King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


greater warmth and tenderness. We sensed a growing re­ sponsiveness. As waters to a thirsty soul and good news from a far country the old story of the ages fell upon his tired heart. Once again we saw the lad in the far country, weary of'feeding upon the husks; and, when the moment of all moments came (for which the soul-winner longs and yet shrinkingly, hesitatingly approaches, with his heart lifted to God for grace to put the great question), we were not surprised when the strong hand shot out and gripped ours in the deep consciousness that this was not a mere lip profession but a soul for whom Christ bled and suffered and died, passing from death unto life. " “ My chains are snapped, the bonds of sin are broken, And I am free; O, let the triumphs of His grace be spoken, Who died for me.” Just after that memorable meeting, he secured a position, leaving Los Angeles. Months passed with no word from him till a stray clew followed brought a response to our letter. Within another week one morning he burst in on us and under the further clear ministry of the Word and Christian fellowship, amid the terrific battlings of Satan to cast this soul upon the rocks of professionalism, the fur­ ther surrender was made one midnight hour and with his face wet with tears, the life as well as the soul was laid down at His feet. “ I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, O’er mountain or plain or sèa; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I’ll be what you want me to be,” I 111 H 11 ' A POINTER FOR INVESTORS A recent mail brought the following letter from Min­ nesota: “ Enclosed find P. O. order for $------- for your evangelis­ tic work. I am so much interested in every department, especially the Jewish, Spanish and Biola Hall Work, that it is hard to name any particular one in which to use this gift. May the Lord direct you as to the best use to make of it.” We are somewhat in the position of this friend— it is hard to make,, a choice between the different evangelistic activities of the Institute,-Sthey are all so definite and all are bringing in such large returns in precious souls saved. This is largely due to the fact that every department is in charge of a Superintendent peculiarly fitted for that par­ ticular service. Our Jewish Work is recognized as one of the best in the United States; the Spanish Work is in charge of a wonderfully devoted man who has had years of expe­ rience as a missionary in Central America; Biola Hall is one of the most unique “ fishing pools” for the unsaved pos­ sible to imagineA^he front of an old store room having been moved back to form an alcove where men can step in right from the pavement to listen to the Gospel, which is preached continuously from 10:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. Some tarry just a short time and then move on. Others, becoming interested, remain longer. Many are dealt with by personal workers and not a few are convicted, converted and make their confession of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Fuller information about any particular phase of the Evangelistic Work will be gladly given. Write to T. C. Horton, Superintendent, 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California.

nite message, and we can assure our readers that we took advantage of it. Tactful, truthful presentation of God’s Plan with Men, is, our desire at all times. - Continually we are requesting prayer for literature, deci­ sions for Christ, and assistance in the work, and we are glad to rejoice in such answers this month. Friends living in San Pedro, as well as in Los Angeles, have taken us about the docks in their cars, have assisted in personal work and in holding meetings. Rejoice with us in these tokens of His love., Sfcy gfe BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Mission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon day Prayer Meeting There is much to encourage and cheer the patient watcher in the night as he prays and waits and labors in anticipation of the soon coming crowning day. It’s true he could go down under the increasing spiritual darkness as all around he sees the lack of heart and zeal and interest concerning the testimony of life and lip for our absent Lord Jesus from the increasing half-hearted, professing mass of men, but, praise the Lord ! he is but cast more completely upon God, for our sufficiency is of Him. Certainly in this day of grace we can always find the silver lining if we so desire,: even amid the ruin and blight of apostate Christendom, and even here on Main Street, around Biola Hall, we constantly see the gra­ cious working of the Holy Spirit upon the hearts of men as the Gospel is proclaimed. A friend of the writer had this significant line on the fly leaf of his Bible: “ Somebody gave me an apple; Half of it was bad.” But in larger letters underneath was written: “ Somebody gave me an apple; Half of it was good.” It is refreshing and encouraging, after patiently and prayerfully dealing with a soul for hours and then being compelled to leave them hard, rebellious, stubborn, self- willed, closing their hearts to the deathless, eternal Lover of souls, to see them, after many days, coming back sub­ dued, humble, convicted; finally surrendering to Jésus Christ as Lord and Sayiour. Such a one comes to mind now, a fine, stalwart young man who had carved out a place, enviable in the world, but drink had felled him like a splendid giant of the forest, leaving him twisted, embittered and hard. Our first interview was decidedly discouraging. Appar­ ently not the slightest impression was made— good, bad or indifferent; but within a month’s time he was back again, this time sullen, obstinate, but all the fight knocked out. After running up against the sign “No help wanted” for over a month, with money and friends gone, he was more inclined to listen to the call of God. We realized the lack of real conviction of sin and finally let him go, without pressing beyond what we believed was the work of the Holy Spirit Himself. No sooner had he left, however, than a real burden of prayer drove us to our knees in his behalf. We were definitely led to ask that he might be brought back again to the hall and that conviction might work effectually in his heart. Within two weeks’ time we were attracted to a young man apparently studying one of our posters for a suspiciously long time. Several times we looked up from our desk and there he was, still intently looking at the same picture. Making our waÿ to him, we noticed his general appearance seemed strangely familiar. To our delight we discovered our old friend, and as we again unfolded the story of the cross we were con­ scious of a great change. The message came from us with

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