King's Business - 1941-03


'T'cue to th e SundaySchool Supplies f i t o m A / u t i e t y t o -@ d u .l t Fully Graded Lessona for all age groups from CradleRoll to Young People. Uniform Lessons for the entire school, beginners to adults. An amazingly beautiful assort* ment of supporting teaching materials. Illustrated weekly paper* for all age groups— children to adults, A brand new course on the Life of Jesus for preschool children, by Lillie A. Faris. Free Samples and Catalogue are yours for the asking. A ct at once for new quar­ ter is just ahead. Please give name and size o f your school and specify materials in which you are interested. Address Desk KB-3. The STANDARD P U B L IS H IN G C O M P A N Y 0th a CUTTfR STS', CINCINNATI, O 1 2 3 4 5

Patented in U. S. A. and o t h e r countries. Famous the world over for fifty years.

Sweet tone • Astonishing volume • Easily carried. • Inexpensive Suitable for Missions, Camps, Sunday Schools, H om es, etc. Write for descriptive folder and prices. BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO.v INC. 1414 M cLean Ave., Dept. K, Chicago, 111. NEW HYMNALS STIR ZEAL Fresh, crisp hymnbooks stimu­ late spiritual expression and religious revival. Let “ Devo­ idtional Hymns” bringnewLIFE to your services. Sample on Request Serving Churches half a century en­ ables us to help you select the best book for your Church.“ Devotional Hymns”—288pp., lacquered cloth binding per 100 not prepaid, $40.00; bristol covers, $25.00. Other song books $10.00per 100up.


Messages illustrated with Kodachrome slides.

The Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will be available for single engagements or conferences. Hear his stimulating messages. Write: Extension Department The Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

dicate type of book needed. HOPE 5729-C West Lake Street

P U B L I S H I N G COMPAN Y Chicago, Illinois

Please mention THE KING’ S BUSINESS

CONFIDENCE in . "the

Lowest P rices . S en d Cor Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUALCOMMUNIONSERVICECO. Room 356 1701"1703 Chestnut Street, PhiIadelphia.Pa


T o provide against insecurity in old age and worry about the future is a sure way to help make the present enjoyable—even add years to your life. An Annuity Agreement of theAmerican Bible Society is a very safe, practical way to ensure a steady income to meet your own needs or ease the burdens of others. The Annuitant has no coupons to keep track of, no accounting books or papers to care for. The check from the American Bible Society arrives at stated intervals; and for over 90 years, through eleven ma­ jor and minor depressions, these checks have never failed.

is easier fo r stu d e n ts w h o h a v e c o m jp le t e d th e M.B.L Home Study Course in

In addition to your comfort and free­ dom from worry, you will realize you are helping to extend the important Bible ministry of the American Bible Society— through its ever widening distribution of God’s word throughout the world. “A Gift That Lives" is a little booklet which tells the advantages of the Annuity- Agreement plan. Will you not let us send you this booklet?

E V A N G E L I S M You—as a believer—have been appointed by God to be a soul-winner. Therefore, in a sense, evangelism is the responsibility of all believ­ ers! To help all—old or young soul-winners, and especially evangelists or evangelists’ as­ sistants—is the purpose of this course. Inter­ esting and practical, presenting the various principles and methods of evangelistic work in a concise manner. Filled with valuable illustra­ tions and an abundance of helpful suggestions. Write for details. r-------------------------------------------------------------*--------- 1 | Dept. K388 | □ Please send FREE folder on EVANGELISM Course. □ Also Prospectus describing all 17 Home Study Courses. Name. . . Address. City 6* State. I f f The 1 (IODI Bible Institute • Bit CORRIS’ONOtNCtJtfMOOl 153 INSTITUTE PLACE

__________M I _ L _ T J 1 J _ S _ ÇO_U_P O N _ T O t o £ Y_____ AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, Bible House, New York, N. Y. " 1 Please send me, without obligation, your booklet, KB-7 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.’’


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