King's Business - 1924-11


November 1924

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

and seeming to recognize in my eyes an intelligence that had but just now returned. And then in my weakness, there came the words again, in slow cadence, He brought me up

^Christmas W ill Soon Be Here" Books—Biola “ Best” Books Make the Best Gifts W illiam Jennings Bryan

Out of an horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet Upon a rock.

New and deeper and more serious thoughts arose in my mind than were ever there before. Had I not been for years in an horrible pit, in the miry clay of sin and selfish­ ness and godlessness, gradually becoming more helpless and hopeless, until finally the dark waters were about to pass over me? Had I not struggled to free myself but to no avail? And finally, had not I, myself, saved a life? Had not I reached down to rescue my dog? Was there no one to reach down to me in my terrible plight, to take me from the horrible pit and from the miry clay and to set my feet upon the rock? I now for the first time recalled that those words of the street preacher came from the Word of God. Yes, there was One to reach down and to save. I knew now that God had been calling to me through His Word. I saw the out­ stretched hands of Christ, and felt Him lay hold of me and draw me up, out of the horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon the rock. I have found a safe and sure standing place. I securely rest upon the solid rock of the Holy Scriptures, and in the arms of that Saviour that the Book tells about. I have found the Rock in the weary land, the Rock that is higher than I. Upon that Rock I stand. That, my dear friend, has wrought the change in me. T. T. Holloway. ZACCHEUS Before his country’s good, he had put Self, ‘ And sold his soul for pelf! Now burdened with his gains He would be cleansed from his nefarious stains. But how? The fraud is perpetrated now: The tell-tale parchments can the oppression show! Must he for ever bear the odious guilt As hands red with blood spilt? Shall his name all through life With memories of cruel greed be rife? O wretched man! ‘Twere better not to live Than Jewish name to men’s contempt to give! Where is the remedy? What shall atone? Surely all hope is gone! What do the people say? Jesus of Nazareth to pass this way! The talked-of Prophet, Healer of the sick! ’Twere well to see Him, but the crowd is thick, And I so short— yonder a sycamore! I will make haste before And climb— ’tis done— the throng Advances slowly the broad way along. There, in the front, Jesus the Prophet walks And, as He comes, to His disciples talks. Now they have come under where I am hid— What does the Prophet bid? It is my name— I come— Jesus! ■I bid Thee welcome to my home! And the result? Salvation— all forgiven; Remorseful hell changed to a present heaven! Lord, as thank-offering, I will to the poor Give even half my store; And if I surcharged aught, Four-fold the sum shall to their hands be brought. “ Chief of the publicans,” yes, once, but now A sinner saved, at Jesus’ feet I bow. WILLIAM OLNEY. Hill View, Champion Hill, England.

For many years Wm , Jennings Bryan has been one o f the outstanding figures in the political and religious world. His work has been broader than the political field. He has lived in the arena o f politics, national and international, but has reserved time for church duties and religious addresses. These and his religious books are causing him to be increasingly known as a Defender of the Faith. TIM ELY MESSAGES In His Image “ This book is an event o f importance. The author is

LATEST VOLUMES Seven Questions in Dispute Mr. Bryan’s latest book ad­ dresses itself to the seven great subjects under discus­ sion: The Inspiration o f the Bible; the Deity o f Christ; The Virgin Birth; The Blood A tone­ ment ; The Resurrection o f the B ody; The Miracles o f Jesus; The Origin o f Man. Every chanter in this remarkable book displays Mr. Bryan's dia­ lectical skill, inexorable logic, and im plicit reliance on H oly Scripture for proof and sup­ port o f his argument. Cloth, $1.25 Rev. J. F. Nugent, LL. D., Des Moines, Iowa: “ The book is an album o f mental photo­ graphs which Mr. Bryan took from real life while traveling through a world o f thinking brains and throbbing hearts. A fter reading the book, one is deeply impressed with the fact that a man must FEEL with the w orld before he is com pe­ tent to THINK for the world.’’ . Cloth, $1.25 “ This defense by the strong, well-inform ed spiritually-m ind­ ed and courageous believer of the truth, is a good statement for those who desire to know and follow the teachings of the Gospel. W e comm end Mr. Bryan and his earnest efforts for the honor o f Christ, the glory o f God, and the salva­ tion o f souls.’’— “ Herald and Presbyter.” A rt Paper, 35c Heart-to-Heart Appeals Orthodox Christianity versus Modernism

spokesman for a large segment o f the people, and his work is a frank, vigorous, often elo­ quent appeal to revelation to the Bible accepted literally as the supreme t e a c h e r ................. Modern science does not yield readily to any incantation or m agic formula, but it will be ill-advised if it under-esti­ mates the potentialities o f a Bryanized education.................... Mr. Bryan has the courage of his convictions apd realizes that revealed religion must rest squarely upon the valid­ ity o f its revelation.** 10th Edition, Illustrated, $2.00 Cloth, $1.75 W ithout Illustrations It was no accident that Mr. Bryan’s “ In His Image” rose at once to universal popular­ ity. A s A Bible expositor the famous statesman has been for a long time holding the atten­ tion o f large audiences. His pew book furnishes a gallery o f Old Testament portraits which are masterpieces of character delineation. Deft, just, discriminating, t h e s e character sketches are among the best things Mr. Bryan has yet done, and lay the religious public under still further tri­ bute to one o f the first intel­ lects and great Christian lead­ ers o f our time. Cloth, $1.50 William Jennings Bryan W ayne C. W . W illiams This book is not a biogra­ phy. The great “ Commoner** has withstood successfully, a great storm o f adverse criti­ cism and obloquy. Mr. W ill­ iams here presents a concise, succinct review o f Mr. B ry­ an’s extraordinary contribu­ tion to the life and welfare of his time. Cloth, $1.00 The Menace o f Darwinism A resume of, and an extract from , “ In His Image,’’ Mr. Bryan’s epoch-m aking book against Darwinism. For use in study classes, for distri­ bution, etc. A rt Paper, 35c Famous Figures of the Old Testament

The Bible and Its Enemies

W ith great boldness and plainness o f speech Mr. Bryan paints the Atheist, the A gn os­ tic, the H igher Critic and par­ ticularly the Evolutionist as they are— enemies o f our country and o f God. A cam ­ paign speech on the integrity o f the H oly Scriptures. 12mo, art stock covers. 25c

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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