King's Business - 1941-03


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March, 1941

last, crushed and. broken, bruised and bleeding, until men turned their eyes away from Him. But is it not true also that the Lord Jesus today walks with His people, and often they know Him not? The Holy Spirit, likewise, is One at their side, and. they know Him not. The Lord said unto these two, “What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?” The Lord Jesus was not seeking information. He knew every throb of their hearts, every doubt of their minds. What He was seeking was tb enter in to their need. His purpose was to force them to a confession of their despair, so that He might show them the utter folly of their unbelief. In the conversation which followed, there were certain outstanding confes­ sions which the Lord’s followers gave. There was their assumption that Christ was no more than a prophet. They had onoe, no doubt, thought of Him as more than this, but now, knowing of His death, they were not willing to concede that He was God the Son, and Son of God. Their conclusion was that He was only a prophet, mighty in deed and in word. There was their confession of a lost trust. They said, “We trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel.” In this' trust they were altogether disappointed, and there­ fore they were doubly sad. Unbelief always brings sorrow. There was. a third acknowledgment; they had heard the report of the unusual events of that very morning. Unbelief Rebuked We have before us in plain language the admission of these two that they had heard the facts, and yet they be­ lieved not. They rejected the testimony of the third day (v. 21; cf. Matt. 20: 19). They rejected the word of the women who came back reporting the angels’ announcement of the resur­ rection. Furthermore, they rejected the statement of Peter and John. They be­ lieved not, nor would they go to the tomb to see for themselves; they merely started home, filled with sorrow and borne down with unbelief. Let us not boast of superiority over these doubting two. Perhaps we, too, journey along life’s road in sadness when we should be singing, and doubting when we should be trusting. Do we in all things measure up to the standard of an unstaggering faith? When Cleopas had finished his ac­ count, the One walking with them spoke a word of heavy condemnation; He said unto them: “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” The Lord placed upon the words of the prophets an inerrant worth. In effect He said: “All that the prophets have written is true, dependable, in­ errant, and certain of fulfillment, even

OUT OF THE SHADOWS [Continued, from Page 87]

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2. They talked of His crucifixion. They must have gone into the details of that fateful day, beginning with the scenes in the presence of Caiaphas and passing on to the judgment before Pi­ late, to the visit to Herod. The horrors of the scourging would be brought out, as would Christ’s journey down the Via Dolorosa, as the women bemoaned Him and He fell under His cross. They could almost hear again the dull thud of the hammer swung low, as the Roman soldiers nailed the Lord to the tree. The scenes of the three hours of darkness all lived before them—the varied cries from the cross, the ema­ ciated form of the Master, the blood dripping down, until His visage was more marred than any man, and His form more than the sons of men. 3. They talked of the reported resur­ rection. That very morning, they had heard the report -of the women and afterward the report of the apostles. Both groups had returned, saying that Christ was risen, but they had not seen Him. In the Company o f Christ “Jesus himself drew near, and went with them” (v. 15). Here is one of the most astounding events of the resur­ rection day. Let us remember what that day meant to Christ. It meant that the day of His anguish in atone-, ment was past. It meant that the time of His re-entrj» into the glory which He had with the Father had come. That day had come, with an added glory of exaltation, b e c a u s e He was now crowned a Saviour. To think that Christ, on such a day, when all heaven was aglow with re­ joicing, and when He, Himself, was all satisfied with an accomplished work-— that on such a day He would deign to walk along a dusty road, with two sad and doubting saints! Why did He not hie away to His seat at the Father’s right hand? Why linger a moment, especially among the gloom and the shadows of crushed and broken spirits ? However, this is. ever His way. He still delights to draw near to those who need Him the most. He even asks them to cast their care upon Him. He stoops to the lowliest of the lowly, the saddest of the, stricken. It seems to us that even a backslider, who has lost his peace and place of power, is the very one with whom the Master deigns to travel. Here is a strange statement: “Their eyes were holden that they should not know him.” There is much talk about this. Why did they not know Him ? Was His new body so distinct from His- old one that they could not recog­ nize His fa c e ? ' I think not. The dif­ ficulty lay in the fact that they could only think of Him as they saw Him

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