We are committed to maintaining and modernising our estate, both in our hospitals and the community, ensuring our infrastructure is resilient and that we continue to be at the leading edge of healthcare. Over the coming years, capital investment in the NHS is expected to remain tightly constrained. We therefore need to invest wisely and sustainably to deliver capital projects efficiently, reduce our infrastructure risks, and use our estates and IT differently to transform the way we provide care. In developing this strategy, we heard clearly and consistently from our people that the priorities for capital investment should be maintaining and modernising the existing estates, updating ageing medical equipment, ensuring our IT is fast and reliable, and providing a safe and comfortable environment for patients and colleagues. We are also ambitious for a better future. We have already made a major multi-year investment into our technological estate through the introduction of Epic in 2023. To be at the forefront of healthcare innovation, we will also invest in the technologies that support healthcare automation and AI, gene and cell diagnostics and therapies, advanced clinical imaging, and robotic surgery. In addition, we have a number of significant building schemes that we will progress during the lifetime of this strategy, and which will require new Modernising our Infrastructure
approaches to capital investment. Our strategic objectives to 2030 are: a strategic approach to our estates. Estates master plan – we will progressively re-engineer our estate and how it is used over time. We will develop a campus plan for each hospital site, and a community services plan, using the following principles: prioritise our acute hospital sites for high acuity and specialised care that needs to be delivered in high specification buildings, which typically include operating theatres, high dependency and critical care, advanced imaging, and inpatient care – taking account of climate change to ensure resilience. Change where we deliver outpatient and day care, moving services from hospital settings to community sites or patients’ own homes where appropriate. Maximise efficient use of clinical and non-clinical space in our hospitals and community sites, particularly for outpatient clinics, where we will make it easier for services to share capacity. Make best possible use of our existing estates and equipment, through longer working days, weekend working, and initiatives such as high intensity theatre lists. Ensure that new facilities are designed flexibly, so they can be repurposed quickly and efficiently, thereby reducing capital costs.
Key deliverables
• We will significantly improve the resilience, reliability, and user-experience of our physical and digital estate, making sure we get the basics right for patients, visitors, and staff. • We will develop an ambitious master plan for each of our main hospital sites and our community services, setting out our long- term strategic commitment to develop and improve each one. • We will increase the pace of change on climate adaptation and progress towards net zero, recognising our leadership role in tackling the climate emergency. • With support from Evelina London Children’s Charity and NHS England, we will realise our ambitious plan to expand Evelina London as a comprehensive children’s hospital for London and the South East. • We will renew and expand our operating theatre capacity, with a particular focus on theatres and robotics at Guy’s as a centre of surgical excellence. • Working with King’s College London, we will expand our clinical research facilities to provide state-of-the-art infrastructure that will drive our ambitions, including in advanced therapies.
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