subtitle, for it abounds in illustra tions. The author speaks from first-hand experience on the field, and includes a number of his own photographs. There is an unfortun ate use of quotation marks (e.g., in the text of chapter 3), which undermines the authority of the writers’ contentions. If these indi cate direct quotations of the ‘‘crit ics’’ and others, they ought to be documented elsewhere. Seminari ans and advanced scholars will be disappointed in the lack of depth of detail here, but the pastor who wishes to interpret quickly the findings of archaeology and their bearing on the Old Testament will find Boyd’s warmly conservative work a valuable addition to his li brary. — 222 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1969; $7.95. Reviewed by James R. Bat- tenfield. THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, VOL. II BY EDWARD J. YOUNG This is the second part in a three-volume set with the third yet to be published. The late Dr. Young of Westminister Seminary finished the entire work before his recent death. Prophetically, the commen tary is amillennial in that the au thor does not make what premillen- nial (especially dispensational) stu dents believe are proper distinc tions between Israe l and the church. This means that he sees certain portions of Isaiah 19-39 (the content of this volume) fu l filled already and in a spiritual sense only, without literal, future realization which many will claim. Apart from his weakness as to pro phetical system, however, this work is excellent on verse-by-verse de tail, word studies, historical back ground, questions of chronology such as in Sennacherib’s invasions of chs. 36-37, and answering c rit ics who deny the authenticity of certain portions. His appendix dis cussing King Hezekiah is very well done, and he is helpful in explain ing many references like Sargon (20:1) and Tirhakah (37:9). Even a dispensational student of the Word can find his commentary more helpful on many details than 34
any other to date, though he may prefer a work like W. E. Vine (though much more brief) for a consistent system of prophecy rec ognizing a distinctive future for Israel. — 604 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.; $9.95. Reviewed by Dr. James Rosscup, Talbot Seminary. Dr. Morris displays his typical, vivid writing style in this volume of the Tyndale Bible Commentaries. As usual, his use of historical data is very helpful in elucidating the text. Unfortunately, however, the author finds the traditional schools of interpretation too restrictive, and refuses to identify with either of them. One can observe, however, that he spends most of his space wavering between the futurist and the idealist viewpoints. A leaning away from dispensationalism and toward covenant theology is re vealed in his identification of the church as Israel and in his rejection of the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. Many helpful details re garding verb tense and such mat ters are given, but one could wish Dr. Morris had given greater at tention to the broad scope of the book and its interpretation.— 263 pages; cloth; Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1969; $4.50. Reviewed by Dr. Robert L. Thomas. INNOVATIONS Cont. from Page 15 e du ca tiona l p rocess in c lu d in g homework and in-class research. 3. The use of more visual aids. 4. Developing teacher tests to be used on a regular basis. Evaluation needs to be brought up to its rightful place in the pro gram of Christian education. The results will verify whether or not we are doing our work adequately, ■ E ditor ’ s N ote : We appreciate the ex cellent contribution Mr. Wright has made through this feature and his as sistance as Christian Education Editor. We are happy for the many opportuni ties he has but regret seeing him leave THE KING’S BUSINESS due to add ed responsibilities elsewhere. THE REVELATION OF ST. JOHN BY LEON MORRIS
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