King's Business - 1970-07

diverse subjects as the Israeli-Arab question, Art, Drinking, Race and the Usefulness of the Church are discussed. Although providing stim­ ulating personal reading, the ma­ terial is designed for use in discus­ sion groups. Various views on each topic are stated (usually in the form of citations from recent peri­ odicals), the Biblical evidence is then quoted, and finally a list of provocative questions is included which could not fail to stir re­ sponse. By focusing Biblical truth upon some of the vital issues of today this work serves as a valu­ able and useful tool in the always present task of making Christianity real now. — 140 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1970; $1.50. Reviewed by Dr. R. L. Saucy. THE NEW MAN FOR OUR TIME BY ELTON TRUEBLOOD Born of a desire to explore and perhaps answer the problem of division within the Christian com­ munity, Elton Trueblood turns to a discussion of this division only as it pertains to the wholeness of man. Trueblood’s “ whole man” is the new man, and he is a man who takes of the depths of pietistic Bib- licism but is invigorated by the activism evident in the contempor­ ary scene. Pointing out the ex­ cesses and errors on the part of both extremes, he notes through discussion and example the com­ patibility of a pietistic inner jour­ ney and as a necessary adjunct, the social concern of an outward one. He presents this as the real under­ standing of s a in tlin e s s — one whose inner life is supported by reverence for the God of Scripture but whose outward life is one of service and evangelism. — 126 pages; cloth; Harper and Row, New York, 1970; $2.95. Reviewed by Dr. R. I. McNeely. TELLS, TOMBS AND TREASURE: A PICTORIAL GUIDE TO BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY BY ROBERT T. BOYD This volume, a worth-while tool for the preacher, truly justifies its JULY/AUGUST, 1970


Minister, Brick Presbyterian Church New York City


Church Choirs and Soloists • Interviews with Lay Leaders

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