King's Business - 1924-11



T HE ; K I N G ’ S

November 1924

J u s t P u b lis h e d One Volume Edition The Companion Bible A Self-Explanatory Bible for all Readers T he C ompanion B ible reveals the real ¡. meaning of what G od ’s W ord says1.. T he C ompanion B ible reconciles apparent discrepancies., T hé ; C gmpaniôn B ible refutes the false ""view s of destructive critics. ' T he C ompanion B ible opens' up the full meaning of familiar passages. T he C ompanion B ible explains obscure passages by showing where the' same w ord (in the original) is used- in other passages and how.- T he C ompanion B ible provides a vast ....amount o f information, much o f which has not been accessible to the English reader. The Appendixes Invaluable “ It is the most condensed piece of Biblical and '.literary work w e have noticed anywhere outside o f the Bible itself. T h e Appendixes are o f value beyond-comparison.” — The^ H era ld o f G osp el Libr eriy. -■ Knowledge of Hebrew and Greek Unnecessary “ ft is so arranged that one w ithout any knowl^- edge o f H ebrew and .Greek can get a vast amount of the help that experts get in their studies from these languages.’ ’— CAm/iaw In d ex. T h e Com panion B ible is n ow issued com plete in one volu m e o f 2 1 5 4 pages on thin paper, in cloth and lea th er binding. CIRCULAR UPON REQUEST A Guide to Bible Study B y H arry E. R ichards , A .M ., M .D . A S Y S T E M A T IC course o f graded lessons from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible itself being the object o f study. Suitable for use in Sunday School Classes, A dult Bible Classes, the Home: Department* Y .M .C .A . and Y .W .C .A . Classes, Schools and Colleges, and in Personal Study. Consecutive Study of the Entire Bible The Sunday School Tim es: “ Rings true to the in­ spired Word of God.” Christian Endeavor W orld: “ A very practical and’ helpful work.” W atchm an-Exam iner: “ Immensely valuable for the' family study of God’s Word.” Junior Course (Parts 1-3, in one volume) cloth ................................................................$1.75' Advanced Course (Parts 4-7, in one volume) cloth ..............................................................$ 2 . 0 0 * Separate parts, paper, each, 50c 5 Part 1— Genesis to Ruth. Part 2— 1 Samuel to Nehemiah. Part 3— The Gospel and The Acts. ! Part 4— Genesis to 2 Samuel. Part 5-—1 Kings to Nehemiah (por- ...f ^ s)Qf “ “ prophetical Part 6— Life of Christ. Part 7— The Acts and the Epistles. A t a ll B ook sellers, or from OXFORD UNIVERSITYPRESS AmericanBranch;

When RodeheaverSang “TheOldRugedCross”

tions attracted the people’s attention and also they understood. ' Notes (The above story was written by a little girl who hate, lately given .her,,, heart, to; Jesus. : A feW months. ,ago.j s h e ' did not believe in the ^ibl’m /bnt now. she knows that it isi true! and has w ritten, this story .for,,us..., S. S. M.). A TRUE M ISSIONARY STORY By Robert Tharp, Age 10 (N. China) When I was a little boy of three months ¡old, my parents came to the city where we ,afe now living. The Head Telegraph Official of this city was named Chen. -He had a son, :David, and two daughters, Cloud and Spring. A few weeks after we got here, mother opened a school for poor girls, and Spring so loved to hear the gospel- that she got leaved from her parents to come too.; She loved her ! ldssons and the meetings and it was not long before she was saved. . My mother had a class, for yr omen and girls and there Mrs. Chen and Cloud accépted the Lord Jesus. Spring was never very strong and while we were ton a furlough she, met with an accident. For many weeks'she was in great pain, hut she sang through it all. My mother used to visit her and; pray with her. Her;joy was to read the Bible to the serving women and she often urged them ¡to come to Jesus: The school girls too Went to see her and she told them to accept Jésus. She,died very happy, [ From M y Letter Box We have been much interested in the Children’s ’Garden C o u r s e . Under Mrs., Hunt’s guidance, a do2eh ‘ children began the course. ' Permit me. to say .a word about the obstacles Roy A villa has had to overcome. His mother died a year ago, his older sister keeps house on the ranch and goes to H igh School, and furthermore his father is. a Portuguese who can neither read nor write any language, i He has never belonged to any but a Roman Cath­ olic Church. To cap the climax R oy’s book containing six months’ work on L ife of Jesus, w'hen almost completed was ruined through an accident and he has done the work over again within the last three days. He was baptized in January last and maintains that he w ill preach the Gospel when God opens the way, H. E . Hunt, Pastor Baptist Church, Hughson, Calif. I was glad to do the lessons for the children in the K ing’s Business. We Jive a long way from California, and w ill have to post the work early. I hope to win a prize. Ethel Gray, (Age 11) South America.

thousands in the great Billy Sunday Tab­ ernacle were thrilled and exalted. This is but one of the many inspiring sacred songs that can now be heard on Mr. Rode- heaver’s Rainbow Records. You, too, can enjoy these famous songs in your own home. Read special offer below.

Songs on 4 Double-Faced 10-in. Records Below are listed the songs that will live forever in Christian hearts. Sung by Homer Rodeheaver, Mrs. Asher, the Cri­ terion Quartet, Kim and Nyland, and other well-known Gospel Singers. Safe in the Arms of Jesus

I Walk with the King The Old Rugged Cross Half Has Never Yet Been Told Carry Your Cross with a Smile Life’s Railway to Heaven Keep Me on the Firing Line I W ill Sing o l My Redeemer

Record Album, value $1.50, sent FREEto pur­ chasers of the above. Holds 10 records.

Send A lo Money The eight Gospel songs listed above should be in every Christian home. Play on any phonograph. Guaranteed. Order them today. Pay postman only $2.95 (plus a few cents postage) on delivery. Your money refunded if not delighted. The RODEHEAVER CO., Dept. 251 218 S. W abash Avenue 814 W alnut Street Chicago* 111. Philadelphia, Pa* (Address Nearest Office )

WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS'BIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING Containing References, a Concordance and the most authoritative Aids to Bible Study. Printed in Black Face Type« Beautiful Bindings. Sendfo r Illustrated Catalog THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299WINSTONBUILDING PHILADELPHIA

FREE SAMPLE PACKAGE Gospel Literature Our stock consists o f Tracts, M ottoes, Stationery, Post Cards, Blotters, Gospel Stamps, Pencils, Bread of Life Boxes, etc. SERVICE CO., 2809 N. 13th St., Phila, Pa.

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