King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924



as the high priest of old bore upon his bosom the breast­ plate engraven with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, so the Christian is to bear upon his heart in prayer before God, the interests of his family, the church and the world. Here is the greatest need today in Christian life and work. Intercession is practically a lost art. Whatever degree of success has been achieved at any time and place is due to its exercise. Whatever of failure and defeat has been experienced is due to its lack. When we lament the low state of spirituality in the church, decreasing attend­ ance on Divine worship, reduction of income and increasing worldliness, we need to bear in mind that the remedy is in our own hands. Intercessory prayer will turn defeat into victory and failure into success. Pronouncing the Benediction The third function of the priest is to pronounce the bene­ diction. On the great day of Atonement, the program of which is recorded in Leviticus 21, after the high priest had finished his work behind the veil, he came forth to bless the people. The congregation awaited his appearance with hushed expectancy. At length the hanging curtains were thrust aside, the priestly hands were out-stretched, and they heard him say, “ The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” Then the congregation returned home, absolved for another year. The last act that our Savior performed on earth prior to His departure was to pronounce a benediction. May it not be the only thing Be ever began that He did not finish? While in the act of blessing them, He was parted from them and carried "up unto heaven. He has now passed into the heavens,, as did the priest behind the tabernacle veil. Perhaps the first thing He will do upon his re-appearance, will be to complete this unfinished benediction. The ninth chapter p f Hebrews describes the anti-type fulfilling the type of the great day of Atonement, and the last verse of the chapter speaks of His coming forth to bless the people after His work behind the veil is over. “ Ünto them that look for Him, shall He appear the second time apart from sin unto salvation.” Students for the ministry who go out to supply churches sometimes inquire if it will be proper and permissible for them to pronounce the benediction in dismissing the con­ gregation at the close of public worship, if they have not been ordained. It would certainly seem as if such liberty might be granted. What is a benediction essentially, but a simple “ God bless you” ? Does it require a mandate of ecclesiastical authority to utter such words as these? Every child of God ought to be a perpetual and incarnate bene­ diction radiating spiritual light and heat everywhere. By the way, the gesture that usually accompanies the benediction betrays the theological bias of the one who pronounces it. If it be uttered with arms extended and palms turned downward, it is indicative of a sacerdotal leaning, as if sacramental grace were oozing from the pro­ jected finger-tips and dripping upon the people. If on the other hand, it be pronounced in any formula, with palms up and extended hands, it is simply an invocation offered by an equal in behalf of his fellows, standing with them upon the same level in the sight of God. We refuse to recognize the ecclesiastical line of cleavage between the.

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B IO L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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