
www.marejournal.com P ennsylvania S potlight E ngineering W eek By Eric W. Tappert, P.E. Governor Wolf proclaimes the week of Feb. 22nd to 28th as Engineers Week in the Commonwealth G the Future City Competition National Finals on February 17th. overnor Wolf has pro- claimed the week of February 22nd to 28th M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — February 13 - 26, 2015 — 5C

the state completion, with the state winners having a super bowl of a competition at the national level, this year on May 8th in Boston, MA. So engineers take a week to look at their achievements, encourage students, and cel- ebrate their honorable profes- sion. Fear not, for the follow- ing week will find them back at work changing the world for the better; after all there are new horizons to conquer. Take a moment and thank an engineer. For those interested in engineering, DiscoverE.org is a good source of resources. Eric W. Tappert, P.E. has had a long career in the telecommunications field and earned his engineering degrees from the Universi- ty of Pennsylvania and the University of Colorado. n as a transportation profes- sional, Johnson has prepared and managed highway and During his 30 year ca- reer as a transportation professional, Johnson has prepared and managed highway and intersec- tion final design plans for hundreds of projects, as well as thousands of traf- fic impact and parking studies nationwide. intersection final design plans for hundreds of proj- ects, as well as thousands of traffic impact and parking studies nationwide. He is the second engineer to serve on the SEPTA Board of Direc- tors where he is the Chair- man of the Administrative Committee and the Audit Committee. Prior to joining the SEPTA Board, Johnson was a Board Member of the Chester County Planning Commission. TPD is a civil engineering firm specializing in trans- portation engineering and related construction and environmental services with eight offices serving the Mid- Atlantic region. n

There are countless new ho- rizons to be conquered, new inventions to produce, new in- frastructure to build, and new worlds to explore. The world is beautiful in its infinite scope, yet incredible in its infinitesi- mal detail and much of it still needs to be explored, under- stood, and creatively used to improve the lot of us all. So we take a week to cel- ebrate with banquets around the Commonwealth, seminars, special displays, and other activities that honor the engi- neers that do so much to im- prove our lives. At the national level days are designated for programs to Introduce Girls to Engineering on February 26th, DiscoverE Engineering Family Day on February 28th at the National Building Mu- seum in Washington DC, and

electrical power, to advanced communications systems that tie the entire world together instantaneously, to trans- portation systems utilizing automobiles, trains, ships, and even planes up in the wild blue yonder, to the production of all kinds of useful fertilizers and agricultural machines to enhance food production, and a myriad of other farfetched advances that better the exis- tence of humanity. Far flung adventures have taken us to the edge of the solar system, gazed deeply into the very beginnings of our universe, and even put men on the moon for a stroll and an impromptu golf shot. A glance at the past might just lead one to conclude that all is done. But all is not done, as exem- plified by this year’s theme.

as Engineers Week in the C o m m o n - wealth, join- ing the rest of the coun- try in a cel- ebration of engineering. The theme

Here in Pennsylvania there are numerous Banquets hon- oring engineers with awards with titles of “Engineer of the Year” and “Young Engineer of the Year” in addition to honor- ing top engineering educators and engineering projects. Of- ten these ceremonies are ac- companied by some continuing education; always necessary to keep up with the advances in science and technology. Feb- ruary also boasts of the time for MathCounts competitions that are held around the state. MathCounts is a mathematics competition for middle school students and the local com- petitions will have over 1200 students competing. Winners at the local level advance to

Eric W. Tappert

for this year’s celebration is “Engineering New Horizons.” Engineers, who apply their special knowledge of science and mathematics to the solu- tion of real world problems, have been blazing new ho- rizons for centuries. From the elimination of disease by providing safe water and sanitation systems, to the banishment of darkness with

Wolf’s Transition Review Team selects Johnson of TPD

Precis Commissioning launches as independent, woman-owned partner of Precis Engineering

Ambler, PA — Precis Commissioning , a woman- owned company providing

PENNSYLVANIA — Traffic Planning and

to collaborating with her as a fellow business owner.” Precis Commissioning

rate functions of equipment startup, system calibration, balancing, and employee

D e s i g n ( T P D ) president, K e v i n Johnson , Named to Governor- Elect Wolf’s Transition R e v i e w Team PA

b u i l d i n g commission- ing services, has spun off from Precis Engineer- ing . “ I saw a significant opportunity

“I saw a significant opportunity to focus and ex- pand our commissioning services beyond our current service portfolio. We will continue to work coop- eratively with building owners, design teams, and operations staff to solve problems while improving facility operations,” “Our strategic partnership with Precis Engineer- ing gives us the depth of resources and engineering expertise to effectively meet the needs of our clients.” — Kari Anne Donovan, PE, CxA.

Kevin Johnson

Kari Donovan

to focus and expand our com- missioning services beyond our current service portfolio. We will continue to work cooperatively with build- ing owners, design teams, and operations staff to solve problems while improving facility operations,” said Pre- cis Commissioning founder Kari Anne Donovan, PE, CxA . “Our strategic partner- ship with Precis Engineering gives us the depth of resourc- es and engineering expertise to effectively meet the needs of our clients.” “Kari has long been a val- ued part of our engineering and commissioning teams,” explained Precis Engineer- ing principal Robert Dick, PE. “We know and trust her leadership and look forward

Governor-Elect, Tom Wolf, has named the individu- als to serve on 24 separate Transition Review Teams to “work with the outgoing administration to better un- derstand the issues and chal- lenges that face the executive branch,” according to Wolf. Johnson will join the Team co-chairs, Kathy Dahlkem- per (Erie County Executive) and Eric Menzer (York Revo- lution president and gen- eral manager), as well as his Team’s 16 other members, in “reviewing state agencies and providing insight into issues that will allow the Governor-Elect to have the knowledge necessary to hit the ground running on Janu- ary 20th”. During his 30 year career

launched January 1, 2015. The company provides ob- jective, third-party building commissioning services for pharmaceutical and non- pharmaceutical customers, including testing, inspection, and documentation of build- ing systems and equipment to ensure functionality ac- cording to design intent and client requirements. Ser- vices include commissioning within the cGMP environ- ment in support of validation efforts as outlined within the ASTMe2500 standard guide. Commissioning coordi- nates the traditionally sepa-

training for efficiency, con- sistency, and safety. The Precis Commission- ing team includes registered engineers who have designed and overseen construction of the systems the firm com- missions, and former field personnel who have main- tained and operated those systems. “Our comprehensive back- ground allows us to better tailor our service to our cus- tomer’s needs,” said Dono- van. “It affords us valuable perspective to increase client profitability and optimize operational performance.” n

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