which she kept her few treasures. Pack ing it up, with the exception of several pieces which had belonged to her mother, she sent them all to her church’s mis sionary society. Then, to be doubly sure she included a check to cover the mone tary value o f the things she had chosen to retain as keepsakes. In sharing the testimony with others she joyfully ex plained, “I don’t think I need tell you that I have never packed a box with such great pleasure. How precious the Lord became to me.” She found the glo rious secret to what the Lord Jesus Christ meant when He declared, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.” * The man who goes through life looking for something soft can only find it under his hat. * * * NEVER GIVE UP We think of the young man who was a complete business failure at only 22. While he accumulated another sum and tried it again, his partner drank up the assets. In two years’ time he was left deeply .in debt. Instead of going into bankruptcy, however, on his 39th birth day he paid off the last dollar of his in debtedness. He then was offered a job requiring some important equipment. This he was able to negotiate by borrow ing money. Before he could go to work, however, a creditor assessed the equip ment and took it all from him. Again he was completely broke. His friends looked upon him as a failure. To make matters even worse, he was crushed by the death of the one woman whom he had truly loved. Ten years later he decided to try politics. Elected, he worried through two short terms and then was brutally defeated. A fter a dozen more years of constant defeat he was finally elected President of the United States. His name, Abraham Lincoln. He never gave up. * *
those who believe they can get to heaven by some merit of their own. Surely a good upright citizen would have a bet ter standing before God than an evil person or a criminal. A woman frankly told an evangelist, “I can’t see that any one who has broken just one of the commandments can be as bad as another person who has broken all ten, or even one who has broken just five. Certainly I wouldn’t be considered as bad as a murderer on death row.” The Bible teacher responded by saying, “God didn’t give five, or ten laws, He gave just one, consisting of Ten Commandments. Con sider your watch there for a moment. Think how many wheels and gears there are inside there. It’s only necessary for one, however, to stop the entire watch and make it useless. Then, consider your own life. Suppose you were hanging by a chain over a deep precipice. The chain consisted of ten links. A man, bent on your destruction, took a hammer and smashed every link. You know what would happen. Your life would be dashed to pieces on the rocks below. Yet sup posing that same man destroyed only one of the ten links. What would hap pen to you?" The woman saw the point. The loss of one would be just as fatal as all ten. It takes just as much grace to save the best people in the world as to save the vilest. Nothing but grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ can give liberty and freedom from the law of sin. Yet, the Saviour came to fulfill the law, both as to keeping it per fectly, as well as bearing upon Himself its condemnation of death which we just ly deserve. The Bible reminds us in the words of the Apostle Paul to the Gala tian Church, “But the Scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the prom ise by faith of Jésus Christ might be given to them who believe" (Gal. 3:22). you do a lot of wishful thinking, but when you are older you do a lot of thoughtful wishing. * * * SEND ME There was a young man, a born-again believer who started to get interested in missions. He prayed, “Oh Lord save the heathen.” Then later he had to change his plea to, “Lord, send missionaries to save, theheathen.” Then he prayed, “Lord, if you don’t have anybody elsè to do the job, then send me.” 29 * * * When you areyoung
The fanatic is one who increases his speed after he loses his way.
ONLY ONE LINK Despite the clear Biblical teaching concerning the s in fu ln e s s of men’s hearts, it’s always amazing to hear from
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