King's Business - 1924-11


T H E E I N Gr ’ S B IFS I N E S S

November 1924

YOU CAN EASILY SOLVE YOUR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PROBLEM by selecting any one, or all, of the following Christ­ mas books. Here is a wealth of material, including recitations, dialogues, songs, and playlets, written and presented in simple style—each containing more than enough for your program. Bead each descrip­ tion carefully. THE PARAMOUNT CHRISTMAS BOOK A new booklet just out. Never anything just like it published. Excellent material that is entirely new and original. Arranged especially for little ones of Primary and Junior ages. Recitations and exercises that appeal. Dialogues and playlets that will enter­ tain. Motion songs and solos that will delight. OURSELVES AND OTHERS A new Christmas playlet which requires •very little memorizing and a minimum amount of effort. In two parts. A playlet that will touch all the tender chords of feeling, revive memories, and awaken sen­ timent. Old and young will enjoy it together. Fa­ miliar carols with words and music are contained therein—also helpful suggestions. TWO NEWCHRISTMAS PLAYLETS The Holidays' Christmas Party and Christmas in Mother Goose Land. Here are two Christmas Play­ lets that are sure to appeal. In the one the dif­ ferent holidays of the year meet to celebrate Christ­ mas. In the other the Mother Goose Family is por­ trayed preparing for Santa's coming on Christmas Eve. Both playlets in one book. Will delight the children and bring happ$ memories to the grown folks.- <• KRISS KRINGLE Recitations, Dialogues andSongs A collection of 148 recitations, 10 dialogues, and 10 songs, every one good, easy to memorize, and espe­ cially adapted for younger folks. Contains enough material for several years. The price of each of the above books is 25 cents. Write to iyour supply house or send direct to MEYER & BROTHER chka S^ illinois I POPULAR SIZE—LOW PRICE $20 and$35 per 100 according to binding. Special discounts to Evangelists and Dealers. 200,000 printed first edition. For Revivals, Sunday Schools and General use. Gives a real uplift. Returnable copy on request. S e n d fo r S a m p le s . Do you have copies of our two great books “ REVIVAL GEMS,” 10c and “ LIV­ ING HYMNS,” 15c. Over a Million sold in less than two years and still going BIG. Order from TH E JU D SO N PRE SS 1 7 0 1 -0 3 Chestnut St„ Philadelphia Chicago, 125 N. Wabash Ave. Boston, 16 Ashburton PI. Kansas City, 1107McGee St. Los Angeles,813 W. Third St. Seattle, 439 Burke Bldg. Toronto, 223 Church St. Samuel W . Beazley, Publisher. 2511 Park Ave.. Chicago, HI. A ny Ind iv idu al or C h u rch O rgan ization can EARN MONEYS? By selling the most popular CHRISTMAS goods on the market. Post Cards and Envelope Greetings with messages which meet the needs of Christian people. A Cheery Message for Every Day, and a Special Message for Special Days. No Investment— Excellent Profit—Goods sell on sight. Send for Catalog and Particulars. Also S. S. Teachers' Helps, Attendance Builders, Memory Work, etc. S. S. Supplement on Request. MRS. L. F. PEASE 260 L aurel St. DEPT. K. Buffalo, N. Y. ofP ra ise A new religious song book that is different. Interesting —Inspiring—Satisfying. A great treat of 165 best songs—40 not found in other current books. Will aid you in carrying out your program of Evangelism.

obey his father;;'as the mission of Jesus was to seek the welfare of his lost sheep. Joseph’s brethren rejected him with­ out a cause, a type of how people re­ jected Jesus Christ. They put Joseph in a pit, as they put Jesus in the grave and guarded Him. They sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver to some merchants as Judas sold Jesus to the priests and elders for thirty pieces of silver. When Joseph’s brethren sold him they meant it for the bad but God meant it for the good. In the famine his brethren had to come and bow down with confession and ask for their bread, as we have to come and how down before the Lord and ask Him for our spiritual bread. Joseph forgave his brethren whom he loved dearly, as Jesus asked His Father to forgive them when they cru­ cified Him. Joseph lived a clean life for there was no evil found of him. So Jesus knew no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. Joseph gave his people a perfect home in the best of the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had command­ ed him to do, just as Jesus will give us a perfect home in heaven some day if we will be faithful to Him. EVERY DAY IS NEW YEAR’S DAY By Mary Carolyn Davies Every day is New Year’s Day If you chance to think that way ! Every page is new and white If you’re in the mood to write!. If you wish to make a vow, Or two, or three,—it’s New Year’s now. —Northwestern Christian Advocate. JESUS THE GREAT TEACHER By Elnor Merriman, Age 10 (Kansas) Jesus told the people the beatitudes and told them of God, His Father. He proved this was true by raising the dead and healing people. Jesus told the people not to judge others for if you do you will be judged likewise. Jesus said if one person went astray that the Master would leave the rest and seek the lost one. Jesus talked to the farmer about seeds, to the shepherds about lost sheep and to the housewife about a candle and a broom. His teaching was simple but full of truth. He would tell of an old woman patching a coat or children playing in the market place, or a man finding a treasure in a field. These and other little illustra-

On A pproval Coupon O U T F I T O F Christmas Samples For Christmas Committees Assortment o f Christmas Publications for All Kinds o f Sunday-school Programs When a Christmas comm ittee meets, the chairman should be able to put be­ fore the comm ittee as wide a line of p ro­ gram material as possible in order that the comm ittee may carry out its inclina­ tions and act prom ptly and efficiently. A Sunday-school comm ittee should have before it: Christmas Carols (both standard and modern) Christmas Services or Programs Sacred Dramatic Cantatas Sacred Cantatas (non-dram atic) Santa Claus Cantatas Song, and Story Program Recitation and Exercise Book Anthems (only a few) Solos and Duets (only a few) Clip this coupon, pin or paste to a sheet o f letter paper, sign your name and address, and get on approval just such an outfit for your comm ittee. A fter 10 days pay for all copies not returned postpaid to LORENZ PUBLISHING CO. Dayton, Ohio (216 W . 5th St.) s 4,000 Children Burned to Death This is our record for 1920 From 10 to 20 per cent of all fires are caused by smoking Help Kill the Tobacco Traffic Get Posted Tobacco— A worth-while b o o k by BRUCE FINK, 75c THE CHURCH AND TOBACCO— by M. E. Poland, $1.00 Ask about our No-Tobacco Magazines NO-TOBACCO SLIDES & BOOKS STEREOPTICONS— BULLETIN BOARDS HERBERT S. MACE Box 4 9 7 - Redlands, Calif. New York (70 E. 45th St.) Chicago (218 S. W abash) Mention The King’s Business Void, December 1Oth.

USED IN OVER ONE MILLION CHRISTIAN HOMES HURLBUTS STORY”™ BIBLE BY JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT, D.D. FOR TEACHERS— STUDENTS— FOR THE HOME AND SCHOOL One hundred and sixty-eight stories each complete in itself, yet Conning a continuous narrative of the Bible from Genesisto Revelation. Tne world old stories rendered vitally interesting by the noted author’s fresh and realistic treatment. The Biggest and Best Illustrated Book for the Price Octavo, 757 pages, 16 color plates. 250 illustrations. PRICE $2 00 On sale at all Booksellers . Representatives Wanted . THE JOHN C. WINSTON C0.» Book and Bible Publishers» 299Winston Bldg., Philadelphia Recommended by all denominations for its freshness and accuracy, for its simplicity of language, for its freedom from doctrinal discussion. A COMPANION VOLUME TO T H E BIBLE

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