedicated, reach such an impasse? Our nation was born and cradled in Christian godliness and integrity. We think of Pilgrim, Puritan, Quaker, Baptist, Pres byterian, and other God-fearing folk who sought “ a faith’s pure shrine.” But we forget that the American colonies existed a hundred and fifty-six years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 8
The moral and spiritual trend was downward dur ing the hundred and fifty years. When America be came involved in the Revolution, she had a two-fold battle to fight: first, against the tyranny of George III, ad second, against the atheism and degenerating im morality of the French Revolution. At the time of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, there was so much inner dissension among the delegates that it did not seem likely that the new-born Republic would survive, and without divine protection and leadership it could not have survived. America was truly born of God’s providence and leadership. An historian tells us that the latter part of the 18th century saw a low moral and spiritual sag in American life. The holy flame of faith and purity which had been kindled on the American continent by the founding fathers was all but quenched when our na tion was born. For twenty-five years preceding the formation of our Constitution the tide of godliness had receded, leaving mud-fiats of moral and political evil, similar to our own time everywhere throughout the nation. The greatest influence for ungodliness was sig nificantly the French Revolution. Voltaire had not only filled France with his irreligión but also had world wide influence as well. Bolingbroke was sowing down England with infidelity, and even Thomas Jefferson had come back from France temporarily contami nated. As in our day, drunkards filled the land. Sabbath desecration and social looseness viciously blighted the little nation, as it destroys our land today. The spirit of carnal indulgence, lasciviousnes, permeated THE KING’S BUSINESS
the land. One historian says that George Washing ton's letters written during those years were dark with pessimism. To a friend he wrote that he saw only the “ dark night of anarchy” ahead. How could liberty live in such an atmosphere? It could not, had not God intervened, and had not genuine Christian citizenship rallied to the challenge. Intimate history of the times tells of significant divine interposition in the little nation's life. In the midst of the quarreling Constitutional Congress that seemed about to disband and thereby fail to form the Union, Benjamin Franklin with masterful states manship called the Assembly to prayer, saying: "How has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Fa ther of Lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with Britain, when we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard; and they were graciously answered. And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance? I have lived, Sir, a long time; and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God gov erns in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?” He concluded presenting a motion: “ That hence forth prayers, imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on the deliberations be held in this As sembly every morning before we proceed to busi ness.” In a short time the Constitution, which William Pitt, England’s Prime Minister, said would be “ the wonder and admiration of all future generations, and the model of all future constitutions," was complet ed. God was working, and so were many of the clergy. French revolutionary infidelity had perverted thou sands of the people, but in the main the clergy re mained biblically true. For years the colonial church had been in a state of pitiful apathy, but a great ‘ proportion of the ministry would not capitulate to the vicious vaporings of Voltaire, Rousseau, and Robespierre, nor to those of Tom Paine, who while patriotic, was also agnostic. The clergy were largely theistic and evangelical. They believed the Book that says, “ Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” They had been trained in the Christian philosophy of history, believing in sin, repentance, salvation and eternal judgment, knowing that if the people did not repent and turn to God, there was little hope for the continuance of the infant Republic; without God’s intervention, it would be throttled in its cradle. Harvard and Yale in that day were still training places in biblical faith for the clergy. German ration alism and Russian Marxism had not turned them into places where subversives could be incubated. They knew nothing of a “ dead God” or of “ permissive ethics,” nor were they bitten by the socialistic bug. The record says that twenty-three New England JULY/AUGUST, 1970
preachers sent out a manifesto to the religious lead ers of the thirteen colonies, calling the nation to prayer and revival. This is the need of Christian c iti zenship in this tragic hour. Ministers of the Gospel started preaching with greater zeal, their messages being characterized by increased sincerity and spiritual fervor. Churches that had been like morgues for decades once more be came centers of life and activity. The forces and pow er were generated in the churches in that day; in ours, very little dependence is placed in theologically sound Christian citizenry. The halls of vacillating congress and the radical philosophies of the univer sity are continually sought for salvation. These godly clergymen, together with a concerned Christian citizenry that was percentage-wise as much of a minority as we are today, prayed, preached and witnessed till a genuine revival swept the nation. The awakening turned the tide of national life, banished unbelief, elevated moral standards, stabilized the' economic structure, vitalized patriotic sentiment, saved a multitude of souls, and created a religious momentum that made possible great revivals in the land in practically every generation until World War II. Basically, today’s problems are religious ones. The redemptive Gospel, believed at least intellectually in that day, has departed. Much of our education is telling us that man is supreme in the universe, self- sufficient and perfectly able by scientific education, and whole sections of the church accept the premise. But history reveals that man, left to himself, sinks lower and lower; he possesses no inherent power to regenerate himself. He must seek the operation of a Higher Power. Moral reform without spiritual re generation is at its best only partial and temporary. History shows clearly that REBIRTH by the power of God is necessary. That rebirth must not only be faith fully preached by the pulpit but also sacrificially prac ticed by the Christian citizenry. When at the beginning of this nation’s existence we were threatened by the atheistic pollution of the French Revolution, dedicated patriotic Christians and their churches saved the day. In this day when the blight of Marxism foments almost every destructive attack upon us and there is no cure except the inter vention of the redeeming Christ. Sin and unrighteous ness, moral indifference and political chicanery have laid their blighting hands upon us. It’s time that we repented, and cried, “ Master, carest thou not that we perish?" Perish we will, unless this proud, possessive, materialistically-affluent, but morally and spiritually impoverished nation, turns to God in deep repentance. The issue is as simple as that in this crucial hour: AMERICA CHOOSES— REBIRTH OR OBLIVION! Con tinuance of our God-called, God-blessed Republic rests in the Christian integrity, the courageous pa triotism and the constant activism against all cor ruption of her genuinely regenerated, truly changed people. ■ 9
T oday, I would like to portray to you what I feel our United States flag would say to the Ameri can people if it could speak. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! I symbolize liberty and freedom! Some call me Old Glory, some the Stars and Stripes, the Red, White, and Blue, the Star-Spangled Banner. The courage and the vision, the sufferings and the hardships of those who founded this nation, the sacrifice of those who have died to preserve it are in the red of my stripes. The greatness of Washington and the noble minds and motives of such as Jefferson and Lincoln are in the white of my stripes. The principles which must stand fast and a trust in God that should be unshakable are in the blue be hind my stars. I was adopted as this nation's flag on June 14, 1777. I was want ed then because America had -de clared its independence to the world. I was wanted then to fly above the forts and at the camps. I was wanted then to lead in the long marches of those patriots as I represented the ideals of individ ual liberty, justice, and equal oppor tunity for all. These ideals they fought for, died for. I witnessed them then, and for more than 190 years I have seen the many, many suffer and die to preserve these ideals for their generation and the generations to come. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! Yes, I was there at Lexington, at Concord, at Bunker Hill, and Sara toga. I was at Yorktown and the many other battles that saw the ill- equipped patriots fight with cour age and win. I was there— there when the test-
by Marylee Van Dyhen
Marylee Van Dyhen, age 17, was bom May 18, 1958 at Ripon, Cali fornia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Dyhen and has two older brothers and three younger sisters. Marylee has just completed her junior year at the Immanuel Chris tian School in Ripon, where speech and debate were among her subjects. In March of 1968, Marylee wrote the oration “ I AM THE AMERI CAN FLAG” for competition in the Speech and Music Festival conducted by private schools in California. In April she was ashed to deliver the original oration for the area 2 convention of the United Republicans of California. She received a stand ing ovation for her speech. Following that she received an invitation to deliver her talk to the Annual State Convention of the group in the Civic Auditorium in Oakland. Since that time Marylee has presented her oration at several occasions. She has taped copies and printed copies for radio and publication.
long depression, and they did not seem to get out of it. And then I heard the President say, “ I hate war.” I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! And I began to shudder instead of flutter, for I was at Pearl Harbor, and I wondered why all the guard was down because from where I was I could see the enemy coming. I could not call. I would have. It was awful, horrible. I saw men die, bravely. I saw the sons of this nation left without supplies and support in the Pacific. I saw them fight and fall in Bataan, in the Coral Sea, Midway Island, Guadalcana l, the Philip pines, and Okinawa. I saw an American strong — stronger than any nation or com bination of nations. And then I shivered on my shaft as I heard more questions about His being dead. In the classroom, where the children would pledge to me and pray to God, many did not pray anymore — something about the court. And then some children did not pledge anymore; some said it had to do with "freedom." I am the symbol of freedom and liberty, or at least I was. And then I find a new experi ence — something I cannot under stand. I fly at the embassies around the world. You know, the U.S. em bassies. Now they tear me down. They trample me, burn me, spit on me. I always believed I was due respect. I know someone from the Capitol will do something about it. They did. Yes, they apologized. The people from this nation, they apolo gized. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! Oh, I was proud and hurt when they sent me to Korea 15 years ago. Proud I was of those men who looked up at me and fought so bravely. But I wondered, as I was flying back at the Capitol, because there was something about, “ You can’t win." They must have known what they were talking about because that was 15 years ago, and I have been flying over 55,000 troops from this nation who have been there ever since. In fact, I was fly
ing of that nation came— a testing to determine “ whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” Mine to view were the gallantries of Bull Run and Vicksburg. Mine to hear were the somber tones of that great and humble leader at Gettys burg. I was proud at Appomattox for I heard Grant say to Lee, “ Let your soldiers retain their sidearms and have them keep their horses. We are brothers in arms.” I knew that this spirit was good for America. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! How I wept— I, the soul of Amer ica— as I now hung half-mast for the fallen leader, for among other things, I knew that the kindness, the humility, yes, the very soul of that leader, America would need. I saw an America recover, grow, and prosper. I became the symbol to all the world of new hope, new opportunity, liberty, and freedom. I saw thousands upon thousands seek the land I represent, and they found that symbol in me! I was loved by them, revered by them; never before had a flag meant so much to so many. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! Great things happened to Ameri ca! I saw inventions increase, in dustry grow, farming spread out and conquer the land, all spurred on by a system that honored re sponsibility and th a t p rospe red those who did a better and better job. I AM THE AMERICAN FLAG! I saw America become the great est, strongest, most productive na tion on earth, and how I was re spected! I would see the people with gold and silver coins, and on them it said, "In God we trust.” A little later I saw they began to change things. They began to say that you cannot have gold any more if you are an American. They began to say it is not always neces sary to work in order to live. And I heard more talk at the Capitol about security and not so much anymore about independence. And I began to hear questionings about that God in whom they said they trusted. And there was a great and JULY/AUGUST, 1970
ing on that ship, Pueblo, when some of those hammer and sickle men came and tore me down. They took the men, beat them, too, and stole the ship. I heard the President say that was like an act of war. So, I was sure he would take the ship and the men back, and I could fly on it again. But, but, but I do not really know what to say, especially to those men who used to look up at me and feel proud. I am not sure that I should talk about Vietnam. I am seeing so much, so much that I am not proud to be true of America, the nation of which I am a symbol. No, I’d bet ter not say it. Oh, America, I, your flag, am the only veteran of all these wars. And I alone have witnessed all the past, so much of it so glorious, so full of achievement, so great a contri bution! But there is no longer re spect for me, not in this nation, not in others. You may ask, “ Why?” I must speak to you in frankness and in truth. I know the nation I represent became great because it was “ one nation under God.” They taught and governed according to the principles of His Word. I see that, in a large part, they have left this. I see they do not obey God’s law or respect His authority, and so there is lack of respect for the laws of the government and no re gard for their authority. Therefore, there are riots, demonstrations, rampant crime, immorality, general moral breakdown and lack of values with a spiritual-moral base. We flags have seen many things in the passing of time. Someone has said that the average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years. America, I have been flying over and watching you change for almost 200 years. I warn you; this great na tion is becoming corrupt. I am your flag. I am the soul of America. You must return to God and rely on His Word or this great nation will fall. You must return to that principle on which your forefathers estab lished this country, “ In God we trust!” 11
A neighbor was airing her views on her children’s behavior. “ I find it almost impossible to get any of my children to do anything I ask. It’s easier to get my husband to do it.” Is the children’s attitude con nected with the woman's attitude to her husband? Leadership is vital. No business can compete sucessfuliy for five minutes unless it has clearly de fined leadership. A country without suitable leaders would be chaotic. Christians look to the Lord as Leader, expecting His guidance. In the home, God has firm ly planted responsibility on the husband’s shoulders. Yet a hus band is not a dictator. His leadership is not to emu late the caste system of India, but to be a loving director of the home. His leadership does not mean that God made men superior to women, though men are usually stronger physically. Nor does leadership decide the husband’s and wife’s relative importance in the home. Happy domestic life comes when each adds his share to the family well-being. Giving man domestic leadership is a wise God’s plan for family life to serve best the interests of each person in the home. Leadership means responsibility. When a business gives a man authority, it expects him to use it care fully; to treat those in his charge kindly and fairly; to use it effectively, but never to abuse it. A husband has both sides of this leadership re sponsibility. He must treat his family kindly; he must exercise his leadership wisely to please God. Respecting wife and children as persons, he is responsible for earning an income that will adequately provide a home, food, clothing and other essential benefits. As the competitive world makes this increas ingly difficult, man’s expectation of life is five years less than a woman’s. While some households deem it wise for the wife to earn part of the income, the final responsibility for providing home support is the husband's. As the leader, he must be unselfish, not grabbing his own good at the expense of others, but seeking to give the best to each. When dangers rush at him, he must be courageous. His motives as well as his dealings must always be marked “ pure." His leader ship is always to be wise and prudent. He is also the spiritual leader. He is responsible for securing the domestic altar each day and for ade quate Christian education of his wife and children. He needs to encourage the spiritual life of all the family. When the Jews he was leading were at the cross roads, Joshua showed spiritual leadership in his firm resolve: “ As for me and my house, we will serve the
Lord” (Josh. 24:15). He would never permit false gods to be worshipped in his house, nor false values to rule the home. Only as a husband maintains his authority in his home will he be able to maintain his authority over the children. When that fails, the loss is tremendous. The husband’s responsibility does not end there. As God gave him leadership, He watches to see how he carries it. He expects the husband to use it firmly, wisely and lovingly. When he does, God will actively show His delight. This was His reason for revealing a special secret to Abraham: “ I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment” (Gen. 18:19). Yet leadership is not bullying domination. Should the husband mis use his position and abuse his wife, he has not only injured his wife and shown his own ineffectiveness, he has also put himself in a dangerous position before God. God has various ways of reminding the husband whose leadership is unused or misused. Eli was a better priest than a father. God reproved Eli’s negli gence when He said to young Samuel: “ I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not" (I Sam. 3:13). Human weakness may push the husband from his leadership. It is easy to take the way of least re sistance. When a wife, or worse still the children, seek to dominate the house, and the husband gives all his energy to business, he is tempted to allow this un warranted leadership to take over. When he is tired and the children clamor to go on an outing, to stay out late or have a difficult question to answer, he can shirk his responsibility with the words: “ Oh, ask your mother.” Or he can take second place by refusing to make his own resolutions, never getting further than saying: “ You heard what your mother said.” This failure has serious results. When a husband abdicates his role, he brings a loss of family dis cipline. As Gibson Winter says: “ Our tendency today is to assume that we can eliminate the authority of the husband over wife and yet retain the authority of husband-wife over the children. The Bible is more realistic about marriage than modern man, for the truth is that in dissolving the one hierarchy, we de stroy the other.” His wife will feel no respect for a husband who refuses the responsibility God has given him. He has failed his children. A father's leadership is most important to them. His shrugging off of re sponsibility is usually more apparent to them than
the father reckons. They are not likely to respect one who refuses his duty. He should urge his children to obey all proper authority, whether human or divine. But they will not recognize other authority when he has wrongly refused to exert his. What has seemed an easy solu tion has led to juvenile delinquency with all its pain and trouble. Also, by failing in his leadership at home, he has failed to fit himself for the privilege of leadership at church. For, as Paul says, the suitable person to have church authority is “ one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all grav ity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (I Tim. 3:4 & 5). As a husband’s role is to lead, has the wife only to sit back and take no responsibility or active inter est in the well-being of the family? No. She can use her influence to maintain God’s plan for the Christian home. Rather than discourage her husband’s authority, she should urge him to take his responsibility ade quately and give a lead in the home. She will back up this urge by accepting his leadership when he exerts it. Apart from the abuse of leadership when a husband expects something contrary to God's ex pressed will, she does well to accept his authority in domestic matters. If the wife is a stronger personality than the husband, she is tempted to assume leadership. Yet this take-over would not bring benefit to her or to her family. It tends to destroy her God-given gift of being feminine, a quality she enhanced by the way she dressed on her wedding day. That gift is needed in the home as much as man’s leadership. She ex presses that femininity best by a desire for her hus band’s leadership. When a wife pushes her husband from leadership, the children are likely to follow, pushing over her authority and usurping it themselves. The children are then deprived of a vital aspect of their training. Should the wife try to sabotage her husband’s authority, unexpected losses could proclaim her folly. A wife took the lead in Eden. The Bible never lets us forget the disastrous results (I Tim. 2:11-14). Abraham would have prevented the prolonged blood- shedding between Arab and Jew if he had not let his wife be leader (Gen. 16:2). Samuel Liebowitz, the noted criminal judge, has commented on the result of a woman's taking over the role of leadership from her husband. He says: “ If mothers would understand that much of their im portance lies in building up the father image for the child, they would achieve the deep satisfaction of children who turn out well.” In turn, he suggests this would prevent a fearful mother’s having to stand in a juvenile court and ask the question he has heard so often: "What did I do that was wrong, Judge, what did I do that was wrong?" He concludes with this 14
excellent advice: “ Put father back at the head of the family.” Before marriage, a girl needs to consider care fully a man’s leadership. A minister asked a girl about to marry: “ Are you going to have the word ‘obey’ in your marriage ceremony?” She replied: "O f course I am." He asked her why, expecting her to say it was scriptural. She said: “ If I did not have the word ‘obey’ in the wedding ceremony, I would be placing myself on public record as marrying a man I could not re spect, whom I could not obey, and who could not be as the Lord Jesus Christ.” Does this mean that the wife's position is second- class? No. Not being the leader does not deprive her of a vital role in the home. Behind every great man has stood an equally great woman, even though the world knows little of her. She has allowed her hus band the limelight while she has strengthened his purpose and his willingness to accept responsibility. Sir Winston Churchill, whose leadership brought much benefit to mankind, ended the section of his autobiography on his early life with these words: “ I married and lived happily ever afterwards." He re ceived tremendous help from Lady Churchill. He ex plained his success as he said: “ It would not have been possible for any man in public life to get through what I have gone through without the devoted assis tance of what we in England call one’s better half.” Isabella Taves says of them: “ He has been her whole life as well as her career.” When Edward VIII announced his abdication of the throne of England, he explained why his brother would make a better king than he. While Edward was a bachelor, his brother had a happy home with a wife who always supported her husband. The husband was King of England during the difficult years of war. He and his wife both testified to their Christian faith. The husband’s words and actions in his house hold are always to be bathed in love, a quality that Christ shows superbly for His church. Yet even here love does not mean sentimentality. Rather he is to seek the well-being of his wife and each of his chil dren as he uses every means and all his equipment for their benefit. Husband's and wife's mutual love, with joy and delight in each other, brings happy companionship. Marriage is a partnership. Rarely will a deciding voice be needed. Then, the husband should have it. Husbands must bear the main part of the load of the leadership-responsibility in the home. They can do it successfully as they maintain daily fellowship with the Lord. As they do it adequately, they will have enriched their homes and they will be a powerful influence for good. They will be doing a vital job for Christianity and for the nation. They can expect rich dividends. God wants our homes to be happy and success ful. They will be when we carry out the plan He has provided. ■ THE KING'S BUSINESS
The test consisted of basic fac tual knowledge ques tions . The questions were based on the Sun day school curriculum that these students had used. The range of scores on the test was a low of 7 to a high of 94. The over-all aver age for the entire group of students who took this test was 50.42. The scores of students that had at tended Sunday school regularly two years or less were compared with the scores of the students who had attended Sunday school reguarly 8 years or more. The first group aver aged 45 on the test and the other group that had more than eight years of training averaged 53. Eight points difference for many more years of training! This was a concern at the time of the analysis of the results and it still seems alarming. Knowledge is not all teachers are attempting to impart but behavior, attitudes and deci sions also must be based on a knowledge and understanding of the Word of God. The students who came from homes where the entire family was involved in the church and all were Christians had scores slightly above the others. But even this did not seem significant! Listed here are just a few of the questions with a statement show ing how many of the students chose a significant incorect response: 6. Lot was a (an) .................... of Abraham. (1) enemy (2) son (3) visitor (4) nephew (5) brother 377 believed Lot was the son of Abraham. 10. Joseph was sold into Egypt. That was: (1) out of God’s plan. (2) an accident God used. (3) something God meant for good. (4) only an accident. 415 believed that Joseph being sold into Egypt was not in the plan of God. 16. The Ten Commandments are: (1) necessary for salvation.
(2) about our relationship with God. (3) about our relationship with people. (4) 1, 2, and 3. (5) 2 and 3. 514 believed the 10 command ments are necessary for salvation. 73. Christ grew up in the city of:
Innovations in Learning by H . Norman Wright T here are several elements in volved in the process of a com plete Christian education. One of the most neglected element is that of evaluation. This is the process that assists one in determining whether or not he has reached the goal or objective. It lets him know how much knowledge a person has gained or if attitudes have changed. Unless evaluation is an integral part of the on-going program of Christian Education, the education al process in incomplete and even ineffective! But why is this area so overlooked and even avoided? In some instances it is lacking be cause the teachers or sponsors lack adequate means of eva lua tion . There is no device or test available that would be suitable for measur ing the results of teaching. In other instances where tools are available teachers do not understand how to understand, interpret and use the results gleaned from the evalua tion device. There are even some who refuse to evaluate because of fear— a fear that the results would show how very little the students have been learning! Unfortunately the fact that very little learning has occurred with some students is too often true! Last year an evaluation device was constructed by a g radua te class at Talbot Theological Semi nary. A one-hundred question test spanning the entire Bible was de veloped to be used with Junior high students. The test was adminis tered to 1264 students from 23 churches in 10 different states. Ten different denominations participat ed in the program. The results of the tests were analyzed and stand ardization norms were developed using the 1264 students as a sam pling group. A computer at Biola College was employed in the scor ing and research process. JULY/AUGUST, 1970
(1) Jerusalem. (2) Bethlehem. (3) Capernaum. (4) Nazareth. (5) Jericho.
400 believed Christ grew up in the city of Jerusalem. 333 believed Christ grew up in the city of Beth lehem. 78. The prince of the power of the air refers to:
(1) Christ. (2) Satan. (3) The Holy Spirit. (4) Baal.
271 believed the Prince of the Pow er of air refers to Christ. 543 be lieved the Prince of the Power of air refers to the Holy Spirit. 91. The WRITER of the book of Acts was:
(1) Mark. (2) Luke. (3) Paul. (4) Timothy.
572 believed Paul wrote the book of Acts. 163 believed Timothy wrote the book of Acts. A teacher having this evaluation material has a better idea of the knowledge level of his students and also realizes that perhaps some sig nificant review is needed. It may lead one to consider his means of teaching and student involvement. It may also suggest more frequent testing or evaluation. Teachers may want to consider some of the following suggestions: 1. Cover less Biblical material and concentrate on an in-depth study so that there is comprehen sion, not just of factual knowledge, but also understanding, compre hension and application. 2. Use a wider variety of meth ods that involve the student in the Cont. on Page SU 15
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