King's Business - 1924-11


THE , K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1924

orial of how they •were saved; from the’ poisoned serpents T>y God’s command-—but now they bowed down to the ser­ pent, burned incense and prayed to It, instead of to God. King Ahaz was punished for his wickedness, however. He was taken with a terrible disease and died. Then Prince Hezekiah, who was 25 years old, became King. He had the Temple cleaned throughout, and made new things for those which his father had destroyed. King Hezekiah went out and broke down all the images and idols and all the altars that his father had set up. He broke in pieces the brass serpent the people had been worshipping. When th e 'Templé of God Was repaired and cleansed, King' Hezèkiah Opened thé doors and had the people corné and òffér sin offerings for all Israel. King Hezekiah wás happy and the people were h'appy too, because they" were pleasing God. Are the doors of your hèarts closed so that thè Lord Jesus cannot corné in? Listen! 'Do you hear Him knock­ ing? He waiits to come into each heart and life so that Hé can make yOhr life pleasing to God, His Father. Will you open the door' and lët Hiin in? Hte says, "Behold I stand at the door andkhoék; if any mail . . . . open the door I will coiffé' In to him and I will Sup with him and he with me.” “ Open to Him how ybur heart—-Let the Saviour in! If you wait He will depart-^—Letithe Saviour In! > Lei Him in,. He is your friend, . . f . - . - i - îm - He your soul will sure defend ; He will keep you to the' end— ílet the Saviour in! ” 3 and Rom. 5:12-21 ). How.we need to pray for the world -—its millions who are lost! (1 Tim. 2:1, 4). The world is blinded 12 Cor. 4:4 ) !>~pray for light.'' The1’ world is’ evil (Gal.: lrAl-^pray. f-or righteousness, m The: world is rebel­ lious (Rom. 3 :12,,18)-^pray for surrender, that His will be done on earth as in heaven. The world is guilty (Rom. 3:19) — pray for cleansing. Thé world' is cbrrupíT (2 Pet. 1 :4 )—praÿ for soundness. The world is polluted (2 Pet. 2 : 20 ) 3 -“pray. for.-purity.' The world knows not God - (1 Oor. 1:21; Juo. 1:10)-,—pray for. knowledge., .The world is gov- ; eriied by Satan. Three times the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry called Satán the prinée Of this world. (Jno. 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). Pray that the kingdom of God may come. ; The world is in the lap of/Satan'( 1 John 5:19 R. V.) -pray for deliverance. Tlie world is ripe for the harvest (Matt. 9:37, 38)— pray for réapers. DECEMBER 7. 1924 , In His Steps., 12, What, Jesus Said About Forgiveness,! Matt, 6:14; 18:21-35. (Consecration Meeting) God forgives us for Christ’s sake, (Eph. 4:32; Gol: 3:13) and on the ground of His shed blood, through the riches of His grace. (Eph. 1:7; 2:6-8; Acts 10:43; 13:39; Matt. 26: 28; Heb. 9:22). Our willingness to forgive others is one of the ’ evidences of the new birth-i4ithat His Spirit is within us,' and “ if any man have not the Spirit of Christ- he is none of His.” (Rom. 8 :9). If the servant in ,the parable given as our Scripture lesson had been really sincere in his professions, he would, have, freely forgiven his .debtor. If we trúly believe from the heart in God’s forgiveness, then we will forgive others. We show Our acceptance of God’s forgiveness by forgiving others. Matt. 6:12 is addressed to Christians, who have been forgiven for Christ’s sake. Only born-again-ones call God, “ Our Father.” This parable pre­ sents a Portrayal of the Principle of Forgiveness. The Plight of thé Servant,—-23-25 (A talent is $29,- 374.50). The Plea for Mercy— 2 6 . The Pardon Granted, -.--27. The Pitiless Deed,— 28-30. The, Penalty Exacted, —-31-34. (vs. 34 shows that the servant was eternally lost, for he never could pay the debt). Unforgiveness hinders prayer, (Matt. 5:23, 24; Mark 11:25, 26), and denies forgiveness to us (Matt. 6:12; 18: 35). We must forgive repeatedly (Matt. 18:21, 22). The offender must repent (Luke 17:3, 4). But the offended one must not hate or ignore the offender (Matt. 18:15, 17) but must love him (Matt. 5:44). OUR YOUNG PEOPLE (Otontniued from page 702)

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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