King's Business - 1941-03

Soulw inning ................ CHALK TALKS 14 lessons for young and o ld ........... coin 25c Folding blackboard and easel, 3x4% ft. $6.00 “ Beautiful Hymns’- for Juniors..................10c Highly recommended for Christian workers. REV. FRANK A. MILLER, SUPT. Children's Evangelistic Union 125 So. Ave. 60 Los Angeles, Calif.

llJ ijß P I P E - T O N E FOLDING ORGANS . the LAST WORD in substantial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO Grand Ave., Chicago

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Send for Folder and SPECIAL l OFFER at low prices. Glasses$1.00 I Dozen. Tray and 86glasses$6.50up. Beautiful CHROMIUM-PLATED,

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Aluminum, Wood and Silver-plated ___________________ Services. Collection&BreadPlates,Pastor’sSickOutfits etc Thomas Communion Service, Box 1214 Lima Ohio

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Summer School ai: Wheaton CoUeae Perfect setting for Summer study—affords J fu ll onnortnn itv fo r mpntiil And cniritnul f ll opportu ity for e tal a spiritual growth, and recreation. Varied courses, credits toward degrees. Practical short courses, two weeks and four weeks for Pas­ tors, Teachers, Musicians, etc. Courses start June 16, June 28, July 26. Enock C. Dyrness, Summer School director.

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Fall Term Starts Sept. 13 Over 400 course subjects. Growing in popularity— 44 states and 12 oth­ er countries represented. Pounded on the teaching and practice o f the historic Christian faith. Bulletin free. Address: “ Summer School Dept. KB-31. Black Hills Trip” W H E A T O N , I L L I N O I S

Brings fresh spiritual vigor to Preaching, Worship, Evange­

lizing and Chapel services, Sunday School, Conferences, Rallies — every religious use. TflBERItHCLE Hvmns n um B E R FOUR Abounding in resources, musical and spirit­ ual, for all needs: old songs, new favorites, choruses, children and special day numbers, Scripture readings, full Topical Index of 91 headings and also Topic Index of Responsive Readings—a new feature. Richer in scope than its predecessor and fuller in its treat­ ment of foundation truths. Truly an all-pur­ pose book. You will want to “ eye it—try it— buy it." Send today for sample copy. ★ Introductoryprice only $52.50 a 100, notprepaid. Long-lastingwaterproof cloth binding. Bristol paper, $32.50 a hundred. Low-pricedcomprehen­ sive orchestrationfor 25 instruments. Mail Coupon for Returnable Sample

Pastors and Church Workers find CHRISTIAN SERVICE SONGS a big aid to SPIRITUAL AWAKENING 1 r o m Maine to California and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, our new book, CHRISTIAN SERVICE SONGS is being used successfully by thousands of congrega­ tions to encourage interest in fervent singing. TESTED FOR TODAY Included in this remarkable book are 312 songs which have stood the tests of quality, charac­

Expensive inAppearance —Yet LOW in Price! Strikingly beautiful brown artistic cloth board binding— very rich in appearance. $40 per 100 not postpaid, single copies 50c each. Heavy bristol paper, $25 per 100 not postpaid, 35c each.

ter, singability, adaptability and use by all denominations. Christian Service Songs is keyed into the tempo of TODAY! Outstanding Features 110 standard church hymns used by all denominations, 75 favorite gospel hymns that have lived from 50 to 75 years, 60 gospel songs tested on the radio, 25 songs for Sunday School use, also many responses and special numbers. SEND COUPON NOW ^

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