King's Business - 1924-11

November 1924

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


it he will learn how the revisers were led to make 36,000 changes in the New Testament; by what authority those changes were made; what influ­ ences were dominant among textual critics while thé New Testament was undergoing revision, and other mat­ ters which every Bible reader should know. (Hamilton Bros.) $1.25 John G. Paton, the Hero of the South Seas, by Bessie L. Byrum. A condensed account of the life and la­ bors of this wonderful man of God,

written especially for young people. Very interesting and well written. (Gospel Trumpet Co.) 75c , Pollyanna of the Orange Blossoms, by Harriet Loomis Smith. A sweet, harmless story, the third in the series of “ Pollyanna” books. Fiction, but good, clean and wholesome. (Page Pub. Co.) $2.00 Re-creations, by Grace Livingston Hill. A very good story by this fav­ orite author, in which the characters

Any book reviewed or advertised on these pages may be obtained from Biola Book Room, 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Types, Psalms and Prophecies, by David Baron. A valuable series of Bible studies. The Old Testament is shown as clearly fore-shadowing the Person and Work of our Lord. The Types of the Sacred Calendar are ad­ mirably explained. The exposition of the Psalms and the prophecies is a rare contribution from one who is “ mighty in the Scriptures,’’ while the study of the “ suffering Servant of Je­ hovah” is rich in suggestion. Dr. Baron pours a flood of light on the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Day of Atonement. It is a book which cannot but prove help­ ful to students. (Morgan & Scott) $2.25 The Progressive Unfolding of the Messianic Hope, by Jasper A. Huffman, D. D., Dean of Marion School of Theol­ ogy, Marion, Indiana. A Scriptural and scholarly unfolding of the hope of the coming of the Messiah from Genesis 3:15 down to the first advent of Jesus Christ and on to the Second Coming. Dr. J. C. Massee, pastor of Tremont Temple, Boston, writes of this book: “ Prof. Huffman has lifted the Messianic hope out of its Jewish environment and given it both a uni­ versal setting and a universal import­ ance. I found my heart in a glow and thoroughly stimulated.” (Doran Co.) $1.50 Which Version, Authorized or Re­ vised? by Philip Mauro. This book is a storehouse of fact of live and lasting interest, whereby the ordinary reader can form an opinion of his own as to the relative merits of the two rival versions of the New Testament. From $ 10 « to $ 200 Weekly Every Week in the Year Christian Men and Women this is yonropportunity to make big money. Our representatives are earning more money than ever before, many as high as $200.00 weekly selling the New Indexed Bible. Endorsed and recommendedby ministers, editors and Bible students everywhere. Thousands declare it the best Bible published.

Are You a Leader Who Has Never Led? D O you feel that within you is the spark o f Chris­ tian leadership? Do you want to be recognized as a Bible authority; to have your opinion sought on religious subjects? Thousands o f others before you have achieved their ideals through the Bible Courses o f Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School. There is a Moody Institute Bible Correspondence Course for everyone ? .feLfrom the youngest beginner to the most advanced Christian. There is one for you—a course interesting, instructive, uplifting. In the past 34 years—since 1889—Moody Bible In­ stitute has trained 30,000 Bible students in every comer of the globe. These courses are the result of many years o f serious study by eminent Bible Schol­ ars. They are non-sectarian and are sold below cost to bring them within the reach o f all. Hundreds o f Moody Bible Students have become great Christian leaders. Thousands more are winning reputations as Bible authorities. The courses are easy to understand, systematic and consecutive. They offer exceptional opportunity to the Christian in earnest. Don’t overlook your chance. Prepare yourself. Send the coupon for free prospectus. Choose your course. Don’t struggle for understanding. The key is in your hands now—use it! Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School Dept. 6 0 6 8 - 1 5 3 Institute Place, Chicago, 111., U . S. A . Dept. 6068, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Send me FREE, Prospectusdescribing the Home StudyCourses—I aminterestedinthosechecked. ■ □ Introductory Bible Course— for beginners—3 to 6 months. □ Synthetic Bible Study—ex­ □ Practical Christian W ork- Methods of Soul-winningand Christian work—3 to 6 months. months. □ Evangelism—How to con­ du ct cam paign s—3 to 0 □ Scofield Bible Correspond­ ence Course—for Ministers and Advanced Christians—2 to 3 years. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL ■ plains each book of the Bible —one year or more required. □ Bible Chapter Summary- Covers every chapter in the Bible—Completed in 18 months. □ Bible Doctrine—Outlinesthe basic teachings of Christian­ ity—about 2 years required. Jin support of the Christian Faith—3 to 6 months necessary. □ Fundamentals of Christian i F a ith C o u rse—re q u ire s i about 9 months.

A .F .Strohmeyer says— I can earn m ore in a single week selling the New In­ dexed Bible than I ever earned in a whole month doing anything else. Thisis the Bible every m inister, Sunday School Teacher or Layman wants. N early every dem onstration results *n a sale.’ *

Olive E. HillSays— “ In three mornings I sold 27 New Indexed Bibles. It was the mostpleasant and worth while work I ever did. Touching shoulderswith Earth's choicest folks I enlargem y vision o fL ife and its purpose, at the same tim e earning m ore money in leas time and with lees effort than ever before.”

The New Indexed B ible combines three translations, or three Bibles in one, a compressed digest and encyclopedia. It is really a Biblical library at a costo f a single volume. Nothing like it. You will enjoy using this Bible and YOU CAN MAKE MONEY selling it. Write today for further particulars. State age, education and experience. BUXTON-WESTERMAN COMPANY 36 S . State St. Dept. 2 Chicago, 111.

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