King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


these four-fold truths brought home to their hearts in such a way that they would never rest until they had defi­ nitely sought, found and entered into the plan of God for their lives. IN DIVERS PLACES “Pico de Orizaba, the volcanic crater in the State o f Vera Cruz, near the town of Orizaba, is again active, according to reports published today by the new s­ paper ‘Excelsior.’ The mountain has been sending forth heavy sulphur fumes for the past several days. This, it is feared, is the forerunner of a new eruption. The crater has remained dormant since 1687. “Orizaba is the loftiest mountain in Mexico. It is higher than' either P opo­ catepetl or Iztaccihuatl, reaching a max­ imum height of more than 19,000 feet. “The report printed by the ‘Excelsior’ states that the crater has been showing signs of eruption for the last three days and has been sending up large clouds of sulphurous smoke, which has resulted in the continued fall o f a sulphurous rain. This, the reports say, crystallizes upon touching ground. “The sides of Orizaba, which during the Aztec period bore the name of Oiltalpetl, meaning the hill of the stars, are thickly settled by farmers and are covered with a luxuriant grow th. Geologists report that destructive eruptions from the mountain occurred in 1545, 1559 and 1687. “The natives in the region about the mountains are becom ing uneasy because of the eruptions, reports say. They fear that the present activity o f the crater may be follow ed by a more serious eruption.” The Scriptures must be fulfilled. Never were there so many notices of earthquakes as today. “ And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines and pestilences and fear­ ful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.” Luke 21 : 11 . KING JAMES VERSION Containing colored illustrations, two hymns, pledge and decision card. Sug­ gestions for members and the “ W ay of Salvation.” N o. 2C Bound in green im itation leather 50 cents each, postpaid Size, 2 % .x 3% inches; % inch thick No. 3B Black flexible leather binding only. Di­ vinity circuit, overlapping cover, round corners, red under gilt edges. $1;25 each, postpaid Size, 2 % x 4 inches; % inch thick No. 5N Pigskin, limp, overlapping cover, round corners, gilt edges. $1.75 each, postpaid Size, 2 % x 4 inches; % inch thick AMERICAN REVISED EDITION No. 4R Bound in brown cloth, round corners. Containing pledge on inside cover. 55 cents each, postpaid Size, 2 ^ x 4 inches; % inch thick N o. 6 R Brown flexible, leather, round corners, gilt edges. W ith black and white fron­ tispiece illustration. Containing pledge on inside cover. $1.25 each, postpaid Size, 2 Yz x 4 ^4 inches ; % inch thick

CURRENT COMMENT (Continued from page 694) THE FUNDAMENTALIST—MOD­ ERNIST CONTROVERSY Dr. J. Frank Norris, the “ Stormy Petrel” of Texas Baptists for over two years— through whose efforts two professors were compelled to resign from Baylor University because they taught evolution—when asked for a statement of the definition of “ Funda­ mentalist” and “ Modernist” said: “ There are eight main differences be­ tween the Fundamentalist theology and the Modernist theology. “First, the Fundamentalists say the Bible IS the W ord of God. The Modern­ ists say the Bible CONTAINS the Word o f God. “The Fundamentalists say the BOOK judges man. The Modernists say MAN judges the Book. “Second, the Fundamentalists sd,y Jesus Christ is THE Son of God in a sense in which no man ever was or ever can be. The Modernists say Jesus Christ is A Son of God in a sense in which all men are. s “Third, the Fundamentalists say the birth o f Jesus Christ .w as SUPERNAT­ URAL. The Modernists say the birth of Jesus Christ was NATURAL. “Fourth, the Fundamentalists say the death of Jesus was EXPIATORY; that He died for our sins. The Modernists say the death o f Jesus was EXEMPLARY; that He died as a martyr and not as a substitute for sin. “ Fifth, the Fundamentalists say man is the product of special CREATION. The Modernists say man is a product of EVOLUTION. “Sixth, the Fundamentalists say man is a sinner, fallen from original righ t­ eousness, and that apart from God’s re­ deeming grace* he is hopelessly lost. The Modernists say man is an unfor­ tunate victim of environment, but through self-culture can make good.

“ Seventh, the Fundamentalists say man is justified by faith in the atoning blood of Christ; the result is supernat­ ural regeneration from Above. The Mod­ ernists say man is justified by works, follow in g Christ’s example; the result, natural development from within. “Eighth, the Fundamentalists say that Jesus— personally, bodily, visibly—w ill come back the second time to establish His reign o f righteousness. The Mod­ ernists say the w orld w ill gradually evolve into a perfect state.”— San An­ tonio (Texas) Light. A MODEL BACCALAUREATE SERMON A recent letter from Wheaton Col­ lege tells of their recent graduation of a splendid class of sixty-six persons, — forty-two from the College, seven­ teen from the Academy, and seven from the Conservatory of Music. The Baccalaureate Sermon was given by Rev. J. Frank Norris, of Ft. Worth, Texas, and was, as are all of his messages, a powerful presentation of Divine truth. His subject was “ Get­ ting In to the Plan of God,” and he brought out four vitally important truths, which we are glad to pass on to our readers: ( 1) God has a definite plan for the life of every man. (2) It is possible' for a man to know what that plan is. ( 3) It is possible for a man to find his place in that plan. (4) If he does this, his success in life is assured. Dr. Norris hit the nail on the head — as he always does. We could wish that every child of God might have

Pocket Testament League Testaments

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Full open view of K ins James Version Testaments, showing size of type and one o f the fifteen colored illustrations GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN 10 cents each, or $9.00 a 100, postpaid. Size 2% x 4 % inches Bound in red cloth. W ith verses which prove especially helpful in winning the unsaved to Christ, marked with red and black lines. Contains pledge, my decision, how to becom e a Christian, hymns with words and music, and stories by Dr. J. W ilbur Chapman, Charles M. Alexander and George T. B. Davis.

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