Q . Kansas City, Kan. — “In Da/niel 2 and 7 the ten toes and ten horns represent the ten kingdoms, but do they also represent the ten tribes of Israel?” A. Daniel 2 is the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar by the prophet. The seventh chapter covers the world rule under Gentile leaders. These portions reveal the end times when God finishes His program here on earth before the millennial reign of Christ. There is no application, however, to the ten tribes of Israel. Q . Salem, Ore.— “Is there stick a thing as a born-again Christian fanatic? I can imagine a religious fanatic, but could a true believer ever be consid ered a fanatic?” A. A fanatic is one who is so con sumed with his own ideas and no tions that he has no time for anyone or anything else. A real Christian has the truths of God’s Word as his pri mary interest and concern, however, he is also aware of the needs of people around about him. Some saved people may act unwisely; however, this is not to say that they are “fanatics” in the sense of one who is only inter ested in furthering his own goals or ideologies. Q . Scotts Valley, Calif.— “Please explain Matthew 5:18 where it reads ‘Be ye therefore p e r fe c t, even as your Father which is in heaven is per fect■:” A. This is from the Sermon on the Mount by our Lord Jesus Christ. It does not refer to sinless perfection.
When we speak of human perfection, it is in the relative sense, while the term applied to God is absolute. Our standards and patterns must always be those of the Lord Himself. These are the ideals; we are to mature in them. This is also known as spiritual growth (II Pet.3:18). We are to be conformed more and more to the image of God’s Son. Q . Miamisburg, Ohio — “What is your opinion of the movement to bring churches together?” A. This is known as the ecumenical movement. We are opposed to such programs which are man-made and anti-scriptural. There are basic doc trines, however, on which true believ ers can unite: (1) the Bible is the Word of God, the only infallable rule of faith and practice, (2 )the virgin birth of Christ, (3) the vicarious atonement of our Saviour on Cal vary’s cross whereby He died as a substitute for our sins, (4) the bodily resurrection of the Lord, (5) and the miracles that are recorded in the Word of God. These are five funda mental truths of the faith. Whenever a church attempts to unite with an other group which does not believe these vital precepts, disaster results. This is the way modernism came into so many denominations some years ago. We believe that ecumenicity merely for the sake of union is dis honoring to our Lord Jesus Christ. Q . Stratford, Calif. — “Hebrews 11 de clares that Abraham was looking for a city whose maker and builder is God. Is this city earthly or heavenly?” 17
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