King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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Sophie Shaw Meader

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How To Become a Member of the Red Book Club 8 Any boy or girl under sixteen may become a member of the Red Book Club by studying the. Bible lessons as outlined in the Children s Garden each month and sending in papers as directed. Every member w ill receive, free, the “red book” (a red-covered Gospel of John) and a beautiful hand-painted card on which is printed the "Sunrise and Sunset Prayers.” Papers w ill be rated on the follow in g points: subject material, individuality shown, and, grammatical construction. There w ill be four groups of children: Primary .Group (those under seven years),/ Group 1 (7 through 9), Group 2 (10 through 12), Groap 3 (13 through 15). Rules. (1) All papers must bear the name, age and address of bhild as w ell as name of instructor as a -guarantee that the actual writing of the story has been done by the child and that he or she has learned all Memory Verses, although information may be given by adults. (2) All papers must be mailed on the first o f the month follow ing the one in which work is given to Sophie Shaw Meader, 225 W. 15th St., Long Beach, California. : Extra time is allowed foreign contributors. Rewards w ill be given..each month for the best work. HAPPY GARDENERS By Ivy Crose We are the “ Red Book Clubbers,” A happy, jolly band; We come from many countries, three hundred Gardeners in our club. Look at the happy faces in the illus­ tration and then read the poem writ­ ten especially for'you by a friend of mine. You must all give Kansas three cheers as she has beaten every state in the Union in numbers.

About eight hundred years before Christ, there is supposed to have lived a great law-giver— the greatest the world has ever known with the single exception of Moses. His name was Lycurgus. He made a law and laid down a penalty, we are told, for every sin except ingratitude. Someone asked him why he failed to make a law against that sin, and he replied: “ That sin is so great, that I have left it for the gods to punish!” ;' We wonder how many people there are in this country who have taken many blessings from God, and yet will never look up at Thanksgiving time,

From almost every land. Two of us live in China, South America claims four; Hawaii; Korea, and Canada Together have a score. Most of us Garden Children, Live in the U. S. A. The majority live in Kansas, Hurrah for that State! Hurrah! All of us love our Saviour, And give thanks unto our King, And to Him on this Thanksgiving Our grateful praise we sing. CHILDREN’S THANKSGIVING SERMON By Rev. Louis S. Bauman, D. D., Pastor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. Text: “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?”— Luke 17: 17. Boys and girls, here is one of the saddest stories in all the Bible. Jesus was just entering a certain village, when ten men with that awful disease for which there was no cure— leprosy --m e t Him. Their toes were rotting off their feet; their eyes were being eaten into; and their ears and noses were decaying,-^it was terrible! When they saw Jesus, they stood afar off and cried: “ Jesus, have mercy on us! Jesus, have mercy on us!” And then Jesus said, “ Go shew yourselves unto the priests!” This meant that He would heal them, for when a leper was cleansed, he was always to go to the priest and have the priest pronounce him clean. They understood this, and started for the priests. As they went, that terrible disease suddenly disap­ peared from them, and their flesh be­ came as pure and as sweet as the flesh of a little babe. But, now a sad thing happened,-jH just one of those ten men that were healed returned to find Christ, and say, “ I thank you!” The nine men that failed to return were guilty of deepest ingratitude. And ingratitude is a great sin in the sight of God.

If you will read the other little poem, “ Every Day is New Year’s Day” , I am sure you will make a vow, or promise, that your state or province will be the winner in October, 1925, when our Children’s Garden will be two years old. I know you children will enjoy the Thanksgiving sermon written for you by Dr. L. S. Bauman, and will remem­ ber to thank the Lord for all His blessings, not only on Thanksgiving, but as our little New Year’s poem says, “ Every day.” Have you forgotten about the re­ wards offered for getting new sub­ scriptions to The King’s Business? Notice what they are and try to get one. You have done pretty well, hav­ ing sent in through our “ Garden” this year 44 new subscriptions. Let us try hard this next year to get 300 more, one for every member of our Club. I am not going to give you any writ­ ten work in the Bible this month nor in December; but in January, 1925, we will start a new Bible Course be­ ginning with Genesis. Rewards will be given for good work. The rewards for the three months’ course which ended on October 1st will be sent as soon as the papers are sent and corrected, which will be some time in November. Instead of written work in the Bible this month and in December I am giv­ ing you some reading to do and a Thanksgiving Psalm to learn. All who will read, or have read to them, John’s Gospel through twice by January 1st, learn Psalm 149 and get someone else (old or young) to read John’s Gospel through once by January 1st, will re­ ceive a beautiful card on which is printed a poem written for the Garden Children. On January 1st send me a statement as given on page 747, signed by your­ self and your instructor. Lovingly your aunt, Sophie S. Meader. 225 W. 15th St., Long Beach, Calif. (Continued on page 747)


300 Strong— W e Encircle the Earth (Numbers shown in circle indicate the number o f “ Gardeners" in each country) and say, “ Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you!” Some years ago, a man learned that thousands of letters are addressed to "Mr. Santa Claus,’’ and find their way to the Dead Letter Of­ fice, at Washington, D. C., every year. The boys and girls who write these let­ ters ask Santa Claus to remember them at Christmas time. Upon care­ ful examination, he found that only one letter reached the Dead Letter Of­ fice after Christmas, saying in it to “ Santa Claus,”— “ I thank you!” Sure­ ly, the boys and girls of “ The Chil­ dren’s Garden” will never be guilty of accepting many blessings and mer­ cies this year from our Heavenly Fa­ ther, and then fail to go up to His house on Thanksgiving Day to kneel before Him and say, “ I thank You!” MY DEAR RED BOOK CLUBBERS: We have just had a birthday, little Gardeners, and how happy it makes me to tell you that there are now

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