King's Business - 1924-11


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1924

ChristmasisComing! ------------ Ia Consider These Books for Gifts Studies o f Familiar Hymns (Series 2 ) By Louis F. Benson, D. D. These studies are a continuation o f the earlier studies o f familiar hymns by Dr. Benson, and are delightful and fascinating reading, even for those who are neither musical nor students o f hymns. These hymns have been selected and arranged in historical succession, the story o f each plainly showing the close association o f religious thought with historical development. As Dr. Benson is regarded as the forem ost American hymnologist, his statements may be considered as authentic. This series is not only an author­ itative book o f reference, but it has also the fascination o f a good book of fiction. $2.00 Church and Sunday School Publicity By Herbert H. Smith ' There is no phase o f church publicity that has not been touched upon, but in no case has thoroughness erred on the side o f verboseness. The book is splendidly illustrated.— Continent. $1.25 The Bells o f the Blue Pagoda By Jean Carter Cochran “ 1 think this is the best story o f life in China that has been put out thus far. A million copies of it should be read by the young people o f Am erica.”— Isaac Taylor Headland, author of “ Chinese Mother Goose Rym es,” “ Chinese Boy and Girl,” “ Court Life in Peking” ; lecturer on China. $1.75 Church Street By Jean Carter Cochran Delightful sketches of a New Jersey village; realism of Am erican village life. $1.50 Verses for Children By Cecil Trout Blancke A fascinating collection of verses, jingles and iebuses, illustrated b y the author. $1.50 The Truth About Christian Science By James H. Snowden, D. D. This book covers the whole ground o f Christian Science in its origin, history, present condition and prospect. $2.40 The Measure of a Man A Biography of W illiam A . Shedd o f Persia— By Mary Lewis Shedd $2.00 Winning the Oregon Country By John T. Faris A story o f the pioneer heroes of Oregon. All hero stories are interesting; but how much more are those of our own country? 2 1 illustrations, $ 1 . 0 0 . Parent Training in the Church School By Florence E. Norton v This book endeavors to furnish program s and materials for the use of such agencies as the Church may develop in a cam paign for parent training. 60 cents. Pastoral Epistles of Paul (A n Exposition) By Charles R. Erdman, D. D. This is the seventh o f Dr. Erdman’s valuable expositions, and treats the First and Second Epistles of Paul to Tim othy and Titus. These letters have vital interest for all classes o f readers. $ 1 .0 0 A Study of the Junior Child By M ary T. W hitley This book should be o f great help to workers with children of this age. for Miss W hitley is a recognized authority on this subject and superlatively fitted to write such a book. 60 cents. A Parish Program o f Religious Education By W alter A lbion Squires, B. D. Suggestions for a church school designed to carry on a unified educational p ro­ gram for an individual church. $1.25 The Home God Meant By George N. Luccoek, D. D. “ The book is unsurpassed, if indeed equalled, by any other on the same or similar themes.” — The Christian Statesman. .$1.25 How to Conduct Family Worship By Harold M cAfee Robinson, D. D. This book is to aid in conducting family worship in which adults and children participate with equal interest. .Stiff paper, 2.5 cents Our Reasonable Faith By Rev. Park Hays Miller “ An excellent little volum e for any who desire a clear and simple statement of the essentials o f the Christian faith.” -—Record o f Christian W ork. $1.25 Education for Successful Living By James E. Clarke, D. D. “ The book shows true education and how it is to be gained. It makes clear the folly o f being only half-educated, and shows that this folly is comm itted by those that leave religion out o f their educational schem es.”—-Christian Endeavor W orld. Cloth, $1.00; Paper, 75 cents Circulars, Review Sheets and Catalogues sent upon request THE WESTMINSTER PRESS Publication Departm ent: Board o f Christian Education o f the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. H eadquarters: Philadelphia, W itherspoon Building New York, 156 Fifth A ve. Cincinnati, 420 Elm St. Louis, 9 1 4 Fu*« St. Chicago, 125 N. W abash A ve. , _ San Francisco, 278 P ost St. Atlanta, 200 Auburn Ave.___________Nashville, 711 Church St. Pittsburg, Granite Building

have such high Christian standards and Christian ideals that it is a pleas­ ure to follow them through the strug­ gles and trials of every-day life, in which they prove that God can and does give aid to those who love and trust Him. (Lippincott Co.) $2.00 Pamphlets and Booklets Why the Pastor Failed, by J. E. Co- nant, D. D. (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged). A very valuable book for every pastor and church member, showing that many pastors fail because of a wrong program. The author dem­ onstrates from the Bible that the Di­ vine program is “ go” and not “ send;” “ take” , not “ bring.” That the one great mission of the church is to pro­ claim the Gospel, and each individual Christian is to deliver this message, not by proxy but in person. “ The pas­ tor fails in his public testimony, be­ cause the people fail in their private testimony.” A book which will open the eyes of lazy church members and wrongly trained pastors. (B. I. Col- portage Assn.) 25c Jericho Prophets, by Rev. Oswald T. Allis, Ph. D. A modern application of the story of the Jericho prophets who. would not believe that Elijah had been translated. A comparison of the the­ ological liberals of Elijah’s day and the present time. (The Presbyterian) 10 c The Criticism of the Old Testament, by Prof. T. Jollie Smith, M. A. An able, courageous argument, written for scholars. A very able refutation of the Higher Criticism. (Fitchett Bros., Melbourne) 40c Handbook for Indian Christian Workers, by Wm. C. Irvine, editor of “ The Indian Christian.” A little book­ let written primarily to equip native Christian workers for practical soul­ winning', in street work, personal work, tract distribution, etc. Includes hints on preparing and delivering sim­ ple Gospel addresses. Helpful, also, for Christian workers in any land. (Bangalore Press, Belgaum) 40c Three Leaflets:— The Law and the Saint, The Christian Sabbath, and Christian Liberty,-—three closely allied themes handled very thoroughly by the. well known author, Arthur W. Pink. The author contends that the Ten Commandments are binding upon all who live in this dispensation; that God’s moral law has never been re­ voked. Takes a very strong position against Antinomianism and against the “ overdoing of dispensations,” stating that the lawlessness in the church and home- today is the result of the teach- ihg that the Law ended on the cross, and was only intended for Israel, etc., etc. All teachers will not agree with Mr. Pink, but he has handled his sub­ jects well, and provokes real thought. (Bible Truth Depot) “ Christian Lib­ erty,” 5c; “ The Law and the Saint” and “ The Christian Sabbath,” 10c each. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, b y Native Evangelists and Bible W omen who are being supported for from 80c to $ 2 .0 0 a week. $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y ., for free literature.

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