Biola Broadcaster - 1965-11

is obligatory is binding and is a duty to be fulfilled. Anything loosed, as a knot untied in a rope, means the in­ dividual is no longer restricted; he is free. Here is the authority to state what is bound and what is loosed. That privilege is also ours when we pro­ claim the Gospel message. If a man will receive Christ as personal Saviour then we can declare that he is loosed from sin’s penalty. If another rejects the truth of redemption by grace, then we can also conclude that he must stand before God as a guilty lost sin­ ner. It is not a case of our forgiving sins, but rather an authority to let others know that on the basis of what they do with Christ, they are either bound or loosed. That, of course, is the entire purpose and ministry of Biola as we send forth His Word through our students as well as by the written and spoken word. Q . Phoenix, Arizona — “There is a por­ tion of Scripture which has always bothered me. It is Revelation 20:12 to lb as well as Malachi b:l to 3.” A. These references are related. Our readers will want to look up both pas­ sages for further study and enlighten­ ment. Doubtless, the real question cen­ ters on whether hell is an eternal con­ dition or if the wicked dead are utter­ ly consumed. Keep in mind that our present bodies may dissolve or decay in any number of ways, however, the punishment of God for the rejection of Christ as Saviour will endure for­ ever. The Bible never teaches, nor does it even suggest anything like annihila­ tion. Nor do the Scriptures suggest any type of soul-sleeping. The bodies of the redeemed shall be raised and glorified, fashioned like unto our Lord’s glorious body. The bodies of the unredeemed are going to be res­ urrected and will be fashioned to en­ dure suffering throughout all eternity. Hell is a place of eternal torment, originally prepared for the devil and his demonic forces. Many years ago, among certain Polish Jews, it was their custom, when a wicked person died, to bury him without any name or 22

Q Alameda, California — “I need help on Matthew 16:19 which reads, ‘And I urill give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’ ” A. Most difficulties concerning this passage come from a lack of under­ standing the context of the verse. The 13th verse tells us that our Lord Jesus asked His disciples certain questions to see their own response and degree of training in the spiritual things re­ lated to Himself. He had to point out certain areas of need in their lives. Simon Peter had the right answer as to who Christ really was. Notice that it is our Lord Jesus speaking not unto the many disciples but to Peter specif­ ically. Notice, too, that He gives him not the keys of heaven, but rather the keys of the kingdom of heaven, the Messianic kingdom. Anything which While he is handicaped and must use a wheel­ chair, Robert Bowles gets help from another stu­ dent, Eugene Saltien, in moving from one clan to another. Bob's roady smilo and testimony for Christ aro always a challenge and inspiration to his fellow students at Talbot Theological Seminary. Several young pooplo have physical difficulties, however, their joy in the Lord is a source of blasting to others.

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