mg act as well. If any believer says he has no sin he makes God a liar and His Word is not in him. On the other side of the picture, however, we read that, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” Take careful note of the context. In I John 3:4 we find, “Whosoever committeth sin trans- gresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” The Apos tle is talking here, and the original Greek is emminently clear on this point, about sin as a practice or habit of life. While a born-again believer may sin in thought, word and deed, he does not do so defiantly and as the general practice or course of his life. He will not desire to do so for the Spirit of God dwells within him. There is conviction which is brought to the believer. The child of God is a most miserable individual which he sins for his spirit is made to be in tune with God. Q . Los Angeles, California — “I heard an evangelist say that the rich young ruler who came to Jesus and turned aside because of his wealth, was no doubt Saul who later became the Apos tle Paul. Is there any basis for this?” A. From the evidence of Scripture such would not be the case. Paul had been a student at the feet of Gama liel. As such it would indicate that he was anything but rich. Keep in mind the time element, too. Paul may have been much younger than this individ ual who came to Christ and was known as the rich young ruler. There is nothing to connect Paul with wealth. Q . San Mateo, California — "Do you be lieve in the Bible word for word?” A. We believe the Bible to be the completely inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and prac tice. We mean, of course, the Bible in its original language. Mistakes have crept into our translations due to the fact that the original copies have been
long since lost. Through the more re cent discovery of older manuscripts, a revised version, published in 1881 was issued, being based on the King James or Authorized Version. In 1901 there was the American Standard Version which was published using more familiar idioms. We further be lieve that it is very dangerous to say merely that the Bible “contains” the Word of God. Here at Biola, as has been true since the school’s founding in 1908, we hold that the Bible is the Word of God. There is a vast differ ence between the two. There are some very insidious statements being made today to the effect that “inspiration” doesn’t mean very much, because after all, all we need to say is that the Bible is the infallible record of possible fallible material. This is tantamount to taking a crate of rotten apples and putting it in cold storage. What is being preserved? The apple will never get any better. What good is an in fallible record of fallible material? We stand upon such Scripture as II Timothy 3:16 where we discover that all of the Bible is literally “God breathed.” It is visible and it is tangi ble. We can see it as well as under stand it. This is what is meant by verbal inspiration (II Peter 1:21). A. According to Scripture, there is no warrant for any specific “waiting period” between conversion and water baptism. Note the events which take place in the wonderful conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch and Philip. The experience followed immediately upon his confession of Christ as Saviour. This is not a hard and fast rule. On some mission fields, for instance, there is a need for waiting both to make certain that the person is sincere and that he fully understands what he is doing. There should be some outward indications of a changed heart. After all, no one but the Lord knows an in dividual’s innermost thoughts. Q . Escondido, California — “Should there be a waiting period between conver sion and water baptism?”
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