King's Business - 1953-01



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PAUL R. COWLES. Jr. Director-Evangelist


Page Two

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Around the Bend

If I could see


What waits for me.

Around the bend—

The path ahead

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

I'd fear to tread

But for my Friend.

What peace to know. Whene'er I go

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert

Editor in Chief Managing Editor No part o f this magazine may be reproduced without permission All Rights Reserved Vol. 44 JANUARY 1953 No. 1 Poem, Around the Bend, Margaret K. Fraser ................................... 3 Poem, The Old Year and The New, Annie Johnson F lint ............... 3 Editorially Speaking....................................................................................... 4 Dr. Talbot’s Question B ox.......................................................................... 6 The Heart of a Missionary, Wanda Howard .......................................... 6 Reader Reaction............................................................................................... 7 Light for the New Year, George H. Mundell ........................................ 8 Poem, New Year Chime, Ida C. Young ................................................ 8 Praying for the Peace o f Jerusalem, Charles L.F einberg ................. 9 The Little Maid, F. A. J. Harding .........................................................11 Thinking Through Our Fears, Robert W. Ross ....................................13 Poem, The Difference, Blanton W. Jones ............................................. 14 Why Shouldn’t Christians Suffer? Gertrude Cutler ............................ 15 Anywhere? Mildred H. Corbett .................................................................. 16 The Fight for the English Bible, Andrew K. Helmbold ................... 17 Biola Family Circle....................................................................................... 19 The End of “ Cow’s Tail,” Sally Hawthorne .........................................20 Miscellanea ........................................................................................................ 21 Young People’s Topics, Chester J. Padgett ....................................... .23 Book Reviews, Donald G. Davis .............................................................. 27 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ...........28 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ..............................................................33 Picture Credits: Cover, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. Va.; p. 9 Gilliams Service, New York; pp. 10, 17, 18 Keystone View Company, New York; p. 11 Wilde Pictures, Boston, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—“ The King’s Business” is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25 six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of JLos Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 588, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

Around the bend—

Close by my side

Will be my Guide,

My faithful Friend!

God's love doth veil

That unknown trail

Around the bend—

But surely He

Will walk with me

To journey's end.

If death draw near, I need not fear For still with me Shall ever be

That last great bend—

My Saviour-Friend.

Or should I rise

To glowing skies.

To meet my Friend,

With Him I'd soar

To Heaven's shore.

Around the bend.

If you would know. Before you go

Around the bend.

That Heaven waits.

With open gates.

Receive this Friend.

—Margaret K. Fraser

The Old Year and The New Into the silent places The old year goes tonight Bearing old pain, old sadness. Old care and old delight. Mistakes and fears and failures. The things that could not last. But naught that e'er was truly ours Goes with him to the past. Out of the silent places The New Year comes tonight; Bringing new pain—new sadness New care and new delight. Go forth to meet him bravely The New Year all untried; The things the old year left us; Faith—Hope and Love—abide!

Annie Johnson Flint

Page Three

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 3

Trend To Secularization P ULITZER PRIZE winner Robert Sherwood last week made television news by signing a contract to write nine plays for TV during the next three years. The poor writing on video being a major problem, many serious viewers will welcome the news that a man of such recognized abilities is devoting him­ self so thoroughly to this medium. How­ ever, even greater elation will probably result from the unique fact that the sponsors will have no control of the plays. Most advertisers are notorious for thwarting writers and producers by placing rigid demands and limitations upon them. After signing this contract with Sher­ wood, a network executive proclaimed that the time is arriving when great artists can have, in broadcasting, the freedom which is necessary for creation of great art. Sherwood’s comments in­ dicate that this artistic freedom was a major factor in his acceptance. There does happen to be one incidental item in Sherwood’s contract which does impose a limitation: he can use no re­ ligious material in that it might cause controversy. Imagine Shakespeare, Ibsen, or Shaw being told that they could not be allowed to initiate controversy by dealing with religious themes! Imagine them not even feeling that their artistic freedom was at all impaired by such a restriction! When they demanded “ ar­ tistic freedom,” it covered all realms. Apparently times have changed. Lest Christians minimize the aggressive secularizing movement exemplified here simply because this incident happens to be in dramatic art (one of the arts which is of little interest to many evangeli­ cals), consider another recent occurrence. Last week Simon and Shuster published This I Believe, a compilation of five- minute broadcasts from the radio series by the same name. Contributors are famous persons from all walks of life, such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Pearl Buck, and Elmer Davis. They were asked to state the faiths they live by—but one requirement was that the statements had to be entirely “ non-religious.” To state the faith one lives by and yet in no way mention a religious view­ point must be impossible for anyone ex­ cept the most thoroughly secularized in­ dividual. Yet, of those asked, only a few (such as writer Kathleen Norris) re­ fused on the grounds that the making of such a statement was too difficult. More and more we see aggressive secu­ larization permeating not only college, business, and industry, but also the arts, the entertainment field, broadcasting and publishing. Christians should be much in prayer and decide whether they are willing to allow our nation to become thoroughly secularized in every realm. For many years a secularization has been creeping into American life because of apathetic attitudes. Now many lead­ ers are fostering it by strong pressures and even actual enforcement. — W il l ia m C . L a n t z

“ Time Marches O n !” O NE of the oldest portions of Scrip­ ture is the 90th Psalm, beautiful for its depth and grandeur of thought. The first petition in the Psalm reads: “ So teach us to number our days, That we may get us a heart of wisdom.” (12, A.R.V.) Men have learned to count in the millions and more, but still they cannot count the years in their own lives. This is not a mathematical numbering, but a moral one. It is to estimate the human life by God’s purpose for it; by the eternity for which it is to prepare us. This petition is made for three rea­ sons. First, it is necessary because of the shortness of time. Some half dozen times is this thought set forth in this psalm. Paul said, “ Time is short.” If God does not teach us His divine arith­ metic and method of counting, life shall be past ere we are aware of it. Life is so short that it should be wisely spent; we dare not squander it, not even a moment of it. Secondly, the petition is made because of the sacredness of time. Time is sacred because it is from God. God created time just as He created the worlds. It is sacred because it is a trust from Him. He has deposited a certain amount of it with each of us. Redeem the time, for time is really a part of eternity. Queen Elizabeth of England on her death-bed cried out, “Millions of money for an inch of time!” Some waste more than a half century, and still long for more time. Lastly, we must be taught to number our days because of the serv­ ice of time. Time can be made to serve the ends for which God meant it. The character of eternity for us depends upon our use of time. Time can be so employed as to prepare us for eternity. It can serve us for God’s intended pur­ poses. In it we can turn to Christ as Saviour, live a life pleasing to Him, and serve Him with all our energies. Let us so utilize time that it will serve its God- intended ends. — C h arles L . F ein berg

Sunday School Instruction W E aré accustomed to hearing church members accuse colleges and universities of not providing courses in Bible, but when we hear college pro­ fessors condemning Sunday schools for not furnishing an adequate knowledge of the Bible, we are startled. Conducting a simple test in a South Carolina women’s college last year, Pro­ fessor Hampton M. Jarrell discovered that none of the thirty-four class mem­ bers could identify even vaguely any of the following Biblical characters: Ben­ jamin, Abraham, Potiphar, Haman, Jonathan, Saul, Simon the Zealot, Pon­ tius Pilate, Lazarus and Lot. While some of the readers might assert that the students were not reared under the influence of the Sunday school, it should be noted that this test was administered in the “ Bible Belt” of the United States. Prior to the tests made by Professor Jarrell, the writer made similar sur­ veys. One group tested consisted of stu­ dents .who were just entering seminary. All had been Sunday school pupils for a number of years. The results were almost identical with the case of the South Carolinians, although none of the young people missed all of the Biblical characters. Another group tested con­ sisted of twenty-four first-year Seminary students. Over half were unable to identify such familiar figures as Saul. David and Solomon beyond the vague statement that they were kings of Israel. All attempts at chronology were stark failures and the students were shocked to think they were expected to know Biblical personalities and to place them historically. There are many fine Sunday school teachers, but at the same time the above facts indicate that some are not doing their work well and are not taking God- given responsibilities seriously. The proper perpetuation of Christianity de­ mands an intelligent laity, the educa­ tion of which rests largely in the hands of the Sunday school teachers. — J a m e s H . C h r is t ia n

Page Four

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Need For Expository Preaching T HE average preacher today takes a teaspoonful of doctrine, dissolves it in a gallon of sympathy, fills up the atomizer of eloquence, and sprays the audience with it. No wonder the doctrine is thin by the time it reaches the man in the pew!” After this fashion, someone has satir­ ized the lack of doctrine and absence of depth which characterizes much of the preaching of the modern pulpit. If one can judge fairly the preaching by the product, then this generation of spiritual babes, seeking to be entertained rather than to be edified, preferring milk to meat, lends support to the thesis that many of our impoverished church mem­ bers are starving for lack of spiritual bread. Christ-honoring, Bible-centered preach­ ing is the need of the day. The menace of atheistic Communism, the dry-rot of liberalism, and the subtle inroads of false cults parading under the banner of Christ—these will not be set at naught by Christians accustomed to plush seats and homiletical dainties. Flood tides of iniquity will not be stayed by babes armed with religious novelties, but by men of God, mature men, armed with the Word of God and empowered by the Spirit of God. Those who represent the Lord before men would do well to ponder the injunction of Paul to “ preach the Word . . . exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine . . . make full proof of thy ministry” (2 Tim. 4:2, 5). They should heed the words of Jehovah to Jonah, His servant, when he commanded: “ Arise, go . . . and preach . . . the preach­ ing that I bid thee” (Jonah 3:2). “ If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa. 8:20). However, the blame for widespread spiritual immaturity does not lie en­ tirely with the men who speak from be­ hind the sacred desk. Paul lamented over the Corinthians, “ I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hither­ to ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able” (1 Cor. 3:2). Car­ nality on the part of the people will sadly hinder the power of the pulpit and the effectiveness of the message pro­ claimed. Not the least of the difficulties facing the minister who comes before the people with a message from God is the fact, expressed by many, that the preacher’s hardest task today is to get the people to think! The divine correct­ ive is suggested in the words: “Search the scriptures” (John 5:39) and “Study to show thyself approved” (2 Tim. 2:15). “ Brethren, whatsoever things are true . . . think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). Spoon-feeding from the pulpit is no substitute for daily, earnest Bible study on the part of those who occupy the pew. Men need more often to open the Bible and dare to think! This is a plea for a return on the part of the ministry to a vital expositional preaching rooted in the doctrines of the Word of God, coupled with a return, on

the part of the individual Christian, to a more serious and realistic approach to the need for daily cleansing and nour­ ishment directly from the Bible itself. God honors them who honor His Word, and uses most those who know and love it best. — G erald B . S ta n t o n Prophecy Congress T HE International Congress on Prophecy sponsored by the Amer­ ican Association for Jewish Evan­ gelism and over sixty interdenomina­ tional pastors and lay leaders from all over the United States, meeting at the Calvary Baptist Church, 123 West 57th Street, New York from November 9-16, overwhelmingly adopted the following manifesto: A MANIFESTO 1. For more than a century, the faith­ ful within the Christian Church have borne witness to the Prophetic Scrip­ tures as infallibly inspired of God and pointing towards judgment upon a God- forsaking civilization. Today the whole world lives in fear of annihilation. Many nations are exhausted, disillusioned and revolutionary. There is no human authori­ tative voice to guide the peoples of the earth to peace, righteousness and justice. If men entertain any hope for survival it seems to rest in their carrying out the aspirations and endeavors of United Nations. But it is our profound convic­ tion, based upon the testimony of history and the Prophetic Scriptures that all such efforts, admirable as they are, cannot bring lasting peace to the earth. 2. As a widely representative body of Christians concerned for the welfare, happiness and salvation of all mankind, the International Congress on Prophecy assembled in the Calvary Baptist Church, New York, November 9-16, 1952, desires to share with all men what we believe is the inspired Word of God for this time. 3. We believe that the sorrows of mankind are largely due to the failure of so large a part of the Christian Church in this century to teach the people the truths of the Prophetic Scrip­ tures which concern Jews, Gentiles (or the nations) and the Church. Had such devotion to the teachings of God in the Bible been the practice, there would today be less of the evils of Anti- Semitism which have disgraced civili­ zation; the nations would have guidance in their affairs from almighty God, and the church would be vital with truth and virtue in its service to and influence over all mankind. 4. The Scriptures relate the Divine Laws of justice for all men; they state the Blessings which come from the Creator’s Hands. But there is judgment awaiting those who turn the fields of earth into ceaseless war. There is mercy from God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, for all who seek for salvation, righteousness, honor and immortality.

5. We believe that the world is moving irresistibly on to the consummation of all things and that the coming of Christ for His Church is imminent, when the true body of believers living and dead will be caught up to heaven when Christ comes. Then will follow the unprece­ dented time of trouble on earth which our Lord called “ the great tribulation.” After these events the Lord will return with His Church to judge the world and establish His righteous kingdom on earth for one thousand years as proph­ esied in the Scriptures. 6. We express our profound belief, there­ fore, that the need of all mankind, whether Jew, Gentile or the Church, is satisfied in the provisions of the Gospel of Christ. These are that the Eternal God was incarnated in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who, as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed, “was born of the virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was cru­ cified dead and buried. The third day He was raised from the dead and as­ cended into heaven, from whence He shall come to judge the world in right­ eousness.” At His first coming to earth as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, providing salvation for all who will believe in Him as the Son of God. This same Jesus is coming again as the righteous Judge, a truth presented faith­ fully in the Prophetic Scriptures. 7. We would warn the Church against the evil course defined in Scripture as apostasy. The end of such turning away from the Divine revelation in the Word of God cannot be other than judgment. That the true Church is responsible for the teaching of the Scriptures in which not only the doctrines of salvation are clearly set forth, but also where the Divine principles of the Kingdom of God are clearly applied. We exhort the Church to be diligent in the proclama­ tion of the Gospel of Christ into all the world in obedience to the Scriptures and to adorn that Gospel with holy living. 8. We would warn nations that war is their own ultimate destroyer, turning men into haters of their kind and thus hindering the purpose of God in the Gospel of Christ, which is love. 9. We urge upon Jewry that it is time for that afflicted people to give serious concentration to the Scriptures, which are also ours, with particular reference to their prophetic teaching concerning the coming of their Messiah, for whose return the Christian Church is waiting, and who at His coming will establish the Kingdom of God on earth. 10. Therefore, we believe that it be­ hooves all people, everywhere to give heed to the invitation of God; that now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. It was the privilege of our Editor in Chief not only to attend this remarkable conference but to give several addresses on prophetic subjects. From the very favorable reports which have been re­ ceived God’s evident blessing was upon every session. — Mg. Ed.

J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 3

Page Five

emphatically deny that he ever had such revelations and claim that the doctrine was first introduced by Brigham Young in 1852. The name Mormons as applied to the Utah group is only a nickname, as they will emphatically inform you, while their real name is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The group from Independence, Missouri, is formally called The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. What did Paul mean when speaking of the “ third heaven” and Paradise, to the Corinthian Christians? Paradise and heaven are now one, and the same place. Paul said, in the passage you quote, that he was “ caught up to the third heaven.” Then he added that he was “ caught up into paradise,” evidently referring to the same event. There are three heavens mentioned in the Bible: The first, where the birds and clouds are; hence, the birds of the heav­ en. “ Second, there is the realm of the sun, moon and stars; hence, “the stars of the heaven.” And third, heaven is God’s dwelling place. This is the meaning of First Kings 8:27: “ But will God in­ deed dwell on the earth? behold the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.” This is where Paul was “ caught up.” It is now identical with paradise. Let us remember that before the resurrection and ascension of Christ, paradise was a waiting place for the spirits of the re­ deemed, a part of Sheol, or Hades. When will the “first resurrection” take place? The first resurrection will take place when the church is translated, forever to be with Christ. It is also called “the resurrection of life” and “ the resurrec­ tion of the just.” It would be well to turn to Luke 14:14, and John 5:29. In this verse in John you will note the sec­ ond resurrection' is called “ the resurrec­ tion of condemnation.” Let us now turn to Revelation 20:4-15, where the two resurrections are contrasted in no un­ certain terms, and where we read that between the two there shall be the peri­ od of a thousand years, when Christ will reign on the earth. All New Testa­ ment teaching dovetails with the pas­ sages to which we have just referred. I would like to have John H :12 ex­ plained to me in your Question Box. Thank you. The verse you question reads: “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Here you will find the disciples were to

do greater works than Christ because the Holy Spirit, whom Christ said He would send was not to be confined by a body to one place. The Holy Spirit could so energize believers everywhere, that the gospel could spread far more rapidly and more widely by a group of believers, than when proclaimed individually by the Lord Himself, and supported by His mighty works. This power was not in the disciples, but in the promised Comforter. The first fulfillment of this promise is found in the second chapter of Acts tell­ ing of the mighty power that, accom­ panied the preaching of Peter. While our Lord’s miracles led many to trust in Him, yet they were also the credentials of His deity in a very special sense. Someone has suggested the addi­ tional thought that the winning of pre­ cious souls is the greatest work in all the world, greater even than the feeding of the multitudes and the healing of the sick. To us is given this greatest of all privileges—that of pointing never-dying souls to Him, the only Saviour from sin. This is the greatest of all works en­ trusted to us. Remember this ministry is “ not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6). The Heart of a Missionary Will you look on this one whom the Lord has called forth To witness unto Him, east, west, south, or north? Look at him who was called from his loved ones apart. And wherefore? For answer, friend, look at his heart. E s p e c ia lly saintly, this witness? Oh, no! It was not innate goodness that called him to go. The need of the heathen—was this then the cause? No; neither was hope of men's praise and applause. What makes a man all earthly honor dismiss? God's real missionary is commis­ sioned by this: His affections are set upon our God above. Whose love is commanding, whose command is to love.

Dr. Louis T. Talbot Kindly enlighten me as to the meaning of the latter part of Matthew 16:19, where it says “whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.” Every believer in Christ, in his deal­ ings with men, declares sins forgiven or unforgiven according to what the in­ quirer does with Christ. This text has no other meaning. To a man who has taken Christ as his Saviour, we bring God’s message and “ declare sins forgiven.” To the man who spurns Christ, we bring the message according to God’s Word, that his sins are retained, and that he is (according to Acts 8:23), “ in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniqui­ ty.” We find Peter declaring remission of sins in the household of Cornelius, in Acts 10:43: “ To him [Jesus] give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.” Please explain the doctrinal differences between the Salt Lake City Mormons and the Reorganized Latter Day Saints with headquarters at Independence, Mo. The organizations of both sects are practically identical as both have a President and his Counselors, Apostles, Seventies, High Priests, Elders, Bishops, Teachers, Priests, Deacons and Patri­ arch. They both use the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price or, The Book of Abraham, and the Doctrine and Cove­ nants. The Utah Mormons use the Author­ ized King James version of the Bible, while the Reorganized Church uses the so-called Inspired versions, which is merely Joseph Smith’s revision of the Authorized King James version. There are a few minor differences in their doctrine but the basic difference however, is in the doctrine of polygamy. The Utah Mormons claim that all the revelations concerning polygamy which they uphold and once practiced, were divinely given of God to Joseph Smith (see Utah Doctrine and Covenants, Sec. 132), while the Reorganized Church Page Six

—Wanda Howard, B iola '54 T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

1Reader Reaction ^ )

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from God and their families know you truly sympathize and pray for the broken hearts and are grateful. Please continue to pray. K. A rch ibald Oakland, Calif. The article which this reader enclosed is quoted from The Alliance Weekly under the title of “Let’s Not Be Too Jolly” and follows herewith. We agree with it fully. — Ed. “We live in the era of the broad grin. Our public figures seem to be vying with each other to see how many teeth they can show at a sitting. While young men die in remote places, our politicians just smile and smile. “ The press displays page on page of brisk and cheery persons engaged usual­ ly in acts of empty vanity and the radio sounds forth daily the blithesome laughter of the world’s paid giggle artists who try to give the impression that they are just too, too happy though their public lives may be despicable and their inward lives anything but glad. “ That the big 20th Century smile is more than a bit strained and our laughter seems a little on the nervous side seems not to occur to the public so the rising generation puckers up to laugh and laughs through life. And this is the most ominous and foreboding hour since the flood of Noah. “ We Christians will do well to re­ member that our Lord pronounced His blessing upon them that mourn and warned against irresponsible and pre­ mature laughter. The Prince of Life, when He walked among men, wept more than He smiled and earned for Himself the name The Man of Sorrows.” A Friend Indeed My income is small and I thought I would not take the magazine this year but it would be like losing a very dear friend because it has been in our home at least forty, and perhaps forty-five years; I do not know when we began to take it. I am 78 years old and it is like part of the family. I pray daily for the Bible Institute and The King’s Business and every part of your wonderful work. God bless you in all you seek to do to train young people and to advance the cause of Christ, our gracious Lord and Saviour. Soo» we shall hear the shout, the voice of the archangel and the trump of God and I want to be found faithful until He comes. M rs . J a m e s H . N orris Pittsburgh, Pa. Ed. Note. The first issue of The King’s Business was dated January 1, 1910, so it must be forty-two years, Mrs. Norris. No words can express our appreciation for such a letter as this, and we would like to hear from other subscribers of long standing.

classes 1903-4. Torrey came to Kansas City, Missouri to take over the Moody revival when Moody took sick. I was living there then. Both were thrilling preachers of the Word. H . P . D u n lo p Long Beach, Calif. Not All Guilty In one of the editorials of the October number of The King’s Business refer­ ence is made to an article in The People’s Magazine designated “How big is $9,000,000,000?” and “What liquor money would have bought.” I do not question the accuracy of the figures which the writer gives but I detest the wholesale manner in which he accuses the contributors for this enor­ mous guilt. He speaks of America’s liquor bill and our money and our liquor bill. Now I am an American. I was born in Pennsylvania and I infer that I am included in the OURs to which the writer refers. I confess that I need a Saviour the same as the drunkard. I am but a sinner saved by grace. My only hope of salvation is in Christ; but I have not contributed to that imaginary highway of which the writer speaks. In all humility and thankfulness I wish to state that I do not know what beer tastes like and I have yet, at 79 years of age, my first red copper to spend for tobacco in any form. I have a family of three sons and two daughters bearing the same record. There are many other people in America that can testify to the same fact. In America there are yet more than 7,000 who have not bowed their knees to this monstrous idol. Should not the writer of this article have designated the contributors to this enormous crime in a manner that would have exonerated the innocent? S il v a n u s Y oder Cxoshen, Ind. Attractive Tracts We were sorry for the attitude of the letter in the November issue . . . We too think attractive tracts and better­ looking paper honors God’s Word. P a u l in e M a r t in Question Box Your Question Box is grand and very enlightening. M r s . G eorge M . F rie sen Dinuba, Calif. T oo Gay? The pictures of your staff and faculty of the Bible Institute with those who direct the radio programs are not in the same class with those mentioned in the article I enclose for publication if you so desire. Those of us who have dear ones away

Unscriptural Statements For some time I have felt the urge to suggest that you carry an article in your magazine, calling attention to what I term “ Popular Unscriptural Statements.” Statements in this category are made, surprisingly by some of the very finest preachers, Bible teachers and authors. I know what I am about to submit may be considered “hair-splitting,” but up|on closer examination I believe you will agree with me. I, for one, maintain it is just as easy to be right in our scriptural statements as to be wrong; therefore, let’s be right! For instance, I believe the most popu­ lar unscriptural statement is this: the unsaved are invited to “ accept Christ as Saviour.” Nowhere in the Scriptures do we find such a statement. I do find in John 1:12 it states: “ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,” Having received Him as Saviour, I find in Ephesians 1:6 that “ He [God] hath made us accepted in the beloved [Christ], “ In other words, the sinner receives Christ, and God accepts the sinner. The second most popular unscriptural statement is this: “ If the Lord tarries.” Exactly the opposite would make more sense and be scriptural, viz., “ If we should tarry till the Lord comes.” Again nowhere in Scripture is it suggested that the Lord will tarry. Instead, in Hebrews 10:37 it declares: “ For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Another is: “He has gone to his reward,” referring of course to a believer who has gone into the presence of his Lord. Salvation is not a reward; it is a free gift. “ For by grace are ye saved through faith.” No believer has yet received his reward, for Christ said in Revelation 22:12, “ And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me.” Christ has not come yet; therefore His rewards have not been given out. The Apostle Paul hasn’t yet received his reward, simply because all of the returns aren’t in! That applies to all other believers as well. A. W. L u n dstrom Pasadena, Calif. No Doubts The King's Business is very interest­ ing, far superior to some other religious magazines that I have read recently. One sure thing—it never leaves one in doubt. B . F . H ow ard Yuma, Ariz. Dr. Torrey’s Diary How thrilling it was to read R. A. Torrey Diary in late issue. I was in Chicago in 1893 and a student in night

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By George H. Mundell*

A WAKE thou that steepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” (Eph. 5:14). Are you asleep ? As we go into this New Year must you be awakened? Have you failed to live as you should for your Lord during this past year ? Have the cares and problems and things of the world defeated you in your Chris­ tian life during this past year? Then let us take this call from the Lord, and for the New Year receive our light from Christ. Each New Year’s Day you have made good resolutions; you would not do that thing which you should not. You would do that which was good. But in just a few days, or weeks, or possibly months, you have slipped back into your old ways. That is you. You have been going on in your own strength. Why not let God do it? He wants to give the light, and all you have to do is to let it shine through you. If you have been born of God, you are a child of light, and a child of light bears His light to the world. He bears fruit of the Holy Spirit of God. According to God’s Word, the fruit of the Spirit is “ Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentle­ ness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper­ ance” (Gal. 5:22,23). If the Christian fails to bear fruit for God, God says that he is asleep or dead. He tells you to awake from your sleep and to rise from your death that Christ shall give you light. Even though you have been born-again, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, darkness can close in upon you. This book of Ephesians, through which God tells us to awake and arise, was written to Christians in the church at Ephesus. So it is to you, a Christian who is not bearing fruit, that God is speaking. Your body can become soiled spiritually, just as it does physically. Then the light of Jesus Christ cannot shine through you. What causes this defilement, sleep or death ? It is the result of the lack of prayer, neglect in reading the Word of God, failure to allow God to live your life for you and to go on with the Lord in the work He has given you. You should be associating with other Chris­ tians, giving your support to the local church, and in every way possible let Jesus Christ shine His light through you. How can you live for the Lord? Light produces life. Look at a seed you place in the ground. It has to die to produce the fruit. That little seed looks dead, just

as you do if you are not shining forth the life of light for your Lord. You have to die to whatever it is that is holding you back from going on with the Lord. You have to die to that bad habit, to anything you put before the Lord, no matter how good that thing is:

He wants to do through your life. As you grow in the Lord things which were all right for you to do when you were not saved, or when you were a younger Christian are wrong for you to do now. The Light has given you that discern­ ment. It makes things which did not seem like sin show up in their true light and they are sin for you as a Christian who is going on with the Lord. The Lord Jesus Christ has no way of shining His light in this world except through your life and the lives of other Christians. He needs you to shine for Him, to show His light to the world. God has told us that we are to be changed from image to image into the image of our Lord. Do you look any more like your Lord today than you did this time last year? Do you act any more like Jesus Christ today than you did last year? Do you shine more for Jesus Christ today than you did when, you were first saved? Beloved of God, that is what God wants of your life. He wants you to be a light-bearer to this world. In First John 1:5-7 God says: “ This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” As you start this New Year, can you say that in you God is light and there is no darkness at all? No matter how spiritual you are, how much work you do for the Lord, how much time you spend in prayer or Bible reading and study, you can still go on for the Lord. God wants you to put out of your life all darkness. Any light that shines through your life is going to change things around you. Just give light a little bit of a crack to get through and it will penetrate the darkness. God’s light in you will penetrate the things around you and change them into that which will glorify the Lord. Souls will be saved and lives changed. Give your all to the Lord. Turn your life over to Him, that He may direct every move, every thought, every mo­ ment. Study God’s precious Word that He may speak to you through it. Do whatever work the Lord has given to you. Give your support of time, talent and money to your local church. Make that. marvelous contact with the power of Almighty God through prayer. “ Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

New Year Chime By Ida C. Young Another year has gone—gone for­ ever. The days, the hours, the minutes, all have flown. But every deed that's done and every word that's said Are seeds of good or bad that's sown. Our works shall follow us. O, solemn thought! Would that in Jesus Christ they all were wrought! Farewell, old year farewell! 'Tis true We'd love to muse on things awhile that you have brought to view. But hark! What's that I hear ap­ proaching. Which like as hope doth cause us all to look ahead And make us feel we all have nobler work to do? 'Tis the New Year with garb of un­ known fate. Most heartily we bid you welcome in His name; To Him committing every joy and care Whose love today and ever is the same. business or making money, your wife or husband, your children or your home. Not one single thing may come ahead of the Lord. God says He must be first. When He is first in your life, He will give you all these good things, but first you must die to them. You must know that the Lord is your very life, your very light. Prayer is the connecting link be­ tween the power of God and your life. If you do not turn the switch, or light the lamp, you do not get light. It is still dark. That is what gives you the use of the power of Almighty God. Jesus Christ, your Saviour, must live for you. It is not a question of what you want to do with your life, but what

* Pastor of Maran-atha Tabernacle, Darby, Pa. Page Eight

PRAYING FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D., Ph.D* T HE greatest devotional literature in the world is to be found in the Old Testament Book of Psalms.

third in this group is the one to occupy our attention now. Psalm 122 (R.V.) reads as follows: “ A Song of Ascents; of David.” “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go unto the house of the Lord. Our feet are standing Within thy gates, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that art builded as a city that is compact together; Whither the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord, For an ordinance for Israel, To give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones for judgment, The thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusa­ lem: They shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, And pros­ perity within thy palaces. For my breth­ ren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee: For the sake of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.” The Psalm begins with an invitation to go up to the house of the Lord, then proceeds to speak of the joy of the pilgrim when his feet at last stand within the gates of the beloved city. His mind and heart turn to the prominence of the city in spiritual and in governmental matters, and in just that order. The Psalm concludes with a heartfelt exhortation to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This exhortation of the Psalmist David combines three distinct elements. The first is The Command: Prayer There are many voices that fill the air today, and many of them are strident as they proclaim their versions of the solu­ tion for Jerusalem’s problems. The Zionist says nationalize. He seeks by every means to lay heavy emphasis on the need for a national consciousness and united action. In the case of Israel it is like carrying the proverbial coals to the proverbial Newcastle. It is like attempting to make fire hot. God Him­ self has set within the heart of the Jew a concern for Jerusalem and the nation which cannot be erased. The confirmed nationalist advocates to mobilize. For him the way to accomplish the highest good for God’s people is to muster the greatest forces to make the national will known and felt in the councils of the nations of the world. All Israel or Jerusalem needs is to marshal sufficient *Director; Professor of Semities & O.T., Talbot Theological Seminary, affili­ ated with The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

and various arrangements of them. One group of Psalms has been called the pilgrim songs. They are Psalms 120 through 134. They were sung as the caravans of pilgrims wended their way from different parts of the land of Canaan up to the holy city of Jerusalem for the annual festival occasions. The

A superficial reading of some of these songs of praise may lead one to conclude that they are separate and unrelated poems. Strictly speaking, this is not true. There are combinations of Psalms

Old and new civilizations mingle in “ the city of the great King.” The Psalmist sa/id concerning the Holy City: “If I forget thee, 0 Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. I f I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” (Psa. 187:5,6). JANUARY, 1 9 5 3

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strength and prowess. The internation­ alist says fraternize. His method of operation is to make friends of all, and forget national distinctions. This is the way Jerusalem can hope to solve her difficulties. The humanist says humanize. Realize the worth of the individual man and strive for nothing more. In the midst of this welter and confusion of tongues, the Psalmist cries out to agonize. Yes, he means pray. Prayer may seem the most useless and futile of all ways of accomplishing things in this our world, but it is definitely and repeatedly the way of God’s appoint­ ment. All too many other methods have been introduced and tried for the benefit of Israel; this avenue of prayer, of intercession needs to be tried now, and most desperately. How God delights to answer prayer! It is the swiftest thing known to man. When they were putting up telegraph wires in the Shetland Islands a number of years ago, a keen man of business turned to a lad in the crowd, and said, “ What a wonderful thing! When those wires are completed, you will be able to send a message through to Aberdeen, many miles away, and get an answer back in twenty minutes.” “ I do not see anything wonderful in that,” answered the boy. “ Do you know of anything more wonderful?” asked the surprised man. “ I should think I do,” said the boy. “ I have heard of people getting an answer before they sent their message.” “Why, boy, what do you mean by that? How could it be?” “ I have read in my Bible, ‘It shall come to pass that, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear’ ” (Isa. 62:6; Jer. 51:50) The second element in the exhortation of David is The Object: Peace of Jerusalem The verse has beautiful plays on words. Jerusalem itself means “ city of peace.” Pray, says he, that her condition may tally and accord with her name. There is a play on the words peace and prosperity which are similar in sound and sense. Peace includes the ideas of welfare, prosperity, and happiness. It is not mere physical well-being of a city, as much as that may mean, but the spiritual welfare of the individual mem­ bers of the city. Jerusalem is called Salem (peace). (Psa. 76:2.) God wanted His temple a house of peace, as He made plain. David could not build the temple because he was a man of war. Solomon, whose name means peace, had to build it. The account is found in First Chronicles 22:7-10; “And David said to Solomon his son, As for me, it was in my heart to build a house unto the name of the Lord my God. But the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Thou hast shed blood abundantly, and hast made great wars: thou shalt not build a house unto my name, because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight. Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about; for

The Old Wailing Wall in Jerusalem where for centuries the Jews prayed for peace. Under the present occupation this custom is no longer observed.

his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.” Similarly, the Lord wants peace of mind and heart in His city of peace, the city of the Prince of Peace. How God desires the peace of the individual soul! During the World’s Fair in Chicago there was one place in the Tiffany ex­ hibit that one could never approach, because of the great crowd gathered around it. Torrey said he was there many times, but never could get at the place. He always had to stand on tiptoe and look over the heads of the crowd. What were they looking at? Nothing but a cone of purple velvet revolving on an axis, and toward the apex of the cone a large, beautiful diamond of almost priceless worth. It was well worth look­ ing at. But Torrey never recalled the scene but what the thought came to him that the single soul of the raggedest pauper on the streets, of the most de­ graded woman, of the most ignorant boy or girl, is of infinitely more value in God’s sight than ten thousand gems like that. In order to procure peace for them all, the Lord Jesus Christ suffered the death of Calvary. He longs that Jerusa­ lem may enter into that peace, and such should be the object of our praying. Finally, the last important element in the words of David is The Promise: Prosperity of the Godly The Hebrew word prosper means to be secure, at rest, tranquil. The promise is to those that love Jerusalem. The motive in the ministry of prayer for Israel and Jerusalem, must be unselfish love and concern for their eternal good. As God

said to Abraham, “ I will bless them that bless thee,” so here it is “ they shall pros­ per that love thee.” Those who see the motive here as mere selfishness, fail to realize that, if Jerusalem is loved for one s own sake, it would not be loving her at all. The reasons that prompted David’s prayers for Zion were love for the brethren, the friends of Jerusalem, and the house of the Lord. There is no doubt of the soul prosperity that the Lord can give when we carry through His purposes. The house of Obed-Edom was blessed because of the ark of the Lord, for which he made place in his home. When we care for the things of God, He will care for our things. Sad to say, there are those who hate Zion. (Psa. 129:5.) Their number seems to increase by bounds. And they are travel­ ing on rapidly to their doom. They little realize how they incur the wrath of Almighty God upon them in their blind and Satanic fury against the people of God. There is a Jewish proverb: “ None ever took a stone out of the Temple, but the dust did fly into his eyes.” The meaning is clear: no one touches Israel for good without the notice of God, and no one touches them for harm without heaping to himself wrath in the day of judgment for opposing the evident and declared will of God in them. Re­ member, God has joined together giv­ ing and receiving, scattering and in­ creasing, sowing and reaping, praying and prospering. We could multiply the experiences of godly men and women who have proved the truth of this blessed exhortation and promise. They have put God to the test and found He meant every word He said. Let us, then, by the grace and help of God, obey the command to pray and realize thus the blessing that flows immediately from it.

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