King's Business - 1924-11


November 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

NAILING IT TO THE CROSS (Continued from page 6881

"Christmas W ill Soon Be Here- Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts Inmaking up your lists don’t forget that Andrew Murray’s books were written to meet the need of the average Christian— NOTE THESE CAREFULLY God’s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray If there ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who has dwelt in the secret place of the Most High where he could and did learn God*s Best Secrets, that man was Andrew Murray. And he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,— The secret of Adora* tion. The Secret of the Abiding Presence, The Faith Life, The Secret of Fellowship, The Secret of Inspiration, The Secret of Intercession, and The Secret of United Prayer. Written in the last days of his long and useful life, this book brings his very last word to the Chris­ tian Church. The book is made up of eight sections, each containing thirty-one short chapters. Each chapter has a Scripture heading so that it is particularly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth, $2.00 The Full Blessing of Pentecost

was outlawed from every decent penal system on earth long ago.” A Presbyterian minister tells us that it will be a day for all true Protestants to rejoice when men can say “ That the Atonement on Calvary is the supreme expression of the cosmic law that life advances through the sacrifice of the fittest and the best.” An Episcopal minister tells us that “ so far as we have the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of self-sacrifice, we are saved. God needs no reconciling from man. Why not let the old theories go? Why not take Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son as the simple and sufficient plan of salvation? The- blush of shame on the face of the self-banished returning: son, and the Father’s yearning heart going forth to welcome him. That is all.” Another tells us that “The death o f Christ has assumed an undue importance, as though it were an isolated phenomenon for a man to die in pursuit of a reform. Far too much stress has been laid on the death of Christ and far too little upon His life.” This whole; popular drift is summed up in the account a friend sent me of a sermon preached on the death of Christ in one of the greatest churches of Christendom. He said that the preacher gave a graphic description of the crucifixion o f Jesus, “ But as far as the congregation and their relation to that event were concerned, it might have been the exe­ cution of Socrates,’’ Such, in brief, is the new method of speaking of the death of Christ. To those who hold these views, this new, thought of the death of Christ, that it was merely an incident in the ministry and life of Christ, beautiful and touching, and as an example setting forth full obedience and love to man and God, but not an atonement nor an expiation for sin, not an awful and solitary transaction unlike anything else in the history of the universe, such an expression as that which Paul employs to define what was done by Christ in His Death, that there Christ nailed our condemnation to the Cross, must be meaningless jargon. HI. The Grounds Upon Which This Rejection of Historic Christianity is Based Paul sppke of the “ offence of the,Cross.” By that he meant that the Cross preached as an atonement and expia­ tion, and thus involving guilt on the part of man and salva­ tion on the ground of the death of Christ, was repugnant and offensive to the mind and heart of man. To unregen­ erate man it has never been anything else: to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks nonsense. The real rea­ son, therefore, for the present day rejection of the Cross is the natural enmity of the heart of man to God and to God’s great plan. But this reinterpretation and restatement of the Chris­ tian faith constitutes so complete a change from what has always been taught and believed in thè Church, that some kind of explanation for the change of base is necessary. The general explanation given is much as follows: The Christian Church went astray at the very beginning. The simple Gospel of Jesus about the Kingdom of God was soon lost sight of and submerged in an elaborate system of theology based upon the idea of sacrifice. The chief offender in this respect was St. Paul, who took the simple Teacher of Galilee and transformed Him into a great high priest who offers Himself upon the Cross for the sins of the world. Christianity, as in the Sermon on the Mount, comes from Jesus, but Christian theology, as in Paul’s letters,

The True Vine Meditation for a month on John 15:1-16. The au­ thor says: "I have felt drawn to try to write what young Christians might easily apprehend as a help to them to take up that position in which the Chris­ tian life must be a suc­ cess." This book ' is most helpful. Boards, 75c Like Christ The object of this book is to "study the image of God in the man Christ Jesus, to yield and set open our inmost being for that image to take possession and live in us, and then to go forth and let the heav­ enly likeness reflect itself and shine out in our life among our fellowmen." Cloth, 75c Waiting on God Written under the deep­ est conviction that we need more of God. This book teaches us in our worship more to wait upon God, and to make the cultivation of a deeper sense of His pres­ ence, of more direct con­ tact with Him, of entire dependence on Him the def­ inite aim of our lives. A book to be read, studied and then acted upon. Boards, 75c

No writer is safer or more sane than Andrew Murray, and we are glad to have him to turn to in these days of so much wrong "Pentecostal Blessing** teaching. This book rings true to the Scriptures ana is .*> book you need to hold you true. Cloth, $1.00 Humility If-Jesus is indeed to be our Example in His lowli­ ness, we need to under­ stand the principles in which it was rocked, and in which we can find common ground on which we stand with Him, and in which our likeness to Him is to be at­ tained. And that is just what this splendid book shows us so very clearly. Boards, 75c The Two Covenants and the Second Blessing The introduction tells us: "T his b ook is the humble attem pt to show what ex­ actly the blessings are thav God has covenanted to b e­ stow on us; what the a s­ surance is the covenant gives that they must, can, and will be fulfilled; what the hold on God Himself is which it gives us; and what the conditions are for the full and continual experi­ ence o f its blessings. Cloth, $1.00

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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