King's Business - 1924-11



No'veniber 1924-

and Mrs. Clifford -Rogers* Mr. and Mrs.. L. L. Gaylord. Mr. Paul S. McConnell, who has served as instructor in music at the Bible Insti­ tute and organist o f the Church of the Open Door, has left to take up advanced- study at Princeton University. Mr. H . G. Tovey, one of the members- of the music staff at the Institute, re­ cently returned from Sulphur Springs*. Ark., where he had1 charge of the summer musiq course at the John Brown College. Miss Josephine Nelson* ’20, and Miss Frances Black* ’23, le ft some time ago to spend several months in Yellowstone^ Park. Miss Nelson was called to her home in New Jersey by the illness of her mother, who met with an accident. Mr. D. L. Foster* Student Secretary, has returned from a trip through the- San Joaquin Valley, taken* for the pur­ pose of interview ing prospective stu-r dents. He also attended the Swedish- mission conference and the Christian Endeavor conference at Mt. Hermon. Hugh P. Andrews has resigned his^ pastorate in Klamath Falls, Oregon, be­ cause of Mrs. Andrews’ ill health in that altitude. He is in evangelistic meetings again and has been singing in a cam ­ paign with the churches of Sedro-W ool- ley, Wash., C. R . Luther* pastor o f the- Baptist church, doing the preaching. Mr. Andrews particularly enjoys laboring- with Biola preachers and would like to- hear from some who are in the North­ west. His address is 1917 Rainier Ave., Everett, Wash. Miss Grace Polkinghorn* ’23, writes-, from India that she and a number o f other B. I. graduates, who have been studying language and resting, are still rejoicing in the fact that they were granted the privilege of goin g to dear B. I. and o f learning the true W ord from consecrated teachers. The others refer­ red to are Margaret Haines, 21, Paul Wenger, Zarra Hoon, ’21, Evelyn T ro - mas, ’18, and Edna Ward, ’22. Mr. Robert E . Rice is pastor of th e Olathe Baptist Church and the Coal Creek Baptist Church, Colorado, having“ been ordained to the Gospel m inistry on June 11,, 1924. He and Mrs. R ice conduct a Bible class each Tuesday evening and are taking up three studies, Chapter Summary, Biblical Introduction and Bible Doctrine. Mr. Rice lias also- preached at Oak Grove, about 15 miles from Olathe. He reports that there are at least 50 churches without pastors on the western slope io f Colorado. Miss Alberta Patterson* form er super­ intendent of women of the Bible Insti­ tute, (and for the past year supervisor o f practical work, was the guest of honor at a dinner given, by a group of form er students and friends at the Y. M. C, A. on the evening o f July 3d. The occasion w ill be remembered by those present as one of the most delightful ih their expe­ rience. A short program was given, fo l­ lowed by a devotional season. Miss P at­ terson was presented with a* beautiful Bible as a token *of love. It was at this time that she told o f her intended trip to the Hawaiian Islands, China, Japan, Burma and the H oly Land, and various other places, where she w ill visit form er students out on the field. Her friends rejoice with her that this trip has been made possible. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Scott have been visiting their old home in England. A letter received from Mr. Scott reads in part as follow s: “We had a splendid voyage across the Atlantic and arrived in Glasgow, Scotland,»la st Sunday at 11 P. M. and came here to Barrow Monday. W e found our people looking, fine and gettin g along pretty well although times are still pretty hard in this country and we have found great changes since we were here before. I have not seen my father as yet but am lookin g forward to that pleasure tomorrow, Saturday, when we go to Liverpool, where he is living with my sister. We intend to visit Lon­ don and the Exposition before we return, as well as other places of interest.” Miss Lois Prossor* ’23, writes from Taianfu, Shantung, China: “My chief oc­ cupation these days, as you may sup­ pose, is studying Chinese. I am much encouraged with my progress in the lan­ guage. We have twp private, teachers in the compound and they are both very good, but o f course they have to be told what to do and how to do it. If they lose interest in the lesson, they are apt to go to sleep and have to be waked up. The (Concluded on page 757)

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