From Bashful to Confident


Raising a puppy in the city can have unique challenges compared to raising a pup in a suburban or rural area where there is easy access to large sidewalks and grass . Anyone who has stood outside trying to get a puppy to eliminate beside a busy city street will tell you they have become super aware of the honking horns and sirens , people and dogs passing , and trucks noisily unloading their wares . If you live in a high rise building , you have to go down an elevator , through a narrow hall , passing new people all the time . Following this plan will set you and your puppy up for a successful life together .

Th i s gu i de wi l l h i gh l i gh t s ome s imp l e t i ps t o he l p you r a i s e a puppy t ha t i s r eady f o r t he s ounds , s i gh t s , and s cen t o f a bu s y c i t y .

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