has two red halves, reminding us of the blood of Jesus Christ. As I fold the halves over the heart, you will see that sin is gone and only the cross is left. How glad we should be that Christ not only cleansed the temple, but that He cleanses hearts from sin in the day in which we live. Feb. 22, 1953 A L esson o n L o y a l t y Objects: A cardboard heart and a penny. Lesson: We do not give God the best gift when we merely put a piece of money, such as this penny, in the offer ing at church. Christ once said, “ Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21). He was talking about the payment of taxes to the government controlled by Caesar,
about. We fold it, and it becomes a red cross, reminding us that He humbled Himself and died on the cross in order that He might save us from sin. In Philippians 2:5, we read, “ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” In thinking of humility, let us remem ber Christ’s example, and pray that God will make us more like Him.
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Feb. 15, 1953 C l e an se d by C h r ist
Objects: A toy carpet sweeper and broom; a picture of Christ cleansing the temple and a paper heart cut from a piece of paper 8Vfcxll inches, or larger if visibility requires. (Fold the paper in the middle, making the size 8%x5% inches. Fold the ends to within % inch of the middle fold, making the size ap proximately 8%x2% inches. With the fold and the two single edges to the right, begin to cut the heart, cutting from a point on the right-hand fold 1% inches from the top. When cutting down the left side where the heart extends the widest, leave the folded left-hand edges uncut for % inch. These will act as hinges later. Continue the cutting, mak- | ing a point at the base of the fold as the I lower tip of the heart. Open and you |will have a whole heart in the middle and two halves on the sides. Color the open I halves red inside. With a red crayon, print the word “ SIN” on the heart. The “ I” placed in the center of the heart, should be % of an inch wide and 3 inches high and much taller than the “ S” and “N.” Fold the two halves over the heart, and the “ S” and “N” will be covered. About 4 inches from the point of the heart, color with red crayon, the cross- arms of a cross on the halves of the heart.) Lesson: What are a sweeper and a broom used for? “ To clean house,” I hear someone say. We read in the Bible about a house,
and He was reminding the people that their lives and hearts belonged to God. The heart which I hold in my hand represents the best gift we can give to God. Of course, we must first accept Christ as Saviour before we can give Him our hearts. Paul realized that the heart was the gift God wanted most and, in writing to one of the churches, he said: “ I see not your’s but you” (2 Cor. 12:14). That meant that he wanted Christ to have, not the things these people had—their money—but the people themselves. Some people act as though they thought that all God wanted was a part of their money. When Christ called Mat thew, the business man, He did not say, “ Give me your money.” He said, “ Fol low me.” God can and does use money, but He wants the heart to be given to Him first. Imagine how a young man would feel if the "girl whom he loved, when asked to marry him would say, “ I will give you some money, but not my heart.” We often treat God in this same way. When He asks for our hearts, we give Him some money, and try to make ourselves think we have done all that He requires of us. Let us hear God’s Word saying, “ Ren der therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” When we hear God’s voice speaking to us, we should be like Isaiah when he said, “ Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
the temple, that was cleansed without a sweeper or a broom. The Lord Jesus came to the temple at Jerusalem and found that it was being used in a wrong way. Here is a picture showing Him cleansing the temple. Christ is concerned about our having clean hearts today. I hold in my hand a paper heart with the word “ SIN” writ ten on it. You will notice that this heart
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
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