King's Business - 1924-11

November 1.924



K I N G ’ S


when we are crushed by sorrow, or overwhelmed with a sense of our guilt, or our feet are going down into death’s dark and cold river, then we need something more than example or precept; we need a great remedy, a great Redeemer; we need the Cross. Deep calleth unto deep! We need something more than foundations of hope built up by human hands and human merit and wisdom. We need the Cross, the Rock of Ages, the same yesterday, today and forever, and against which all the waves of sin and death and hell have dashed themselves in vain.

universal language, telling the world that Christ died for the remission of our sins. The Only Way Instead, then, of being a fact and a truth remote from the Gospels, and the teachings of Jesus, His death is the great fact that Jesus presents to us. By His parables and His ways of instruction, by His private instruction of the disciples, by His prayers, rebukes, sighs, pathos, agony and grief, our Lord tells us that He died for the sins of the world, that the Good Shepherd laid down His life for lost sheep. Not only is the Christianity which rests its all upon the Cross, the best attested Christianity, the Christianity which put the Church in the world and has kept it in the world, so that the gates of Hell have not been able to pre­ vail against it, but it is the only Christianity whifih can save and deliver. Marvelous are the ideals and the precepts of Jesus, but the greatest thing in Christ is His remedy for'sin. Ideals are good, precepts are potent, examples are blessed; but

R ock o f Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee” Let the water and the blood From Thy riven side which flowed. Be of sin the double cure Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I oling; Naked, come to Thee for dress. Helpless, look to Thee for grace;

Foul, I to the fountain fly. Wash me, Savior, or I die. Business-like Methods Essential to Sunday School Success S HE BUSINESS END OF A SUNDAY SCHOOL is an especially vital part of religious work. Unless the officers and teachers conduct all the affairs of the Bible School in a business-like manner, their efforts to enlighten and instruct the children under their charge are very often lost. By the business end of a Sunday School we mean all that part of the work except the actual teaching of the lesson. The officers of the Hammond Publishing Company have made a deep study of this very important subject, covering a period of over thirty years, and, as a result of this study, have brought out and put into the hands of thousands of Sunday School workers schemes and devices which have produced wonderful results. We are consulting experts for Sunday School manage­ ment, and have been successful to such an extent that thousands of Bible schools throughout the world are using our helps. The Fall season is about here* Have you made any plans for it? Rally Day is the beginning of Fall work. Let us show you how to increase the interest and maintain the attendance. We list below only a few of the many interesting things that can be found in our new Fall catalog:

Cradle Roll Supplies Home Department Supplies

Hammond Card Record System Bible Picture Attendance Records Class Record Charts AttendanceWall Rolls Star Record Cards Kindergarten and Primary Attendance Memory Work Supplies BirthdayRecords and Supplies Gummed PaperStars and Novelties

Rally Day Supplies Christmas Supplies Bibles Testaments Bible Stories Reward Schemes Reward Cards


The Rally Day Supplement is now ready. Send for a copy of it. It is free for the asking. Let us put your name on our mailing list, so that you will receive a copy of our new Fall catalog, “ The Business End of a Sunday School.” Write us to-day, and let us help you start the season with renewed vim. The Hammond specialties are carried in stock by all up-to-date religious publishing houses. Order from your nearest dealer, or direct from us. Hammond Publishing Company Court House square Milwaukee,Wisconsin

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