King's Business - 1953-01

Need For Expository Preaching T HE average preacher today takes a teaspoonful of doctrine, dissolves it in a gallon of sympathy, fills up the atomizer of eloquence, and sprays the audience with it. No wonder the doctrine is thin by the time it reaches the man in the pew!” After this fashion, someone has satir­ ized the lack of doctrine and absence of depth which characterizes much of the preaching of the modern pulpit. If one can judge fairly the preaching by the product, then this generation of spiritual babes, seeking to be entertained rather than to be edified, preferring milk to meat, lends support to the thesis that many of our impoverished church mem­ bers are starving for lack of spiritual bread. Christ-honoring, Bible-centered preach­ ing is the need of the day. The menace of atheistic Communism, the dry-rot of liberalism, and the subtle inroads of false cults parading under the banner of Christ—these will not be set at naught by Christians accustomed to plush seats and homiletical dainties. Flood tides of iniquity will not be stayed by babes armed with religious novelties, but by men of God, mature men, armed with the Word of God and empowered by the Spirit of God. Those who represent the Lord before men would do well to ponder the injunction of Paul to “ preach the Word . . . exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine . . . make full proof of thy ministry” (2 Tim. 4:2, 5). They should heed the words of Jehovah to Jonah, His servant, when he commanded: “ Arise, go . . . and preach . . . the preach­ ing that I bid thee” (Jonah 3:2). “ If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isa. 8:20). However, the blame for widespread spiritual immaturity does not lie en­ tirely with the men who speak from be­ hind the sacred desk. Paul lamented over the Corinthians, “ I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hither­ to ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able” (1 Cor. 3:2). Car­ nality on the part of the people will sadly hinder the power of the pulpit and the effectiveness of the message pro­ claimed. Not the least of the difficulties facing the minister who comes before the people with a message from God is the fact, expressed by many, that the preacher’s hardest task today is to get the people to think! The divine correct­ ive is suggested in the words: “Search the scriptures” (John 5:39) and “Study to show thyself approved” (2 Tim. 2:15). “ Brethren, whatsoever things are true . . . think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). Spoon-feeding from the pulpit is no substitute for daily, earnest Bible study on the part of those who occupy the pew. Men need more often to open the Bible and dare to think! This is a plea for a return on the part of the ministry to a vital expositional preaching rooted in the doctrines of the Word of God, coupled with a return, on

the part of the individual Christian, to a more serious and realistic approach to the need for daily cleansing and nour­ ishment directly from the Bible itself. God honors them who honor His Word, and uses most those who know and love it best. — G erald B . S ta n t o n Prophecy Congress T HE International Congress on Prophecy sponsored by the Amer­ ican Association for Jewish Evan­ gelism and over sixty interdenomina­ tional pastors and lay leaders from all over the United States, meeting at the Calvary Baptist Church, 123 West 57th Street, New York from November 9-16, overwhelmingly adopted the following manifesto: A MANIFESTO 1. For more than a century, the faith­ ful within the Christian Church have borne witness to the Prophetic Scrip­ tures as infallibly inspired of God and pointing towards judgment upon a God- forsaking civilization. Today the whole world lives in fear of annihilation. Many nations are exhausted, disillusioned and revolutionary. There is no human authori­ tative voice to guide the peoples of the earth to peace, righteousness and justice. If men entertain any hope for survival it seems to rest in their carrying out the aspirations and endeavors of United Nations. But it is our profound convic­ tion, based upon the testimony of history and the Prophetic Scriptures that all such efforts, admirable as they are, cannot bring lasting peace to the earth. 2. As a widely representative body of Christians concerned for the welfare, happiness and salvation of all mankind, the International Congress on Prophecy assembled in the Calvary Baptist Church, New York, November 9-16, 1952, desires to share with all men what we believe is the inspired Word of God for this time. 3. We believe that the sorrows of mankind are largely due to the failure of so large a part of the Christian Church in this century to teach the people the truths of the Prophetic Scrip­ tures which concern Jews, Gentiles (or the nations) and the Church. Had such devotion to the teachings of God in the Bible been the practice, there would today be less of the evils of Anti- Semitism which have disgraced civili­ zation; the nations would have guidance in their affairs from almighty God, and the church would be vital with truth and virtue in its service to and influence over all mankind. 4. The Scriptures relate the Divine Laws of justice for all men; they state the Blessings which come from the Creator’s Hands. But there is judgment awaiting those who turn the fields of earth into ceaseless war. There is mercy from God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, for all who seek for salvation, righteousness, honor and immortality.

5. We believe that the world is moving irresistibly on to the consummation of all things and that the coming of Christ for His Church is imminent, when the true body of believers living and dead will be caught up to heaven when Christ comes. Then will follow the unprece­ dented time of trouble on earth which our Lord called “ the great tribulation.” After these events the Lord will return with His Church to judge the world and establish His righteous kingdom on earth for one thousand years as proph­ esied in the Scriptures. 6. We express our profound belief, there­ fore, that the need of all mankind, whether Jew, Gentile or the Church, is satisfied in the provisions of the Gospel of Christ. These are that the Eternal God was incarnated in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who, as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed, “was born of the virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was cru­ cified dead and buried. The third day He was raised from the dead and as­ cended into heaven, from whence He shall come to judge the world in right­ eousness.” At His first coming to earth as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, providing salvation for all who will believe in Him as the Son of God. This same Jesus is coming again as the righteous Judge, a truth presented faith­ fully in the Prophetic Scriptures. 7. We would warn the Church against the evil course defined in Scripture as apostasy. The end of such turning away from the Divine revelation in the Word of God cannot be other than judgment. That the true Church is responsible for the teaching of the Scriptures in which not only the doctrines of salvation are clearly set forth, but also where the Divine principles of the Kingdom of God are clearly applied. We exhort the Church to be diligent in the proclama­ tion of the Gospel of Christ into all the world in obedience to the Scriptures and to adorn that Gospel with holy living. 8. We would warn nations that war is their own ultimate destroyer, turning men into haters of their kind and thus hindering the purpose of God in the Gospel of Christ, which is love. 9. We urge upon Jewry that it is time for that afflicted people to give serious concentration to the Scriptures, which are also ours, with particular reference to their prophetic teaching concerning the coming of their Messiah, for whose return the Christian Church is waiting, and who at His coming will establish the Kingdom of God on earth. 10. Therefore, we believe that it be­ hooves all people, everywhere to give heed to the invitation of God; that now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late. It was the privilege of our Editor in Chief not only to attend this remarkable conference but to give several addresses on prophetic subjects. From the very favorable reports which have been re­ ceived God’s evident blessing was upon every session. — Mg. Ed.

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