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THE EXPLORATION OF FAITH: TRIUMPHS IN HEBREWS ELEVEN BY R. E. O. WHITE A reader who has enjoyed such a work as Clarence McCartney’s book on Trials of Great Men of the Bible will find White’s series of studies on men of faith in Hebrews 11 stimulating as well. Keeping in view the first-century Hebrew Chris tians themselves, the writer shows how the faith as expressed in each O.T. character is relevant to help in their trials also. Each life reveals a distinct aspect of the many-sided walk of faith. The author’s style is sim p le , v iv id , p ra c tic a l, and thought-provoking. The final chap ter, fittingly, moves on to Jesus Christ in Hebrews 12:1-3 as the greatest example of all and the One in whom all believers can find the most encouragement. The book has a refreshing quality as it en larges one’s concept of what is in volved in faith. Pastors and Chris tian workers will find it suggestive for messages as well as being a blessing first of all to themselves. — 125 pages; cloth; Moody Press; $3.50. Reviewed by Dr. James Rosscup, Talbot Seminary. This book is written with the in tention of presenting arguments and evidence for the Catastrophic- Creationist point of view and re examining current scientific unifor- mitarianism-evolutionary concep ts in this light. Two authors, Dr. Chit- tick and S. Nevins, both scientists, have particularly remained true to objective scholarly writing in their discussions of radioisotope dating and earth history in the light of Genesis interpretations and current scientific understanding. This book SYMPOSIUM ON CREATION II BY D. W. PATTEN
would perhaps be useful reading to those interested in the “ faith-sci ence controversy” ; however, some science background for the reader would be helpful. — 151 pages; paper; Baker Book House; $1.95. Reviewed by L. C. Eddington. THE INSPIRATION AND AUTHORITY OF/ SCRIPTURE BY REN e ' p ACH e ' Written in the same lucid style as the author’s other works, this study provides a solid, biblical and up-to-date examination of the in spiration and authority of the Scrip tures. Drawing much from both older (e.g. Warfield, Gaussen) and recent scholars (e.g. Young, Pack er) Pache amasses overwhelming support for the verbal plenary in terpretation of Scripture while at the same time answering criticisms and charging the modern mystical illuminism whereby the Bible “ be comes” God’s Word as inconsistent and illogical. Cha r ac t e r i s t i c of Pache, this work is replete with Scriptures including a fascinating comparison of biblical statements on the incarnate Word and the in spired Word. It is difficult to think of a more usable recent study of this whole area. — 349 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 1969; $5.95. Reviewed by Dr. R. L. Saucy. FACING THE ISSUES 2 BY W. J. KRUTZA The second in a series of three (up to now) books relating to Chris tianity to contemporary issues. Be lieving that the Bible does have something to say on the problems facing modern man, the authors face up to thirteen subjects begin ning with Taxation of Churches and concluding with the Necessity of Physical Fitness. In between, such THE KING’S BUSINESS
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