King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


tions and direction of Bible Classes, colportage and other practical Chris­ tian work. Course No. 5 THROUGH THE BIBLE IN O N E "SEAR, Rev. W. H. Pike, Instructor. Price $3. (English 18s., including all postage.) Follows the telescopic method, giving one a bird’s-eye view o f each book of the Bible. Examina­ tions of a simple character are given upon groups of about five books at a timd. Gives one a fine general idea o f the Bible. Fifty lessons, one a week. Course No. 6 BIBLE BEGINNERS’ C O U R S E , Rev. Keith L, Brooks, Instructor. Price $2. (English 12s., including all postage.) A series of vital studies es­ pecially for young Christians, taking up some of the rudimentary truths of the Christian faith. Arranged so as to ■develop originality in the student and

create a deeper .interest in Bible study. We recommend this to all who have had no previous training, although it will be found very stimulating to Christians generally. Can be com­ pleted easily in a few months. Course No. 7 THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS, Rev. John H. Hunter, Instructor. Price $3. (English 18s., including all postage.) Same as Course No. 3, but in the New Testament. Can be completed in one year. Supplies Uniform examination paper for an­ swering questions will be supplied at the rate of 25 cents per package, post­ paid (needed for all courses except Nos. 2 and 4). Printed chapter sum­ mary blanks for Courses 3 and 7, 30 cents per package, postpaid. Excel­ lent loose-leaf binder for lesson sheets, 75 cents postpaid. Students also re­

quired to furnish postage for the re­ turn of their lessons. Mr. Keith L. Brooks, the secretary, will be glad to correspond with any who are interested and to advise as to the courses best adapted to the indi­ vidual needs.


Mi. J. E. Hardy, 308 E. San Miguel Street, Colorado Springs, Colo., writes that he has been authorized to secure a pastor for a Community Church—- the only evangelical church in that neighborhood. Parish of 2000 souls, Americans; good schools; altitude 10- 000 feet; wonderfully healthy dry cli­ mate. Splendid opportunity for a Fundamentalist who believes in soul- winning. Salary $1500.00 and large furnished parsonage. Address him with references and photograph in first letter. B E S T B O O K S FREEH Here is you r chance to get those books you’ve been wanting absolutely free. W e Offer You the following books as Premiums for N ew Subscriptions to The King’s Business (Subscriptions $1.25 in U. S. $1.50 for Canada and Foreign) FOR 1 NEW SUBSCRIPTION any o n e .o f the follow ing:—

The Return o f the Lord Jesus— Dr. R. A. Torrey..$ .75 W hy I Reject the H elping Hand o f Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens....... . .40 $1.15 FOR 4 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— The Conflict— Elizabeth Knauss................. --------- $1.25 In The Twinkling o f an Eye— Sydney W atson................... .1 .2 5 The Mark o f the Beast— Sydney W atson.............................. 1.25 Scarlet and Purple— Sydney W atson........................ .......... 1.25 The Patm os Vision— George W . Davis..................—..... 1.25 Jam ison's Comprehensive Bible Chart..................................... 1.25 FOR 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— In Christ Jesus; The Sphere of the Believer's Life— A. T. Pierson.............extra cloth $1.50 The Passing o f “ The W ord "— Helen Henshaw..................... 1.50 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels— Keith L. B rooks.................cloth 1.50 Personal and Practical Christian W ork — T. C. H orton............................................................... cloth 1.50 Divine Unity o f the Scriptures— Adolph Saphir...... cloth 1.50 Gospel Solos and Duets— Herbert G. T ovey----- ................ 1.25 FOR 6 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A. T. Pierson........................$2.00 The Bible and Spiritual Life— Dr. A. T. Pierson..----------- - 2.00 The Peerless Poem s of David the King— Jane Copley__t 1.75 Things New and Old— Dr. C. 1. Scofield.................... .......... 2.00 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— R. A. Torrey..........— ..................... .— ... 2.00 The Summarized Bible— Keith L. Brooks..................—...— 2.00 G od's Best Secrets— Andrew Murray.................................. 2.00 The Patm os Vision— Geo. W . Davis........................ .. 1.75 The W orld's Greatest Need— T. E. H. Jones........... ............. 2.00 The Revival at Broad Lane— Kate Drew--------- .......--------- - 1.75 Or if you send in two or more you can make up any com bination you want just so the com bination price does not exceed 65c for 2. $1.15 for 3, $1.40 for 4, $1.65 for 5, $2.00 for 6 , $2.40 for 7, $2.65 for 8 , $3.15 for 9, $3.40 for 10, $3.65 for 11, or $4.00 for 12. This is both delightful and profitable w ork and is sure to bring blessing from our Lprd both in your life and those who subscribe. This offer is only for a limited time so "get bu sy" and see what you can do during this Summer Vacation. WE W ILL FURNISH A LL THE SAMPLES YOU W A N T - ASK FOR THEM. BU S IN E SS Los Angeles, California

Death ^Defeated and Defied— R. A. Torrey...........................$ .25 Christian Science and the W ord— Frank Huling......_..... .25 Truth for Y ou— J. H. Sammis...„......................... ............. ...............25 Chalk Talks— Frank Miller.........................„....................................25 Diary o f a D octor's Son— Keith L. B rooks_________ _________ 25 The Growing Church— Cleland Boyd M c.Afee.................. .25 The Hidden Life— Adolph SaphirJ.\A............................. .25 E xposition o f Genesis— W illiam Evans..........*..... . .25 H igher Criticism— Dr. R. A . T orrey ......................... . .25 Is Salvation Safe— Keith L. B rooks......... .............. . .25 K ey W ords to the K ing's Treasury com bined with W atch W ords for the King’s Servants— C. E. Paxon___... .25 The Shepherd Psalm— Dr. R. A . Torrey...................................... 25 The L ord from Heaven— Sir R obert Anderson................. .25 Jesus, Prophet, Priest and King— Dr. R. A. Torrey______ .35 Mysteries o f the Kingdom— W . C. Stevens................................ 35 Triumphs o f the Cross— W . C. Stevens.........................................35 The Prophet Jonah— Dr. A. C. Dixon ..................................25 Ransacking the Scriptures— Keith L. Brooks...................... .25 W hat Saith the Scriptures— Keith L. Brooks.......:.,....-...........25 W hy I R eject the Helping Hand o f Millennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens............................... — .40 Satan— Lewis Sperry Chafer— ..................... ...................... 25 Simple Lessons in Bible Marking— Keith L. B rooks......... .25 Strongholds o f Truth— W . H. Griffith Thom as.—.................. 25 The Time o f the End— W . E. Caperton........................................25 These Premillenialists, W ho Are They— T. C. H orton............ 25 The Two Genealogies— J. C. Stillion............ ......._________.... .25 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— The Gospel o f the Grace o f God— John T. Copley............. $ .50 The Laym en's Hand Book o f Daniel— G. A. Briegleb............ 50 Jesus Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A . Torrey..Cloth .50 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted— Keith L. Brooks...............50 The Son o f God— Keith L. Brooks................... .............................. 50 The Son o f Man— Keith L. Brooks......................r.................... J»o Suggestive Lessons on the Tabernacle— Mrs. A. L. Dennis.................................50 W hy I Am A Christian— Dr. A. C. Dixon............... .....................50 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one o f the follow ing:— Sermon Illustrations from the Bible— K. L. Brooks . 1 . 1 .0 0 Perplexing Passages in the Four Gospels— K. L. Brooks 1.00 The Virgin Birth— Wm. Evans........................................C loth 1.00 The Divine Unity o f The Scriptures— A. Saphir______ :... 1 .0 0 The Laym an's H andbook of Daniel— G. A. Briegleb cloth 1.00 Old Testament Types— W . B. Riley..............................$ .40 Prophet Priest and King— Dr. R. A . Torrey....................65 $1.05 FOR 2


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