Biola Broadcaster - 1965-11

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Biola i B R O A D C A S T E R

CONTENTS DOING THE LORD'S WORK ........ 3 FEED M Y SHEEP ............................. 5 FELLOWSHIP W ITH CHRIST ...... 6 ESTHER ............................................ 8 W H A T ARE YOU? ........................... 10 FALLEN FROM GRACE ..................12 GOD'S B AT T LEA X E .........................14 PLEASURE IN PAIN .......................15 RADIO QUESTIONS ANSW ERED ..17 PARABLES A N D PEARLS ............. 26 TU ESDAY-TH U RSDAY Bible Studies ............................... 32 COVER: Courtesy of Mrs. Martha Bonar, Boise, Idaho. at Los Angeles, California.

Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 5 No. 11 NOVEMBER, 1965 STAFF President .........................S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ....................................... AL SANDERS Production .........................VIRGINIA LUBER Photography .............................BILL EHMANN Printing ................................ CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Department B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LO S A N G E L E S S58 So. Hope St., Los Angelos, Calif. 90017 Controlled circulation postage paid

YOIJK CHR IST IAN WILL Did you know that there is a way to Invest in Biola for the training of students while saving cosily estate faxes! Ultimately you may be able to leave more money for your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligation when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT





Santa Maria KCOY Turlock

CALIFORNIA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo KÔAG 1280 Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY 550 KWSO 1050 Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU KCIB 94.5 Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI 107.5 (FM) KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 1290 1130 (FM) 1570 8:30 9:00 11:00 10:30 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 San Bernardino-Riverside KFXM Santa Cruz

KHOM 93.1 (FM) 1440

7:00 A.M. Sun. 9:00 A.M. Sun.

9:00 A.M. MTWTF 4:00 9:30 P.M. Sun A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. Sun. 8:30 8:00 A.M. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF


Albany-Eugene KWIL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL

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630 800

Portland KPDQ KPDQ


11:30 11:30

93.7 (FM)


8:00 8:00 7:30 8:30 8:30 7:30 8:00 4:00

Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 Yakima KBBO 1390

11:30 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 A.M. MTWTF

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860 910 1100

8:30 A.M. MTWTF


L O R D ’S W O R K

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

W E NEED TO DO ALL POSSIBLE in these days of testing to strength­ en the hearts of Christian workers. In Jeremiah 48:10 we read, “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully (negligently).” What we seek to accomplish for the Lord ought to be done as perfectly as pos­ sible, through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Sometime ago, I had a friend who was to be operated on to correct a problem she had been having. Her doctor was well known, for he often boasted to the others of his profession that he was able to make a smaller incision than any other doctor ever did. The girl called to tell me, “I’m going to be operated on tomorrow morning. Will you pray for me? I want -to come through safely.” She was a lovely, sweet Christian girl. That evening, however, about 10 o’clock, she was gone. When I investi­ gated to find out why, I discovered that the doctor had missed a tiny

little blood vessel which was not prop­ erly tied off. He didn’t see it and she bled to death. He was negligent and the girl died. This happened many years ago, but the illustration is still pertinent. In Christian work, we need to be extremely careful as we seek to win lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. One day I asked a young lady who claimed to be saved, “What does the Lord Jesus mean to you?” She had to think for awhile and then responded, “Well, He made me very happy.” Now, if I gave her a check for $100 that would have made her happy. If I gave her a round-trip ticket to Hawaii that would make her happy. There must be something more to it than this. She could have said, “The Lord Jesus blot­ ted out my sins. He gave His life for me. He pardoned me. He did 33 things in my life when I was saved.” Let us find out, in dealing with souls, whether the person really knows the Saviour. There is a real

cause I thought I could do more good for people. During this time, we’ve raised the Sunday school from 185 to 790. Yet I have never really known the Saviour at all. I have been on my knees all night long telling the Lord what a fraud I have been. He is now my Saviour and Lord. I’m a different man tonight!” Oh, how the Lord blessed that meeting. But with this minister, when he was first dealt with, some Christian worker evident­ ly had been negligent, including those who ordained him. God wants us to do our work carefully and sympathe­ tically, and yet earnestly, honestly, and fervently. If you are a Sunday school teach­ er, find out if your children know how to be saved. Most of them do not. Don’t take anything for granted. They may know all the Bible stories, but do they know the God of the Bible? Oh, beloved, I plead with you, do your work thoroughly, or it could be worse than better. Let them tell you how they feel. Don’t say, “You believe in the Lord, don’t you?” The Bible says that individuals should confess with their mouths, not their necks. If we do our service negligently we are under the curse of God. Be thor­ ough in dealing with others and with your own selves. Let your work be per­ manent, so that it will last for all eternity. While students of the Biola School of Missionary Medicine actually work in major metropolitan hos­ pitals, they also receive further instruction In the Biola downtown classrooms. Here Nurse Kilander, on the school's staff, gives instruction to Noel Crane of Herrin, III., and Joy Seward of Glendale, Calif, i l l students must be missionaries, missionary ap­ pointees or candidates in order to enroll in the unique training program directed by Dean Leonie V. Soubirou.

danger in doing the work of the Lord negligently. One day I received a tele­ phone call from a preacher who asked, “Will you come and give me two weeks of meetings in my church on the book of Revelation? I have read clear through that book many times and I can’t understand it.” I replied kindly, “Well, 1 read through a cook book once and didn’t understand it either.” You M Y O L D B IB LE Though the cover is worn And the pages are torn, And though places bear traces of tears, Yet more precious than gold Is the Book, worn and old, That can shatter and scatter my tears. When I prayerfully look In the precious old Book, Many pleasures and treasures I see; Many tokens of love From the Father above, Who is nearest and dearest to me. This old Book is my guide; 'Tis a friend by my side,— It will lighten and brighten my way; And each promise I find Soothes and gladdens my mind As I read it and heed it today. To this Book I will cling, Of its worth I will sing, Though great losses and crosses be mine; For I cannot despair, Though surrounded by care, W hile possessing this blessing divine. — Edmund Pillifant see, one can’t understand a book just by reading through it once or twice, especially Revelation. I went there and spoke on Sunday night concern­ ing the place of the blood throughout the book. That is a wonderful study. Monday night I preached on the Lamb of God. The Lord Jesus is all through the book. This is the way we continued with various themes. He listened intently through the entire series. Saturday night he asked to have the first part of the meeting and confessed to his audience, “You’ve had an unsaved preacher here for sev­ en years. I went into the ministry be­


by Dr. Walter L. Wilson


T here are five wonderfully encour­ aging words found in I Peter 5 :2 stating, “Feed the flock of God.” When I used to bring babies into the world (I did it for 37 years) I made sure people knew what to do with them after they were born. I had to tell the mothers how to take care of them. Babies know what kind of food they want. It has been my experience that crying babies usually do so because they are hungry. Doctors today have all sorts of suggestions for food to satisfy them. This all is true of spir­ itual things, too. I stood in the doorway of a church one time shaking hands with people as they left. A woman came along, about 20 I imagine, and shook hands with me. I said, “I hope you’re grow­ ing in grace.” She responded, “Dr. Wilson, before I was saved everybody in this church talked to me. They all seemed so interested in getting me saved. Since I made this wonderful decision, however, few people seem concerned at all. No one has really been interested in helping me along the way.” This is what the Lord is talking about. Our business is not only getting people saved, but it is also helping them to grow and mature in Christ. Did you know that the Saviour has 226 titles in the Bible each telling something different He wants to do for us? A Christian needs to be fa­ miliar with all of these things. He needs to realize that when he is saved, 33 things take place instantly. A sin­ ner can’t be fed such things. He will have no interest in them. Only with a true believer will there be a real heart hunger to know the Lord better. God’s lambs and God’s sheep need good food. The Lord’s p a s tu r e s abound with that substance which will provide all that we need. No other food will suffice. While He is the Good Shepherd, we, as His servants, are

“undershepherds.” Those of us who are busy in His service need to watch the diet of both the old sheep as well as the young lambs. Take a look to see what they are eating. How quick­ ly the cults and false doctrines creep in, seeking to steal and to deceive. The weaker sheep need milk. Don’t give them long drawn-out discussions of theology. Start them with the basics first. There are sheep who need medicine. The Lord has some won­ derful remedies for folks who drift and wander. Strong food belongs to those who are of full age and maturity ONLY A WORD Only a word for the Master, Lovingly, quietly said— Only a word! Yet the Master heard And some fainting hearts were fed. Only some acts of devotion, W illingly, joyfully done— "Surely 'twas naught!" (So the proud world thought). But yet souls for Christ were won. "O n ly"— but Jesus is looking Constantly, tenderly down To earth, and sees Those who strive to please, And gives them the victor's crown. in the Christian walk. Soft things are for those who have no teeth, hard things for those who do. Sweet things are for those who love them, and bitter things for those who need them. This is all a part of feeding the flock of God. This applies to everybody, not just to preachers or teachers. As a Christian worker, do you know where to find the food to help others ? Do you know where to turn in the Scriptures for the help, comfort, encouragement, challenge, admonition and other things people need? You must know your Bible. The Word is full of treasures for every kind of person. Beloved, feed the flock of God. 5

by Dr. Walter L. Wilson


D id y o u k n o w that every thirteenth chapter of the B ible contains something very special and most in­ teresting? In II Corinthians 13:13 we read, “All the saints of God salute you.” This is a very precious thought which can be a real encouragement for all of our hearts. Here we have a per­ fect illustration of fellowship. In I Co­ rinthians 1:9 we find that “God is faithful, by whom you are called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ.” I like to say to those whom I am endeavoring to win for C h ris t, “Would you like to be in the fellow­ ship of the Lord Jesus?” They usually tell me, “No.” They would rather have fellowship with people who leave Him out, living for the devil. The wonderful thing is that if we establish this fellowship with Him now, we will have fellowship with Him all through eternity. God has called us who are saved by grace into the fellowship of His Son that we might have the intimate rela­ tionship with Him. Here Paul says, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “All the saints salute you.” These may not all belong to your church or fellowship. This makes no difference. All kinds of chickens have fellowship together, just as long as they are chickens. They can’t have fel­ lowship with pigs and cows. If we are going to be in heaven together, and we are, we ought to get together now (Heb. 10:25). This doesn’t mean that we are not to be in different groups. The Lord, however, is desirous that we meet together on common ground to talk about the things of God and heaven. How the work- of the Lord is hin­ dered by factions that war against one another. The Lord wants His children to know each other so well that nothing will separate them. We are “a holy nation, a peculiar people,

a royal priesthood.” We ought to want to help each other. We are told to strive together for the things of the Gospel. One day in Detroit a friend of mine said, “Let’s go see a ball game.” We both had the same desire, although this is the only professional ball game I have seen in my life. The fellow at first base missed the ball but the shortstop got it and the fellow was put out. This was fellowship. The O N H IS W A Y T O S C H O O L Did you send him to school with a brave little song, Full-assured in his heart that your love went along? Did you help him, last night, to dreamland quite early So that morning brought calm, with no hurly-burly? If stiff criticism, then poor vexed little heart! He's a laggard all day, though he does not know why, And he seems, to his teacher, unw ill­ ing to try. He is under a shadow, no fault of his own. One you could dispel with a fond, gentle tone. Your hand on his shoulder, he'll un­ derstand The faith in your eyes, that touch of your hand. Let his heart be assured as he's off and away W ith a skip and brave stride to meet a new day, Yes, a smile of approval, his parents' caress, Can do more for his grades than you ever would guess! shortstop didn’t scold the other play­ er. He didn’t make fun of him. He just stepped in to do what he could. An­ other time the batter hit a fly right over the head of the pitcher. He couldn’t reach it quickly enough. There was a man who had run in to 6

assist and the opponent was put out. In baseball, or any other sport, this is called “teamwork.” It is the same for our Christian lives. If you see someone who is falling down on the job, jump in and help out. Don’t make fun of him like so many others would do. Such disunity is the clever tool Satan uses to destroy the effec­ tiveness of many churches. As a believer do you enjoy min­ gling with God’s dear saints as you walk with God? The purpose is that each one may help the other to know the Saviour better, to serve the Lord more effectively, to walk with Christ more closely. Why don’t you do that? I commend this practice to you. By following the Scriptural exhortation, your heart will be glad and you will be a singing saint. O N G R O W IN G O L D Lord, Thou knowest better than 1 know myself that I am growing older and will some day be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from crav­ ing to straighten out everybody else’s af­ fairs. Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest. Lord that I want a few friends at the end. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing, and love of rehearsing them seems to become sweet­ er as the years go by. I’m not asking for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others’ pains, but at least help me to endure them with patience. I dare not ask for improved memory, but rather for growing humility and a lessening absolute sureness when my memory seems to clash with the memo­ ries of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mis­ taken. Keep me as sweet as possible (“per­ fect" people are so hard to live with). It seems that a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in un­ expected places and talents in unexpect­ ed people. And give me, Lord, the grace to tell them so.

S P E C IA L G LA S SE S How many people do you know who are really interested in others? The Bi­ ble tells us not to look only at our own things but rather to consider the needs of others. While two children were talk­ ing about how they would hate to have to wear glasses, one thoughtfully in­ jected, “Actually I wouldn’t mind hav­ ing to use them if I could have the kind my grandmother wears.” “What kind are those?” her friend wondered. The first tried to explain, “Well, hers lets her see when folks are tired or sad, and what will make them feel better. She seems to see what you mean to do even if you haven’t gotten things done just right or said them just right. I asked her one day why she could see things that way, and she told me that it was the way she had learned to look at things since grow­ ing older. So, you see, it must be in Granny’s specs." This dear saint of God had “glasses of grace." How we need them, too, as we consider our relatives, loved ones, neighbors, and others with whom we come in contact. The loving eyes of our Saviour always looked with compassion on the multitudes. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), Blola president, stands at the door of tho new "Rose of Sharon" Prayer Chapel with Steve Hickerson, president of the Associated Student Body at the recent dedica­ tion ot tho structure. Away from tho busy stream ot Campus activities, the building w ill provide a place lor students to meet for fellowship and communion with the Lord. The lovely facility was a gift ot a former Biola student.


by Dr. Walter L Wilson


A lovely J ewish girl who occupied a very prominent position as queen, was used by God to save her people. Her husband was a very cruel man, but she found favor in his eyes because of her beauty and her lovely character. She spoke some words one time when she went to visit her uncle that are recorded in the Bible — “If I perish, I perish.” Her name was Esther, a Jewess, and she was the queen of king Ahasuerus. A law had gone out that all the Jewish people should be killed, a law which only the king could repeal. He was such a cruel person, however, that to enter his presence without being summoned was to risk one’s life. If the king held out his golden sceptre, you then had permission to speak. If not, you were killed. Esther determined to take this chance, and she told her uncle that she would go in and plead for their people and, “if I perish, I perish.” Those were her five words. The king had not paid any attention to Esther for some time. She didn’t know wheth­ er he was angry with her or not. So she went into the king’s presence and waited. She was willing to die if she could save the lives of her people. The king held out the golden sceptre to her, and Esther told him about the plight of her own life and the lives of her people. King Ahasuerus repealed the law, thus saving the lives of the Jewish people. If you’re going to live for God, you must give yourself over to Him with­ out reservation. Our ambition should be to spend and be spent for our Lord. The Lord Jesus laid down His life for us so we would not perish, and we have the joy of placing our lives at God’s disposal so that others might not perish. There was no certainty that Esther wouldn’t receive the wrath of the king. Others had died when they came before the king.

Esther knew, however, t h a t the prayers offered on her behalf would be heard by God in heaven, and that her petition to the king would be an­ swered if it was God’s will. Those who give themselves over to the Lord of the harvest for His service must ex­ pect to face dangers and disappoint­ ments in the path of duty. Paul prayed that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ might be with the saints at Corinth in II Corinthians 8:9. The grace of Christ in the heart of a believer enables that one to go to the utter limit for the glory of God. Men go into the wilds of the country way off from civilization among a people of a strange language and strange ways and strange food, giving their lives so that others might hear the Gospel. When a man or a woman steps out boldly for the Lord Jesus in the business world or in any other world, they are apt to lose a lot of friends because they don’t want to Deanne Miller of La Habra, California, has the opportunity of practicing on one of the many pianos located on the Biota Campus. This lovely instrument is a nine foot concert grand presented to the school as a memorial gift by Miss Louise Lansing. It is located in the Recital Hall of the new music building.

be identified with you. If we’re going to be out and out like Esther was, we must be willing to say, “If I perish, I perish.” Even though she was queen, above all the women in the whole realm, she was perfectly willing to die so that her life might be given that others might be saved. We lay our lives at Jesus’ feet be­ cause we want to tell about the Sav­ iour. Are you willing to be defeated in the things you are doing if it will be for God’s glory? We must, if we are going to be victors; if we are going to be conquerors. Paul gave himself to the Lord. He was beaten. He was in prison. He was ship­ wrecked on an island. Over and over again he suffered hunger and thirst, and was naked and in perils of sword. But he had given his life over to his Lord and he was willing to suffer for His glory. Paul has been with the Lord quite a few years, but don’t you think he is glad that he was willing to perish? In the lives of both Queen Esther and the Apostle Paul we see evidence of complete dedication and obedience. They only did that which is normal for one who really loves the Lord. One of the talented professors on the Biota College music faculty is Mr. William Lock. His rich baritone voice has been featured in several recitals. He Is teacher for a number o< students who are faking private voice lessens each week. Other personal instruction is available ter piano, organ, and many other numerous instruments.

IN THE MORNING How would you feel if you were told you only had a few hours to live? A devoted C h r is tia n businessman was struck by an automobile and seriously injured. Rushed to a hospital the man was informed that he had only about two hours to live. Yet, with such implicit faith in the Lord, and the promise of eternal life, death to him was only a gateway lead­ ing to a far better world. His family was quickly summoned to his bedside and each one given a parting message. To his wife he said, “You have been the greatest woman in the world to me. I love you far more than on the day you became my bride. Goodnight dear, I’ll see you in the morning." To his daughter he faintly smiled, “Mary, you’re our first­ born. What a joy you’ve been to your father. The sweet Christian testimony you leave wherever you go is a blessing. Goodnight, Mary, goodnight.” Turning to his oldest son he said, “Wil, your coming into our home has been an unmixed blessing. You’ve not only become a fine man but also, and more important, you love the God of your father. I’m proud of you. Goodnight, Wil." Charlie was next but he had not followed in the way of his father. Drawing him closer, the tears moist on his cheeks, he said, “Good­ bye Charlie. You are a promising boy. You have had the same opportunities as the other children. Any difference has all been in your favor. Yet, you have fol­ lowed the broad downward road, not heeding the warning of God’s Word and not listening to the call of the Saviour. I want you to know, Charlie, I’ve al­ ways loved you, and I love you still as God only knows. But to you I have to say, good-bye. Good-bye Charlie." The young man desperately siezed his fa ­ ther’s hand and between sobs cried out, “Dad, why’ve you said ‘goodnight’ to the others but only ‘good-bye’ to me? It sounds so final!” The father answered slowly, “The others I will see again. The assurance of God’s Word promises it. A reunion with you, however, is im­ possible.” Falling on his knees Charlie prayed God to forgive his sins. Before the father’s life had expired he was finally able to say, “Goodnight Charlie, Goodnight.” How is it with your life? Victory is assured for the Christian who works today, for NOW spelled backwards is WON! 9

by Dr. Walter L. Wilson


asked men to imitate Christ, and then he proceeded to live Christ himself. He was not a half-hearted Christian. He was satisfied with the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was first with him. There was no second place. He gave the Lord the full devotion of his heart and his life, and he walked with God in the dark and in the light. Paul was DROP A PEBBLE Drop a pebble in the water, just a splash and it Is gone, But there's half a hundred ripples, circling on and on, Spreading, spreading, from the cen­ ter, flowing on out to the sea; And there's no way of telling, where the end is going to be. But the little waves are flowing, and the ripples circling yet, A ll the ripples flowing, flowing to a mighty wave have grown; And you've disturbed a forceful river, just by dropping in a stone. Drop a word, unkind or careless, in a minute it is gone, But there's half a hundred ripples circling on and on, and on. They keep s p r e a d i n g , spreading, spreading from the center as they go And there's no way to stop them, once you've started them to flow. Drop a word, unkind and careless, in a minute you forget, But the little waves are flowing, and the ripples flowing yet, And perhaps in some sad heart, a mighty wave of tears you've stirred, And disturbed a life that's happy, when you've dropped an unkind word. to the fullest extent all that he pro­ fessed to be. Then there are so many of us who claim to be Christians, but nobody would know it. A man came to me one night and wanted to be saved. I found out later that for twelve years he had 10

I n I C o r in t h ia n s 15:10, Paul says some wonderful words, “I am what I am.” When I was a boy, I tried to put on an Italian show. I loved the Italians and I learned the Italian lan­ guage. I got some brown powder to cover myself with so I would look like an Italian, and got a grind organ and a monkey. My father was a magician, and in between the acts of his magic shows, I would put on my little Italian show. When there were Italians there, however, they knew I wasn’t Italian. I just didn’t have that something about me that made me an Italian. I was a fraud. The same thing is true in spiritual things. There are those who claim to be Christians, but they’re not. Listen to their conversation. Look at their lives and see how they live, how they neglect the Bible, and how they care so little about the things that pertain to God. When you were saved, you were taken out of the kingdom of the devil and put into God’s kingdom, no longer a part of this world. You became a part of His household, a member of His family. When we start talking about it, folks can tell whether it is real or whether it is just a religious tendency. Men delight in honesty and in sincerity, and we should be what we profess to be. The watchmaker hangs out his sign and he should be able to repair a watch properly. The electrician who advertises his trade should be able to wire a house as it should be wired. The surgeon who opens an office should be able to suc­ cessfully handle cases that are put in his trust. Paul presented himself to the pub­ lic as a Christian. He lived like one. He let himself be known as a lover of Jesus Christ and he proved it. He allowed his name to be advertised as a preacher of the Gospel, and he preached it, and preached it well. He

worked next to a man who was a Christian, but nobody knew it. He was a deacon in the church, and yet he didn’t know the Lord well enough so that those with whom he worked would know that he belonged to the Saviour. If you belong to the Lord Jesus, everybody ought to know it. If you’re saved by grace, be what you are. God expects you to be a Chris­ tian who is out and out so that you can say, “I am what I am.” I am an out and out Christian, a lover of Jesus Christ, a believer in the Word of God, a lover of lost men, a lover of the church, a lover of missions, a lover of those who preach Christ, a lover of the poor to help them. * * * The best way to live in the world is to live above it. * * * WHEN NOT TO WORRY The Illinois Medical Journal told its professional subscribers that there are only two days in each week when people don’t need to worry. Both of them are to be kept free from fear and appre­ hension. The first is yesterday with all of its possible mistakes and cares, aches and pains, faults and blunders. Without question, yesterday has passed forever; it is all beyond our control. No amount of money could ever bring it back. We aren’t able to undo any act, nor word uttered carelessly or hastily. The other day about which we need not worry is tomorrow with all its possible adversi­ ties, burdens, promises and potential performance. Tomorow is all beyond our immediate control. The sun may rise in full splendor or perhaps come up behind a mask of clouds, however, it will rise. The medical magazine concludes, “This leaves only one day, today. Certainly any man could fight the battles of a single day. The cares of the other two days is what causes nervous breakdowns, men­ tal disorders and other sad problems. Interesting advice, and yet, for the be­ liever, the child of God, there is some­ thing even more wonderful. The Lord Jesus Christ has told us to take no thought for tomorrow for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. So, the Bible rightly reminds us, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.’’

CROCODILE TEARS In Egyptian folk lore there is the ac­ count of a giant lizard or crocodile which first attracted its intended victims by loud moaning and groaning. It shed voluminous tears trying to impress all the other unsuspecting animals. Hearing the sad cries, the creatures gathered about to sympathize and to comfort the wily beast. The clever trick always worked and the fooled prey were sav­ agely devoured. Hence, the interesting derivation of the term “crocodile tears.” How many people, even today, are being similarly fooled and entrapped. Reputa­ ble Christian ministries are constantly being hurt by the false charities and de­ ceiving individuals. Millions of dollars are annually contributed by tender­ hearted people to fly-by-night organiza­ tions, even religious groups pretending to represent some worthy cause which is merely a venture for personal profit. The tear-jerking emergency pleas should be carefully investigated before one is. taken in. The Psalmist quotes an in­ teresting statement relative to this type of activity in telling us, "Nevertheless, they did flatter him with their mouth and they did lie unto him with their tongue.” Remember, God holds you as responsible for what you give, as well as to what you give. Joyce Landorf, popular Christian recording artist, is daily featured on KBBI's "Here's Joyce" program. Joyce records her program from the Recital Hall et the new music building. Mrs. Landorfs quarter hour program is directed to housewives, giving practical hints, challenging thoughts, and inspiring musical selections.


T here is a verse in the Bible that causes a great deal of discussion and division sometimes, and perplexi­ ty a great many times. Paul wrote in Galatians 5:4, “Ye are fallen from grace.” Notice that it doesn’t say, “Ye are fallen from salvation.” It doesn’t say you are fallen from being saved or from being a child of God. It says, “Ye are fallen from grace.” Those who are depending on the grace of God for salvation are not depend­ ing on their own good works, and those who are depending on their own good works for salvation are not de­ pending upon the grace of God. Grace and works are not mingled nor mixed in God’s plan of salvation. In Romans 11:6 we read, “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.” Those who heard the Gospel of God’s grace know that the salva­ tion of God is an immediate gift to a believing heart. But here, those who fell from grace are those who quit believing in the grace of God and decided they would have to do some On each broadcast of "The Biota Hour" testimonies are given by students. Frequently, however, when alumni visit the school, they are heard on the programs. Pictured here are Rev. and Mrs. Peter Brashler who have been serving the Lord in the Conge since leaving the hails of Biela. Mr. Brashler was featured on the October f 2th networh release.

works if they wanted to keep their salvation. When God saves you, every sin from the cradle to the grave is blotted out, committed and uncom­ mitted. When the Saviour died for you to save you, you weren’t bom yet. All your sins were future. He didn’t say He died for you up to a certain place in your life. And He didn’t say He would take us in if we promised to be good, did he? He took us in, beloved, when we were saved because we were so bad and dead and wicked and evil. There wasn’t a bit of hope for us. Then Jesus came and gave Himself for us, giving us eternal life and the robe of righteousness, and putting our names in the Book of Life, making us fit for heaven. Sometimes God’s dear people get mixed up with false teachings, and they are taught that you are saved by grace, but you have to keep your­ self saved by keeping the law and by doing certain precepts of that par­ ticular church. This is utterly false. Those who go back to law-keeping have turned their backs on grace and are attempting to save themselves by building up a good character, main­ taining good conduct, keeping certain rules and laws, and following the dic­ tates of that particular church. No one, however, can keep the law. You couldn’t build a fire in any of your habitations on the Sabbath Day be­ cause it definitely says, “Thou shalt not build a fire in any of thy habita­ tions on the Sabbath day.” If you are going to keep the law, you must keep aU the law. He that breaketh one law offends in all. Those who add one single thing to the finished work of the Lord Jesus as a means of forgiveness and salva­ tion are doubly guilty. They are guilty of their sins, and they are guilty of attempting to try to bribe God with their good works and efforts. They know they are guilty or they wouldn’t


seek something to get rid of the guilt. Yet, instead of believing in grace, they believe that they can pay the debt themselves. I John 1:7 tells us, “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans- eth us from all sin.” It is His blood that does it, not good works, not good character, not church life, not church work, not gifts of money for any pur­ pose. “For by grace are ye saved . . . not of works . . . (Ephesians 2:8-9). Did you hear those words? “Not of works” ! The Lord Jesus keeps salva­ tion in His own hand as a free gift to those who put trust and confidence in Him. You put your trust in that lovely precious One and He will take you to glory. * * * The reason God can offer salvation free is because it was paid for in advance by Christ. EXAMINE YOURSELF In the Bible we are constantly re­ minded that, as believers, we are to examine ourselves, making sure that our lives are sincere and without offense. The famed painter, Leonardo da Vinci, spent the last three years of his life in Paris serving the king of France. During this time he became ill and was sick for several months. Fearing that death was near he began asking questions about the Christian faith. He studied the mean­ ing of the Lord’s supper, finally con­ fessing his own sins and his personal need of Christ as Saviour. Supported by his friends he got out of bed to go to church and partake of communion. Years before, da Vinci had painted that which is now recognized as a masterpiece of art in the canvas of “The Last Supper.” How sad that he had to wait until he was near death’s door to fully appreciate its true meaning. So, there are many to­ day who know about the church ordi­ nances; they are familiar with the rit­ uals and can use all of the proper phrases, but they have never by faith come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. This is why, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul cautions us, “But let a man examine himself, for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself." “Exam­ ine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves.”

RIGHTLY DIVIDING In the Word of God, one familiar in­ junction to the believer is to “rightly divide” the Word of truth. The back­ ground comes from the ministry of the priests in tabernacle service. They were to cut up the sacrificial animal carefully, giving God His rightful portion at the altar, the rest going to the priest for his own use. We need to distinguish care­ fully the teaching of God’s Word on such matters as the difference between law and grace. That which the Lord commanded Israel is not always applica­ ble to this dispensation of grace. So, the exhortation comes, not only to Biola stu­ dents, but rather to every child of the Lord, “Study to show thyself approved unto God." Before you seek correctly to interpret a passage of Scripture ask two vital questions, to whom is it addressed, and about what is the context talking? The reading and studying of God’s Word is a necessity for true spiritual growth. If a man can have victory with God in solitude, then he can also have it in the crowd. (Continued from page 2) OTHER STATES Albuquerque, New Mexico KARA 1310 7:00 A.M. MTWTF KARA 99.5 (FM) Billings, Montana KURL 730 Caldwell-Bolse The road to success will always be under construction.

7:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 P.M. MTWTF 12:00 Noon MTWTF 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:30 P.M. Tues. 11:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 11:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 P.M. Sun. 10:00 A.M. Sat. 8:30 A.M. Sun.

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Denver, Colorado KLIR


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Dr. Walter Wilson



I n J eremiah 51:20 God said about Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, “Thou art my battleaxe.” Nebuchad­ nezzar was a heathen man, a terrible enemy of the things of God. He knew nothing about mercy or kindness or love. He was just a hard-hearted monster that destroyed men, women and children in all the countries that he conquered. God uses many strange implements and instruments in deal­ ing with men. God likened Nebuchad­ nezzar to a battleaxe and used him against all those who were enemies of the living God. God used him also to punish Israel for their idolatry and their rebellion. God can use anybody He wants to. Sometimes He uses Christians, sometimes the unsaved; sometimes He does it with kindness, and sometimes with a battleaxe. The Lord is deeply interested in the welfare of His people. He wants us to grow in grace, in lovingkindness and in fellowship with Him. In the Alwap a favorite on "The Biola Hour" is Dr. Walter L Wilson (sealed), one of this month’s featured speakers over the broadcasts. Here he records his portion of the program in the studios of Biola's own station, KBBI. Looking on is Biola graduate and 6eneral Manager of the facility, Mr. Ed Steele.

training of those who are His own people, He may use a cruel king or a sweeping pestilence to do His work. God is kind, but He is also righteous. God is just and manifests His justice in His dealings with us. While Israel persisted in disobedience, God raised up weapons against them to correct them. He raised up Nebuchadnezzar. Our Lord is telling us about our own country, too. When the law went out that we could not have the Bible in the public schools, we turned our children over to all kinds of wicked teaching about the heathen gods, about evolution, about anything in the world. Yet they can’t learn about God. The Bible, however, is the only antedote for sin that there is in the world. The multitude of wickedness today is just a direct result of shut­ ting God out of our lives. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in my lifetime one of these terrible foreign powers was given over to be a battleaxe for God against America. Instead of loving our Lord, He is held up to rid icu le , even in the churches. I read a sermon just recent­ ly by a prominent man in one of our prominent evangelical groups who said, “The Bible isn’t true. Christ is not the Son of God and salvation is not by grace.” You can’t connect your­ self with the things of God today in this country and have anybody say they’re glad to see it. Instead, they think you ought to be avoided because you believe in our precious Lord. God isn’t going to stand for that forever. The Lord is going to have a battle- axe against us some day, and you bet­ ter be prepared for it. God is going to send it as God sent Nebuchadnezzar to punish Israel. God is going to be a conqueror and if you want to be a conqueror, be on His side. Trust the precious Lord Jesus with your heart and life, and He’ll give to you just exactly what your heart needs.

water and they found Him the sup­ plier of water out of a solid rock— the living Water. Our blessed Lord wants us to know Him. “Let him that glorieth, glory in this that he under- standeth and knoweth me” (Jeremiah 9:24). The Lord doesn’t need natural ability. He wants us and wants us to know Him. It was when Saul hid him­ self among the stuff and realized his weakness that God selected him to be king. While David was a shepherd boy, untrained and untaught, God anointed him king of Israel. When we depend upon our strength and rely on our own wits, we fail. The work of God is successfully accomplished only by the power of God. It is not assets that we need, but more of the power of God. I once visited a dear little girl who had to be strapped down to four boards in bed so she wouldn’t wind up in a twisted position like a pretzel. But she was radiant and sweet, happy and lovely. She never complained. She was rejoicing that she didn’t have to wash dishes or feed the chickens or do any washing. She could just lie there helpless, enjoying the presence of her Lord. Beloved, let me ask you: Do you take pleasure in infirmities? Are you glad to find out things in life that aren’t what they should be so you can go to the Lord with them? The work of God is successfully ac­ complished by those who want just the will of God without any other thing added to it. There is a multitude of things that come up to take us away from God. Don’t let that happen, be­ loved. Let the Lord have your heart and your life, and thank Him for everything He gives you, everything He does for you and to you and through you, and you’ll be surprised at the joy and peace that will fill your heart when you quit fighting against God. 15

M ost of us are glad to be well. We’re glad we have no pains, that we don’t have a cancer or tuber­ culosis or any of these ravaging diffi­ cult diseases, however , Paul said something quite different from that. In II Corinthians 12:10 we read, “I take pleasure in infirmities.” It’s in the plural. He didn’t tell us what they were. We think that one of his in­ firmities was eye trouble, because he seemed to speak of that in several places, but whatever it was, it was in the plural — infirmities. Paul’s great desire was to know God and God’s dealings with him in infirmities. How many of us have ever been glad to get in the place where nobody could help us out but God in divine inter­ vention? I take pleasure in being hin­ dered, being sick, being incapacitated or being blind. That’s what Paul said and the Lord gave him weakness. His eyesight was poor and he was a little man. His infirmities gave him the privilege of experiencing the power of God in his ministry. He knew there wasn’t anything about himself that would be helpful and profitable, so he had to lean on the Lord to make his life what it should be. He felt his weakness, but he wanted the power of Christ to rest upon him so miracles could be performed t h r o u g h hi s preaching. Paul took pleasure in infirmities, in things that were hindering and things that were wrong. It may be that some of you have not been able to overcome the things in your life that hinder you from being the kind of Christian you want to be. Maybe you have a bad temper and things come to try you. That isn’t a bad idea. It shows how you need to depend on your Lord to control it. I take pleasure in infirmi­ ties so I can see what God can do. Israel ran out of bread and they found out that God is the source of bread— the bread of Life. They ran out of

MY FATHER'S CARE When o'er my life the storms of sor­ row sweep W ith blinding force— to God's kind arms I creep; And mid the darkness I can hear Him say: Fear not M y child, for I have planned your way; All shall be well. Then with fresh courage on my way • go, Sure that H e'll lead me all my days below; Knowing I'm kept each day by love divine And soon again for me the sun will shine If 'tis His will. THE SET OF THE SAIL I stood on the shore beside the sea; The wind from the West blew fresh and free, W hile past the rocks at the harbor's mouth The ships went North and the ships went South, And some sailed out on an unknown quest, And some sailed in to the harbor's rest; Y et ever the wind blew out of the West. I said to one who had sailed the sea That this was a marvel unto me; For how can the ships go safely forth, Some to the South and some to the North, Far out to sea on their golden quest, Or in to the harbor's calm and rest, And ever the wind blew out of the West? The sailor smiled as he answered me, "Go where you will when you're on the sea, Though head winds baffle and flaws delay, You can keep the course by night and day, Drive with the breeze or against the gale; It will not matter what winds prevail, For all depends on the set of the sail."

Voyager soul on the sea of life, O'er waves of sorrow and sin and strife, When fogs bewilder and foes betray, Steer straight on your course from day to day; Though unseen currents run deep and swift Where rocks are hidden and sandbars shift, A ll helpless and aimless, you need not drift. Oh, set your sail to the heavenly gale, And then, no matter what winds pre­ vail, No reef shall wreck you, no calm delay, No mist shall hinder, no storm shall stay; Though far you wonder and long you roam, Through salt sea-spray and o'er white sea-foam, No wind that can blow but shall speed you home. — Annie Johnson Flint THE GREATEST TEST Lord, help me to walk so close to Thee That those who know me best can see I live as godly as I pray And Christ is real from day to day. I see some once a day, or year, To them I blameless m ight appear; 'Tis easy to be kind and sweet To people whom we seldom meet; But in my home are those who see Too many times the worst of me. M y hymns of praise were best unsung If He does not control my tongue. When I am vexed and sorely tried And my impatience cannot hide May no one stumble over me Because Thy love they failed to see; But give me, Lord, a life that sings And victory over little things. Give me Thy calm for every fear; Thy peace for every falling tear; Make mine, O Lord, through calm and strife A gracious and unselfish life: Help me with those who know me best For Jesus' sake, to stand the test. — Barbara C. Ryberg


Q . Kansas City, Kan. — “In Da/niel 2 and 7 the ten toes and ten horns represent the ten kingdoms, but do they also represent the ten tribes of Israel?” A. Daniel 2 is the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar by the prophet. The seventh chapter covers the world rule under Gentile leaders. These portions reveal the end times when God finishes His program here on earth before the millennial reign of Christ. There is no application, however, to the ten tribes of Israel. Q . Salem, Ore.— “Is there stick a thing as a born-again Christian fanatic? I can imagine a religious fanatic, but could a true believer ever be consid­ ered a fanatic?” A. A fanatic is one who is so con­ sumed with his own ideas and no­ tions that he has no time for anyone or anything else. A real Christian has the truths of God’s Word as his pri­ mary interest and concern, however, he is also aware of the needs of people around about him. Some saved people may act unwisely; however, this is not to say that they are “fanatics” in the sense of one who is only inter­ ested in furthering his own goals or ideologies. Q . Scotts Valley, Calif.— “Please explain Matthew 5:18 where it reads ‘Be ye therefore p e r fe c t, even as your Father which is in heaven is per­ fect■:” A. This is from the Sermon on the Mount by our Lord Jesus Christ. It does not refer to sinless perfection.

When we speak of human perfection, it is in the relative sense, while the term applied to God is absolute. Our standards and patterns must always be those of the Lord Himself. These are the ideals; we are to mature in them. This is also known as spiritual growth (II Pet.3:18). We are to be conformed more and more to the image of God’s Son. Q . Miamisburg, Ohio — “What is your opinion of the movement to bring churches together?” A. This is known as the ecumenical movement. We are opposed to such programs which are man-made and anti-scriptural. There are basic doc­ trines, however, on which true believ­ ers can unite: (1) the Bible is the Word of God, the only infallable rule of faith and practice, (2 )the virgin birth of Christ, (3) the vicarious atonement of our Saviour on Cal­ vary’s cross whereby He died as a substitute for our sins, (4) the bodily resurrection of the Lord, (5) and the miracles that are recorded in the Word of God. These are five funda­ mental truths of the faith. Whenever a church attempts to unite with an­ other group which does not believe these vital precepts, disaster results. This is the way modernism came into so many denominations some years ago. We believe that ecumenicity merely for the sake of union is dis­ honoring to our Lord Jesus Christ. Q . Stratford, Calif. — “Hebrews 11 de­ clares that Abraham was looking for a city whose maker and builder is God. Is this city earthly or heavenly?” 17

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