King's Business - 1953-01

Young single man who is a trained tenor vocalist, experienced song leader, trumpet player, steel guitarist, Hammond chord organ­ ist, would like to team up with experienced evangelist with view to full time evangelistic campaign work. James McGreachan 2028 North Mohawk Street, Chicago, Illinois CHRISTIAN POETRY DIGEST Serving Fundamental Christian Lovers of Poetry. Subscription price $3.00. Address: Christian Poetry Digest, 7853 Areola A venne Sun Valley, California GOWNS PULPIT-CHOIR CON F IRM A T ION B A P T I S M A L 'MAR IA MONK" A NUN’S LIFE IN A CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS! A detailed description of black nunnery in Mon­ treal. Twenty great chapters. Maria Monk, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible experiences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Mon­ treal. The most terrible revelation ever recorded. OVER TEN MILLION COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on this vital and important subject. No book like this in print Read this frightful, heartbreaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 106 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.00. The edition is lim­ ited . . . so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE Dept. 1, KB1 Rowan, Iowa DOCTORS MASTERS BACHELORS CAPS GOWNS m HOODS) 7 W EST 36 ST- NEWYORK 18,N-Y-

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

Feb. 1, 1953 A C u r e T h a t ' s S u r e Objects: A fever thermometer and a bottle of pills. Lesson: Here are two things which most boys and girls dislike—a thermom­ eter and a bottle of pills. Both are in­ tended to be used when one is sick. The thermometer tells that you are sick, and the right kind of a pill is intended to help you get well.

saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.” We think of this man as being very foolish, but let us not be foolish too— having learned of Christ’s salvation, yet refuse to receive it.

Feb. 8, 1953 A H a p p y “ H ”

Object: A capital “H.” (Make the “ H” by using a piece of white paper 814x11 inches. Make the crossbar and uprights 1 inch wide. Make the cross­ bar 7% inches from the bottom and 2% inches from the top. Color the front gold and the back red. Fold each side toward the center 2% inches from the edge, making a red cross.1Unfold before be­ ginning the lesson.) Lesson: This morning we will let this golden “H” remind us of a very import­ ant word in the Bible—“HUMILITY.” The disciples of Christ had been dis­ puting among themselves as to which one would be the greatest. Jesus, want­ ing to correct them, and to make them humble instead of proud, said, “ Whoso­ ever will be great among you, let him be your minister. And whosoever will be the chief among you, let him be your servant” (Matt. 20:26, 27). The mother of James and John had said to Christ, “ Grant that these my two sons may sit, the one on the right

In looking at them, I am reminded of the words of Christ, “ They that are whole have no need of a physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). Not everyone is sick physically, but every person is sick spiritually and needs Christ. Pills are not to look at; they must be taken. A pill might be very pretty, and a sick person might spend much time looking at it, but unless he took it, it would not help him. There are those who admire Christ’s life and teachings, but never take Him as their personal Sav­ iour. It is not enough to admire Him— He must be accepted as Saviour before the deadly spiritual sickness can be cured. If pills are to be of benefit to a sick person, they must be taken by him per­ sonally. A mother might say to her child, “ The doctor says to take this for your fever. He once gave me this kind of pills for the same kind of fever and they helped me.” The child would be foolish to think that just because his mother had once taken the remedy, he himself did not need it. Some boys and girls, as well as grown-ups, are this way about accepting Christ. We are reminded of the rich young ruler who came to Jesus. He learned much about his spiritual condition. Christ told him what to do in order that his condition might be cured. In Mat­ thew 19:22 we read of his foolish action, “ But when the young man heard that J A N U A R Y , 1 9 5 3

CHR I ST — 25 minutes. Color and Black & White. THE TOUCH OF THE MASTER’S HAND — 25 minutes. Black & White only.

hand, and the other on the left, in thy kingdom” (Matt. 20:21). Because the disciples were slow to learn the lesson on humility, Christ gave them the example of Himself. We read, “ Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give his life a ransom for many” (Matt. 20:28). This golden “H” will help us further understand what Christ was talking

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