King's Business - 1924-11


November 1924

THE. K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

asking no collections,; but refusing them in connection with public meetings. He and his co-workers were accustomed to lay all wants before the Lord, and expect the answer. An Encouraging Sign One of the most encouraging tokens of God’s moving in our days is the revival of the prayer-spirit. Every church ought to be a prayer circle; but this will not be while we are waiting for the whole body to move together. The mass of professing Christians have too little hold on God to enter into such holy agreement. We suggest that in every church a prayer circle be formed, without regard to num­ bers. Let the pastor unite with himself any man or woman in whom he discerns peculiar spiritual life and power, and, without publicity or any effort to enlarge the little com­ pany, begin to lay before God any matter demanding special divine guidance and help. Without any public invitation-— which might only draw unprepared people into a formal association—rit will be found that the Holy Spirit will enlarge the circle as He fits others, or finds others fit, to enter it— and thus quietly and without observation the little company of praying souls will grow as fast as God means it shall. Let a record be kept of every definite petition laid before Godjfrfor such a prayer circle should be only with reference to very definite matters— and as God inter­ poses, let the record of His interposition be carefully kept, and become a new inspiration to believing prayer. Such a resort to united intercession would transform a whole church, remove dissensions, rectify errors, secure harmony and unity, and promote. Holy Ghost administra­ tion and spiritual life and growth, beyond all other possible devices. If in any church the pastor is not a man who could or would lead in such a movement, let two or three, who feel the need, meet and begin by prayer for him. In this matter there should be no waiting for anybody else; if there be but one believer who has power with God, let such an one begin intercessory prayer. God will bring to the side of such an intercessor others whom He has made ready to act as supplicators. Not long since, in a church in Scotland, a minister sud­ denly began to preach with unprecedented power. The whole congregation was aroused and sinners marvelously saved. He himself did not understand the new enduement. In a ¿ream of the night it was strangely suggested to him that the whole blessing was traceable to one poor old woman who was stone deaf, but who came regularly to church, and being unable to hear a word, spent all the time in prayer for the preacher and individual hearers. In the biography of C. G. Finney similar facts are recorded of “ Father Nash,” Abel Cleary, and others. God Waits to be Asked Examples might be multiplied indefinitely. But the one thing we would make prominent is this: that above all else, God is calling His people to new prayer. He wills that “ men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting;” “ that, first of all, supplications, prayers, inter­ cessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” 1 Tim. 2:1, 8 . And if this be done, first of all, every other most blessed result will follow. God waits to be asked. He has the fountains of blessing which He puts at the disposal of His praying saints. They are sealed fountains to the ungodly and the unbelieving. But there is one key that unlocks even heaven’s gates; one secret that puts connect­ ing channels between those eternal fountains and ourselves: that key, that secret, is prevailing prayer. “ And there is none that calleth upon thy name, That stirreth up himself to take hold of thee.”

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

I—Isa. 64:7.

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