King's Business - 1970-07

New Wheaton College Plan offers you these distinctive benefits: a generous income for life substantial tax savings gift not subject to capital gains tax and another important plus*

Moody Institute of Science in Whit­ tier, Calif., will conduct a film evan­ gelism seminar which will emphasize the principles of communication and strategy of evangelism. The school will be held the last week of July at the organization’s headquarters In Whittier. Students will receive first-hand knowl­ edge of the interworkings of this Chris­ tian film group, and will gain a better understanding of the peculiar advan­ tages of the science films. The seminar is open to Christian workers, laymen, pastors, and students who are inter­ ested in utilizing films in evangelism. Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, graduated a record class of 85 men at the 48th commencement exer­ cises in May. The exercises were held in the Gaston Avenue Baptist Church. DR. JOHN WILLIAM SNYDER, President of Westmont College, delivered the com­ mencement address. Moody Bible Institute’s newly con­ structed aviation facilities at Elizabeth­ town, Tennessee, In the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, were dedicated earlier this year. The new airport, with its 4,000 feet hard-surfaced runway, is used cooperatively by the city of Eliza­ bethtown and Moody Aviation. MR. DIRK VAN DAM of the Moody staff is man­ ager. Greater Europe Mission, headquar­ tered in Wheaton, Illinois, has acquired the Moorlands Bible Institute of Sopley, Hampshire, England. According to the REV. WALTER FRANK, General Director of the mission, the addition gives a total of 5 training institutes to the organiza­ tion. GEM will form a new board to assume control of the 21-year-old Bible College. DR. EVERETT S. GRAFFAM, executive Vice President of the World Relief Com­ mission, accompanied by DR. CLYDE W. TAYLOR, General Director of the Nation­ al Association of Evangelicals and Execu­ tive Secretary of the E.F.M.A., presented MRS. NGUYEN THI KHANG, hospital su­ pervisor and head nurse of Teh Hoa Khanh Children’s hospital, to PRESI­ DENT RICHARD NIXON. Dr. Graffam also presented a copy of the new color sound World Relief Commission film, entitled “ The Many Faces of Vietnam,” to the President. The President was brought up to date on some of the ac­ tivities of the W.R.C. that are taking place in Vietnam. Following a visit to the White House, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Khang was taken to visit other govern­ ment officials. JULY/AUGUST, 1970

Under this new Wheaton College agreement, your irrevocable gift o f money, securities or marketable real estate to the College, entitles you to receive for life your proportionate share o f the earnings o f a common fund each quarter. Your share in the plan is based on the amount o f original contribution and relative value o f units at the valuation date. to a particular investment. The plan also has a distinct advantage for a middle-aged person too young to re­ ceive the desired return from annuities. Life Income Agreements may be ar­ ranged on a single life or survivorship basis in amounts o f $1,000 and up­ wards. Earnings and value o f shares are determined quarterly. Similarly, net income is distributed four times a year. Information on present rate of earning is available upon request.

The plan is designed to provide quar­ terly and relatively stable income geared to the prevailing economy. You receive the benefit o f professional in­ vestment counsel retained by officials o f the College. Your irrevocable gift provides worth­ while tax benefits—and in the cases o f appreciated assets, under present tax law, there would be no capital gains tax. This advantage is especially bene­ ficial to someone who is “ locked in”

For further information on Wheaton Life Income Agreements, Annuities, Deposit Agreements and Wills, check coupon below.

-X- A major consideration for participation in the plan is the satisfaction of knowing that you are having a share in the preparation of young people fo r liv e s of Christian usefulness.

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