King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

T HE K I N i & ’ S B US I NE S S


the one, and his answer is our memory verse, and they are very wonderful words. Listen now to what Peter said. “ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter was not ashamed of Jesus, or afraid to own Him. You know there are some people who belong to Jesus, and when they are with a crowd who do not believe in Him, they will not own up, because they are afraid of being made fun of. You know, boys and girls, when I meet people like this, I just can not believe they really love Jesus in their hearts. The Bible tells us if we are ashamed of Jesus down here on earth, He will be ashamed of us, and can not confess us before His father in heaven. We had better be brave and confess Him here on earth and be made fun of, than to deny Him and be lost forever. There are so many ways to speak for Jesus here every day: By being faithful in our studies, and not cheating in examinations; playing fair in our games, being helpful at home, rebuking profanity and foul talk. Then another way of speaking for Christ and showing we belong to Him, is by joining His church. Let us remember that joining the church can not save us, but only giving our hearts and lives to Jesus. We join the church because we love Jesus, and want to serve Him. I wonder if there are any boys and girls who have never taken Jesus as their Saviour, and would like to do so this morning? (Teachers, ypu should know your pupils, and gauge how far to press decisions. Make plain just what accepting Jesus as Saviour and Lord means. John 1:12). 1 Closing'“ Dear heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Jesus Christ Thy Son. Make us brave to stand for Thee wherever we are.” NOVEMBER 28, 1924 THE TRANSFIGURATION Golden Text: “ This is my beloved son: hear Him.” (Luke 9:35.) Lesson Text: Luke 9:28-36. (Read Matt. 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8.) ;, Devotional Reading: Psalm 86:1-7. E I k g a t e “His witness - - - - of what thou hast seen and heard.” --- Acts 22:15 The eight days mentioned by Luke indicate that the six days referred to by the other evangelists were days of interval between . the confession of Peter at Cesarea Philippi and the morning of the transfiguration. This • period has been called “ the Saviour’s LESSON passion week in the north.” The sha- EXPOSITION dow of the cross was on Him through- F. W. Farr out His life, but it must have been darker this week than ever before. The first announcement of an impending sorrow is often harder to bear than the experience itself. For the first time He had allowed this shadow to fall upon His disciples. The week that followed seems to have been given largely to meditation and prayer. At its end, He took the three disciples who were in the inner circle to a high mountain apart, as if He desired to get as far away from earth and as near to heaven as possible. Luke says that the purpose of this ascent was prayer. He did not go up to be transfigured. He went up to pray. It was a custom of Christ to spend a whole night in prayer.

“ ‘Who’s whp’:?*'X}ijs js,,. generally speaking,. i| question of very little eoiiseqüeuce. When the ‘Son,of Man’ is con­ cerned, it is of infinite moment, Everlasting issues turn upon the manner in which it is answered.” ïh e question as to who Jesus is has DEVOTIONAL been a living, vital : question down COMMENT through the centuries. It is certainly John A. Hubbard living and vital today. The answers given today are the same in effect as those given in this lesson. “Who do men say the, Son of Man is? Some say John the Baptist; some Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets,” that is, some were not sure just which one of the prophets He might be. They conceüed that ¡Jesus was a prophet, and a great one, in a class with Elijah, and other notables;' but nothing more. Even so today',‘ men concede 1 that Jésus was a great prophet, even greater than all the Old Testament prophets, but nothing more. This is the estimate of the merely nat­ ural man— “ flesh and blood',;--^and falls far short of the, truth. “ But whom say ye (my disciples) that I am?” Without hésitation there came from Peter the confession as to His; “ offtce’^gS'Thou art the Christ,” the long looked for Mes- siah^and as to His “ nature”— “ the Son of the living God.” This, the true answer, was not based upon human thought and speculation, but was the divine revelation of the Father. Thank God thal, even in these days of widespread apos­ tasy, there are not a.few who can answer this all-important question as Peter did, with as much; confidence, and for the same reason! “ Blêssed,” indeed, are théy! Reader, who say you that Jesus is? You have heard others’ opinions about Him. Have you taken up with these, or have you a conviction of your own—-a revelation from the Father? , ' • Peter Speaks Oiut For Jesus Matt. 16:13-17. Memory: Vferse.'—f“ ’I*hou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matt, 16:16. Approach.—You know we often sing the song, “ Stand up for Jesus,” but. I am afraid we do not always do so in the daiiy acts- of, oust lives. My heart was made very happy one day when I heard of a little boy, about eight years old, who was very brave and stood for Jesus in a ELEMENTARY hard place. The teacher in the day Mabel L. Merrill school told the class that some things in the Bible were not true. After school was out this little boy took his Bible, which he kept in his desk, and he knew where to turn, and showed her that God’s Word was true. If all the people who belong to Jesus would speak and stand for Him, a great many people who do not know Jesus would be led to know Him. Prayer. Lesson Storyt—This morning I am going to play I am from a far off country and never heard any of the stories from the Bible, and so you are going to tell me about the little boy who helped Jesus feed the hungry people. (Review, emphasizing the large part children can do in work for Jesus). In the days when Jesus lived on earth, there were many people as now, Who did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son, and many of .them worshipped idols. One day Jesus asked th ^ ’pie'ople'if they knew who He was, some said He was John; the Baptist; others said He was Isaiah. Then Jesus spoke to the disciples and said, “Whom say ye that I am?” Then, boys and girls, which one of the disciples do you think spoke up and answered Jesus’ question? Peter was

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