King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A SERVICE FOR CHRISTMAS Shepherds = Starlight

OUR SEVEN COURSES BY MAIL A new bulletin has just been Issued by the Correspondence School Depart­ ment of the Institute, and since some changes have been made, both as to courses and prices, we are printing herewith the new list of courses. It will be noted that the No. 8 course has b 6 en discontinued and that a new course in the Gospels replaces the one formerly used. The price of Course No. 4 is increased. Course No. 1 FUNDAMENTAD DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY, Or. R. A. Torrey, In­ structor. Price $5. (English';i£ 7s., including all postage.) Thorough top­ ical study of the great doctrines of Scripture, such as Inspiration of the Scriptures, God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Satan, etc. The student fills in por­ tions of the study sheets, and when the papers are submitted, comparison work is returned, by which the student can judge his work and get further help before taking examinations. Can be completed in one year. Course No. 2 STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS, Rev. Keith L. Brooks,'Instructor. Price $5. (English 1£ 7s, including all postage). A verse by verse study of Matthew and John, involving comparisons with Mark and Luke. Christ’s Kingdom teachings are illuminated by clear notes by Mr. Brooks in which Scrip­ ture references are always used for proof. A fascinating way to take up a study of the life and teachings of the Savior. The student is required to fill in many blank spaces in the lesson sheets which are submitted for correc­ tion. Well adapted for class study. Course No. 3 THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev. John H. Hunter, Instructor. Price $3. (English 18s., including all postage.) This is the chapter summary method of study. The student reads each chapter, working out the required points on each, and recording in blanks provided. This is submitted for correction, and comparison work by Mr. Hunter accompanies the papers on their return to the student. Intro­ ductory studies to each hook of the Old Testament are given. Can be com­ pleted in one year. Course No. 4 PERSONAL EVANGELISM AND PRACTICAL WORK, Rev. T. C. Hor­ ton, Instructor. Price $5. (English 1£ 7s., including postage.) Includes a brief doctrinal course and gives prac­ tical and Scriptural methods of deal­ ing with the unsaved of all classes, as well as followers of the various cults. Suggestions for conduct of various kinds of religious services, organiza- OBIECT LESSONS OF SCRIPTURE “ THE LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLE" 11 pamphlets. Illustrated. No. 1 to 11. 12 object lessons in each pamphlet. The set of 11 for $1.65. Get the eleven. Price, 15c each, postage 2c extra. Order by number. Rev. Charles Eickenberg, 4029 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. *


P R F F AH Charges Prepaid X Z x ZLZZ j Subject to Examimtion


Easiest Reading Bible


The Bible has never been published in any form in which the reading of it has been made so attractive to both old and young as in the “ INTERNA­ TIONAL”

“ Shepherds i n t h e Starlight” is a Christ­ mas service for Sunday Schools, com plete with Scripture, songs, recita­ tions, exercises, and a song for Primary De­ partment. The music was com ­ posed b y M. Isabelle Ritter, Carolyn Free­ man, and Roy E. Nolte, and the poem s written by C. Austin Miles. These com posers are well-known, their work always in demand, and



By an entirely new plan, a thread of red ink* running from Genesis to Revela­ tion, binds in one h arm on iou s w hole each leading topic. All the precious truths which lie hidden un­ der the mass of un­ connected matter and escape the mere read­ er are brought to light and tied together.

they have given their best in this very m elo­ dious production which celebrates the birth of Christ with reverence and joy. $6.00 a hundred $3.25 for fifty 80 cents a dozen Sample Copy, 7 cents W e have a com plete stock o f the latest holi­ day supplies for the church and Sunday School. Greeting Cards Services Dialogues Candy Boxes Calendars Novelties H oliday Booklets Testaments Bibles Send for our Christmas Circular and Holiday Bulletin


^The Rev. Jesse Lyman THurlbut, D.D., the pop- ^ular authority in Bible r themes, has arranged on plan Three Thousand f Selected Texts. PROMINENT PEOPLE'S OPINIONS John Wanamaken Interna Ptional Christian W orkers’ Bible an advance on anything hith- Ferto attempted in making the r Bible usable. ______i Abbott: Valuable to Chris- Ftian workers in their endeavor to get fa t the teaching of the Bible directly Fand immediately, and not through the medium of commentaries.

1701-1703 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 16 Ashburton Place, Boston 125 N. W abash Ave., Chicago 313 W . Third St., Los Angeles 1107 McGee St., Kansas City 439 Burke Building, Seattle 233 Church St., Toronto Order from Our Nearest House


BOUND IN GENUINE LEATHER, divinity circuit, with overlapping covers (like illustration), round corners, gold edges, red underneath. Size of page 5Kx8J6 inches, beautifully printed in extra large clear type on extra fine paper; also contains Lat­ est Teachers' Helps to Bible Study. CprpTAT The Christian Workers' Bible will be SENT FREE for examination, ALL OFFER CHARGES PREPAID. If it * wi a sat not please you, return it at c expense. If it does please you, remit spe-. cial price. Published at $7.50, but foi^T a limited time we offer this handsomer est, most usable Bible at the SPE f X A X W v ** CIAL PRICE OF ONLY *4.90 Send no money but fill in i 1coupon.

The Deity, the Virgin Birth and the Atoning Blood of the “ Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World ,9 By James E. Ely The booklet that should be in the hands of every preacher, teacher and layman in America. The following comments have been made concerning this booklet by leading preachers, teachers, editors, evangelists, etc.:— "The matter” has been presented so "clearly and scripturally—that rationalists are left without excuse if they continue to abide in unbelief— I hope that it may have a wide circulation and careful reading.” “It is safe and sound.” "I have never read anythihg better in my life." "I believe it is inspired of the Lord.” “ I have read much concerning these vitally important subjects and this is unquestionably the best thing I have ever read.” Price 4 cts. each; thirty cents per dozen, postage paid. Special Edition of Gospel of John, By James E. Ely It sets forth the finished work of the Christ. There is nothing better printed in this line. A man of God writes:— "I have enjoyed many out­ lines and explanations of salvation, but I believe your notes on the Gospel of John are the best, simplest and clearest of all 1 have seen.” Then be sure to get copies for your children, your friends and the lost. Price 4 cts. each; thirty-five cents per dozen, postage paid. Write for the two tracts, "God’s Plan of Salvation” and "The Way Life and the Way of Death." Ten for 3 cts.; 100 for fifteen cents. Businessman’s Gospel Association Garden City, Kans. “ THE BOOK OF REVELATION” James H. McConkey’s Latest Book Dr. W . H. Griffith Thomas says; “ O f all the books on Revelation that 1 have read, this is, on the whole, the clearest, m ost convincing and m ost satisfying." T o do the m ost possible good this book is sent absolutely free to anyone interested enough to write for it. Address: SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Dept. M Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.


Larsest American Bible Pnb- Hibrr,


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“ Objectalks” Illustrated by familiar objects for Junior Con­ gregations and all Juvenile Gatherings. An Omaha pastor says: “ Your Objecttalks are the best I have ever used or been able to find any place in all my search. Send me new ones you may have.” 15 "O bjectalks" $1.00. (M oney Order.) THE SONGALOGUE COMPANY Dept. E., Bridgeport, Conn. Scofield Bibles— Biola Books and Christian Literature. Free tracts; Agent for King’s Business. Catalog on request. N. J. Bible & T ract'D epot, 353 Summer St., Paterson^ N. J.

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