Biola Broadcaster - 1965-11

by Dr. Walter L. Wilson


D id y o u k n o w that every thirteenth chapter of the B ible contains something very special and most in­ teresting? In II Corinthians 13:13 we read, “All the saints of God salute you.” This is a very precious thought which can be a real encouragement for all of our hearts. Here we have a per­ fect illustration of fellowship. In I Co­ rinthians 1:9 we find that “God is faithful, by whom you are called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ.” I like to say to those whom I am endeavoring to win for C h ris t, “Would you like to be in the fellow­ ship of the Lord Jesus?” They usually tell me, “No.” They would rather have fellowship with people who leave Him out, living for the devil. The wonderful thing is that if we establish this fellowship with Him now, we will have fellowship with Him all through eternity. God has called us who are saved by grace into the fellowship of His Son that we might have the intimate rela­ tionship with Him. Here Paul says, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “All the saints salute you.” These may not all belong to your church or fellowship. This makes no difference. All kinds of chickens have fellowship together, just as long as they are chickens. They can’t have fel­ lowship with pigs and cows. If we are going to be in heaven together, and we are, we ought to get together now (Heb. 10:25). This doesn’t mean that we are not to be in different groups. The Lord, however, is desirous that we meet together on common ground to talk about the things of God and heaven. How the work- of the Lord is hin­ dered by factions that war against one another. The Lord wants His children to know each other so well that nothing will separate them. We are “a holy nation, a peculiar people,

a royal priesthood.” We ought to want to help each other. We are told to strive together for the things of the Gospel. One day in Detroit a friend of mine said, “Let’s go see a ball game.” We both had the same desire, although this is the only professional ball game I have seen in my life. The fellow at first base missed the ball but the shortstop got it and the fellow was put out. This was fellowship. The O N H IS W A Y T O S C H O O L Did you send him to school with a brave little song, Full-assured in his heart that your love went along? Did you help him, last night, to dreamland quite early So that morning brought calm, with no hurly-burly? If stiff criticism, then poor vexed little heart! He's a laggard all day, though he does not know why, And he seems, to his teacher, unw ill­ ing to try. He is under a shadow, no fault of his own. One you could dispel with a fond, gentle tone. Your hand on his shoulder, he'll un­ derstand The faith in your eyes, that touch of your hand. Let his heart be assured as he's off and away W ith a skip and brave stride to meet a new day, Yes, a smile of approval, his parents' caress, Can do more for his grades than you ever would guess! shortstop didn’t scold the other play­ er. He didn’t make fun of him. He just stepped in to do what he could. An­ other time the batter hit a fly right over the head of the pitcher. He couldn’t reach it quickly enough. There was a man who had run in to 6

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