Biola Broadcaster - 1965-11


L O R D ’S W O R K

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

W E NEED TO DO ALL POSSIBLE in these days of testing to strength­ en the hearts of Christian workers. In Jeremiah 48:10 we read, “Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully (negligently).” What we seek to accomplish for the Lord ought to be done as perfectly as pos­ sible, through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Sometime ago, I had a friend who was to be operated on to correct a problem she had been having. Her doctor was well known, for he often boasted to the others of his profession that he was able to make a smaller incision than any other doctor ever did. The girl called to tell me, “I’m going to be operated on tomorrow morning. Will you pray for me? I want -to come through safely.” She was a lovely, sweet Christian girl. That evening, however, about 10 o’clock, she was gone. When I investi­ gated to find out why, I discovered that the doctor had missed a tiny

little blood vessel which was not prop­ erly tied off. He didn’t see it and she bled to death. He was negligent and the girl died. This happened many years ago, but the illustration is still pertinent. In Christian work, we need to be extremely careful as we seek to win lost souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. One day I asked a young lady who claimed to be saved, “What does the Lord Jesus mean to you?” She had to think for awhile and then responded, “Well, He made me very happy.” Now, if I gave her a check for $100 that would have made her happy. If I gave her a round-trip ticket to Hawaii that would make her happy. There must be something more to it than this. She could have said, “The Lord Jesus blot­ ted out my sins. He gave His life for me. He pardoned me. He did 33 things in my life when I was saved.” Let us find out, in dealing with souls, whether the person really knows the Saviour. There is a real

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