King's Business - 1941-03

March, 1941

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


SPREAD THE GLADNESS (B e Ready fo r Easter, April 13, 194 1 )

I F YOU will send T W O s u b s c r i p t i o n s to THE KING’S BUSINESS*—new or renewal—you will receive, without cost to you, a decor­ ated box of ten Easter greet­ ings, each #with an appro­ priate Scripture verse on it. The color schemes used on these lovely folders include soft pastel shades of blue, lav­ ender, green, and yellow with contrasting colors. The de­ signs are artistic, different, and beautiful. The c h o i c e sentiments and suitable Bible verses have b e e n selected for each folder. By mailing these greetings, you will in­ crease the knowledge of Him

who said, “ I am the resurrec­ tion, and the life.” Or, if you send ONE sub­ scription to THE KING’S BUS­ INESS*, you may have a set of six beautiful glossy prints ( 7y2 inches x 9% inches), done in rich color, ready for framing.

The p o p~u 1a r i t y of these KING’S BUSINESS cover de­ signs has caused this special gift packet of six to be pre­ pared. The group as a whole, or the individual pictures, will make appropriate Easter re­ membrances.

*$1.00 a year in V. S.; 25 cents extra in Canada and foreign countries.

> THE KING’S BUSINESS | 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Dear Friends:

Enclosed find $........... . lor ........................... . subscription(s) to THE KING’S BUSINESS. Please send me a box of ten Easter folders free, offered with two subscriptions Q Please send me a set of six art prints, given with one subscription Q (Check your choice of these two offers.) ^0 Name ............................................................................................. .............. . Street No........................................... . City........................................................ State........................ . I 2. Name .............................................................................................................w.... ■ Street No. Cityi............. State................................................... I Send cards or prints to: ....................................................

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