From Bashful to Confident

Puppy Schedule & Routine When you first bring home your puppy you will want to establishing a routine. Your new puppy needs structure to feel secure, safe and know what’s expected. The best way to do this is to create a schedule and stick to it. Having your puppy on a routine, makes it easier for everyone in the family join in on the responsibilities.

To Do

Descr ipt ion

Go through the same door , go to your pot ty spot , say "Go pot ty! " and reward.

Pot ty

Feed by hand, interact i ve feeder , t ra ining sess ion, or use mea l t ime to he lp wi th a pos i t i ve soc i a l i zat ion exper i ence .

Meal Time

Human pl ay, fetch, tug, wa l k , or pos i t i ve Soc i a l i zat ion or exposure exper i ence

Exerci se/ Play/ S & E

Go through the same door , go to your pot ty spot , say "Go pot ty! " and reward.

Pot ty

Gi ve your puppy something spec i a l such as a Kong or a chew, when your are ready to l eave . Add 15 min week l y

Alone Time

Sample Schedule to Repeat until Bedtime

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