King's Business - 1941-03

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


March, 1941

words were the shrinking of His flesh. But He quickly added, “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Even these words, it seems to us, referred only to the possibility that His physical man might succumb to the awful strain that was upon Him before He was ac­ tually crucified. 2. All the glories future, the added glories which were to be gained by our Lord through His sufferings, were at stake. Had Christ not died, He never could have entered into His present high priestly work in behalf of sinners. He is even now at the right hand of the Father in behalf of those who trust

aa It Is written.” The Lord made a partial belief in the prophets a solemn wrong. And in speaking thus to these two, He laid all their sadness, all of their misgivings, and their lack of com- prehepsion to the fact that they believed not all that the prophets had written. Christ’s Sufferings and Glory The a b s o l u t e reasonableness of Christ’s sufferings became the next subject of His discussion with these dis­ ciples. “ Ought not Christ to have suf­ fered these things . . . ?” (v. 26). The cross is shown to be necessary to sal­ vation. There was no other way by which we could be saved. Had the Lord not suffered, the sin question would never have been settled. The cross was also necessary to duty. The words “ought not” speak in the realm of duty. Christ was suggesting that His death on the cross was an obligation which could not be shunned, in spite of its tremendous cost and sacrifice. The cross was also necessary to Christ’s glory. Apart from dying, He could not have entered into His glory. The word “glory” seemed to suggest that in dying He anticipated our new birth, our redemption and all that it meant. He saw us saved and singing His praises. The Lord Jesus was sug­ gesting the eternal plight in which men would have been had He not died. Peter had said once, in effect, “Pity Thyself, Lord.” Had He done that and spared Himself the agony of suffering, He would not have entered into His glory; neither would we evér share His glory. Even the Old Testament saints in the four thousand years before the cross would have been lost had He not died. He had to die in answer to their faith as well as in answer to the eternal purposes and promises of God. I. All the glories past which belonged to our Lord were at stake. You remem­ ber how Christ on the eve of His cruci­ fixion said, "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (John 17:5). How could Christ have entered once again into those glories which from the beginning were His if He had refused the Father’s will and rejected the Father’s plan- and left us unredeemed? When God created man He knew that man would fall from his high estate and that it would be necessary for Calvary to ensue in order that man might be saved. God knew it, and Christ knew it, for Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit wrought together in per­ fect unity in all things. But Christ never hesitatedJto die! He did not for one moment consider any side-sSepping of Calvary. He did cry, “If it be possible, let this cup pass . . (Matt. 26:39). Perhaps these

in Him. In addition to this glory of high priesthood, there was the added glory of being made Head of the church which is the “fulness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:23). Besides this, there is the coming glory of His millen­ nial kingdom. All of these things are based upon the accomplished fact of Calvary.

Out of the shadows into glory! 'This was the path that the Lord Jesus Christ in His death ‘ and resurrection had opened for these two with whom He now talked. Christ’s absolutely neces­ sary sufferings are the assurance of glory for those who trust Him. P I A |k| k j \A1 to Spend This Summer’s Vacation with Some of ■■ IN IN W America's Greatest Theological Teachers. Winona Lake School of Theology, Winona Lake, Indiana For Ministers, Teachers, Missionaries, Sunday School Workers & Laymen -Courses leading to Regular Degrees. Tuitions reduced for 1941. July 9 to August 13—-Two Terms 15 Days Each—^Interdenominational Evangelical Faith and High Scholarship Combined Dr. J. A. Huffman, President (Ask (or free Prospectus) Marion, Ind# The SHADDUCK BOOKS Meet' 5 great needs for books that defend the faith—scientific accuracy, gripping interest, simple language, something youth will- read, and low cost-.. They must be worth while, because 85% of books we sell, go to buyers of 10 or more for distribution to S.S. Classes, students, and neighbors. ONLY RAB&9T TRACKS. BUT TH E Y RAISE • . « • • ’ . * f , * * 4 » * . TWO QUESTIONS THAT BAFFLE UNBELIEVERS “ DUSTY AND DEITY/* By such simple illustrations as above, are theories of unbelievers dis­ credited. This book shows that only a .miracle-working God could be'the author of the marvels of plants and animals. Has many sketches and illustrations. Book review in S.S. Times, Dec. 7, says, “ The wonders of God’s creation are revealed in an unforgettable way, and the falsity, even absurdity, of some of the positions of the evolution theory are pointed out. Facts, and more facts,—startling, amazing, amusing,—are piled up with astounding impressiveness, and the inferences drawn by this clear thinker and rare humorist are much more convincing than any amount of abstract argument. Young people and students particularly will find-, keen enjoyment in the nature study, bits of science, delicious humor, and perfect but kindly satire. The book, like others by Dr. Shadduck, ought to be distributed by -the million.” “ MISTAKES GOD DID NOT MAKE.” Above Illustration Is one of many that prove our universe is so delichtely adjusted in a hundred combinations that a mistake of one-tenth óf' l%,.up lo 5%, would make earth life impossible. The S. S. Times says of It, ‘ -It is just the sort of material that Christians should put into the hands of young people to strengthen their faith, and distribute among those who have doubts concerning the Word of God.” M I S T A K E S THAT THE" "PASTOR" AND "DUDOE" D ID M A K E “ SEVEN THUNDERS OF MILLENNIAL DAWN." Above is an illustration of the parable of a man who put fuses in green pumpkins and scared the neighbors. After this manner, Russell and Rutherford put prophetic fuses in the years 1910, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1921,. and 1925. This book •recites their prophecies that did riot explode. If your neighbors read it with an open mind, they will riot take seriously the claims of Rutherford’s “ Jehovah’s Witnesses.” . “ ItASTUS AUGUSTUS EXPLAINS EVOLUTION.” This book is in Negro dialect—a mixture of fun, fiction, and philosophy. Rastas Agustus is a college janitor. Mischief loving students explain evolution to him and he recites to his pious wife. AVhat he does to the theory is plenty. If you want other books to choose from, include “ Jocko-Homo Heavepbound,” “ Puddle to Para­ dise,’ ’ “ Toadstool Among the Tombs,” “ Alibi-Lullaby-Byby,” or ‘•‘The Gee-haw of the Modern Jehu.” All the same author, same size, same price. Each book is 20 cents postpaid. If you wish to sell, ,loan, or give them away, we will' send 10 of one kind for $1. To get you started, you may have 5 each of 2 kinds for $1, 5 each of 3 kinds for $1.50, or 5 each of >4 kinds for $2. With a $2 order we add a book of our choosing. Only twice the price of a Christmas card or equal the price of a Sunday paper, yet the faith .of a neighbor may be saved. Stamps accepted for small amounts, but dimes preferred. HOMO PUB. CO.f Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio t

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