Do you want to live a life filled with happiness and inner peace? I am sure you do. You might think it is tough and impossible, and that a life of happiness and peace requires particular circumstances. This is not so. There is no right time. Every day is the right time. Material possessions, money and fame, might bring temporary happiness and inner peace, but true happiness and inner peace come from within you. They do not depend on your possessions, status or circumstances. Happiness and peace also come through simple things you love, such as reading a good book, being with friends you love, traveling, or a hobby. You can enjoy many moments of peace every day, when you do small, simple things you love. To bring happiness and peace to support others into your life you need to act, not just dream about them.

Recognized as day of happiness

The General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 66/281 of 12 July 2012 proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness recognizing the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world and the importance of their recognition. International Day of Happiness – 20 March March 20th is the UN International Day of Happiness. With our world facing unprecedented challenges, wellbeing matters more than ever. Don’t worry – be happy! March 20th has been established as the annual International Day of Happiness and all 193 United Nations member states have adopted a resolution calling for happiness to be given greater priority. This campaign is a global celebration to mark the United Nations International Day of Happiness. A holiday called International Day of Happiness may sound a bit infantile to the uninitiated. … The ultimate goal of the movement is to spread awareness that progress is not only about increasing bottom lines and encouraging economic growth, but well-being and human happiness as well. Holiday on the International Day of Happiness

Idea of international week of happiness

In 2011, Jayme Ilene proposed the idea of the International Day of Happiness at the United Nations General Assembly. He wanted the United Nations General Assembly to promote Happiness economics around the world by improving the economic development of all countries. The majority of people are confused about the difference between happiness and peace of mind. If the average person is asked what they want in life their answer will be happy. Far fewer people respond that they want inner peace. These two states of mind are certainly closely related, and yet they are different and independent. Here we will take a look at the differences between happiness and peace of mind.

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