Biola Broadcaster - 1965-11

other information on the headstone, thinking thereby that the death angel would overlook him. What folly, when the Bible clearly asks the unmistak­ able question, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation.” Q . Los Angeles, California — “Do you think it is right for a church to have in its building a musical concert by someone who may profess to be a Christian and yet who is stiU playing in night clubs and cocktail parlors?” A. As a pastor, personally, we would have no interest in seeing a concert presented by one who is habitually frequenting such worldly places. One would naturally question the true sal­ vation of an individual who carried on such an intimate connection with the world. On the other hand, we must realize that there are many “babes in Christ” who need mature nurture, counsel and prayer. Some, who have “come out” of the entertain­ ment world know nothing else. You have no real idea how some of these people are treated by supposed Chris­ tians who, rather than helping them “look down their noses” at these peo­ ple. Do not misunderstand, we are not condoning their practice, but rather encouraging Christians to seek to be a help to them. But remember, we must also maintain our testimony as a church. We are to be separate from the world. We have no business being identified with the materialistic and atheistic philosophy so prevalent to­ day. This pastor, about whom our lis­ tener has written, will need to care­ fully seek the Lord’s will in this mat­ ter. Q . Denver, Colorado — “Is a wife bound by the Scripture to be in subjection to her husband to the extent that she brings shame and dishonor to the name of Christ ? Also, can you teU, me, who the sons of God are in Genesis 6:27.” A. There are tremendous problems in homes where men and women unfor­

tunately have been yoked together with unbelievers. Possibly they were warned before marriage of the im­ minent dangers but gave little heed to the urgings. “Use your head before you lose your heart,” is a good word of caution for young people. Actually, a wife is not bound to be in subjec­ tion to the extent that she might bring shame and dishonor to the name of Christ. If a husband demands that his wife indulge in sin, that certainly is beyond the boundaries of conscience and subjection. But a wife should not use this as a weapon to “browbeat” her husband. The Bible principle is very assertive, “Wives, submit your­ selves unto your own husbands as un­ to the Lord.” As far as the terms “sons of God” and “daughters of men,” there are two views. The first, which is erroneous, teaches that the former were fallen angels who cohabited with earthly women, producing a race of giants. But the Bible specifically tells us that angels are sexless. Actually, the sons of God were the descendants of Seth who married the daughters of Cain. This speaks of the union between the spiritual and the worldly. Tragedy al­ ways results in such an unholy com­ bination. Q , Santa Clara, California — “Am I cor­ rect in thinking Genesis shows that God was very severe in the judgment of Cain? There doesn’t seem to be any specific teaching of correct offerings which He wanted brought. There doesn’t seem to be love bestowed else­ where to Cain.” A. Genesis 4:4 tells about Abel's cor­ rect and proper offering before the Lord, and Cain’s presentation of the works of his hands. If this passage had to stand alone, we might raise a auestion. The entire third chapter of the book, however, gives us the true picture of man’s ruination through sin. “And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live 23

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